Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation


Actually, in the last post Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter Server Installation, we have finished both 2-tier deployment and resource & enterprise tiers deployment in four-tier architecture using TEM (Part 1 in below pic).

So we will continue to finish web tier deployment using the other installation tool WAM (Web Application Manager) in this post (Part 2 in below pic).

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation


1) Unzip WAM tool

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

$ tar xzvf /pdm/tc/soft/Web_tier/INSTALL_TCWEB.TZ

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

2) Launch WAM using the insweb command.

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

3) Copy web tier ICD files from installation media.

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Extended info

ICD represents interface control document.  WAM use the ICD files to guide users to input related parameters and generate web applications.
Below is a sample ICD file.
Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation
4) Type the name of thin client (Name 名称)and enter the path to the location where you want the application file to reside (Staging Location 登台目录).

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

5) Select the solutions to include in the web application

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

The following three solutions are necessary for thin client.

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

6) Set related parameters about pool manager and locale.

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

7) Finish generating tc.ear

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Deploy into web application server

Actually, there are many web application servers such as Weblogic, WebSphere and JBoss that Teamcenter supports. But we will use JBoss7.1 as the host to deploy tc.ear in the post.

1) Unzip JBoss installation media to finish JBoss installation.

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

2) Copy the Teamcenter EAR (default name tc.ear) to the following directory

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

3) Define JMX as a global module

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

4) Define a dependency to allow the JBoss connector module to use JMX MBeans

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

5) Start the server by typing –b in command shell.

$ nohup ./ -b >>webtierMonitoring.log &

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

6) Use the following url to login Teamcenter

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Extended info

How to shutdown JBoss

$ ./ --connnect command=:shutdown

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation,布布扣,

Teamcenter10 step-by-step installation in Linux env-Teamcenter WebTier Installation

