

数据库版本: 32 bit
操作系统版本:centos 4.5 32 bit
ogg版本:fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit.tar --target端
数据库版本: 32 bit
操作系统版本:centos 4.5 32 bit

二:安装 GG 软件

2.1 安装GG
[root@oracle ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@oracle ~]$ ls
awrrpt_1_259_276.html fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit.tar oradiag_oracle
[oracle@oracle ~]$ mkdir /u01/GG
[oracle@oracle ~]$ tar -xvf fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit.tar -C /u01/GG //将软件解压到/u01/GG 2.2 添加环境变量 在/home/oracle/.bash_profile文件里添加如下内容:
export PATH=/u01/GG:$PATH
export GGATE=/u01/GG 注意:本实验的GG 和Oracle 使用的是相同的用户,所以把GG 的变量加上就可以了。加载刚刚设置的环境变量: [oracle@oracle ~]$ source /home/oracle/.bash_profile 2.3 使用ggsci工具,创建必要的目录
[oracle@oracle ~]$ cd /u01/GG //要在安装目录下登陆,否则可能报错
[oracle@oracle GG]$ ggsci Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:09:25 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 1> create subdirs Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/GG Parameter files /u01/GG/dirprm: already exists
Report files /u01/GG/dirrpt: created
Checkpoint files /u01/GG/dirchk: created
Process status files /u01/GG/dirpcs: created
SQL script files /u01/GG/dirsql: created
Database definitions files /u01/GG/dirdef: created
Extract data files /u01/GG/dirdat: created
Temporary files /u01/GG/dirtmp: created
Stdout files /u01/GG/dirout: created GGSCI (oracle.11g) 2>

以上就是GG 的安装,在source 和target database 都执行

三:配置Source database


3.1 归档模式、附加日志、强制日志
SQL> select log_mode,supplemental_log_data_min,force_logging from v$database; LOG_MODE SUPPLEME FOR
------------ -------- ---
SQL>shutdown immediate
SQL>startup mount
SQL>alter database archivelog;
SQL>alter database open; 2) force logging
SQL>alterdatabase force logging; 3)supplemental log data
SQL>alterdatabase add supplemental log data; 3.2 启用DDL 支持 3.2.1禁用Recycle Bin
如果启用DDL 支持,必须关闭recycle bin。
SQL> show parameter recyclebin NAME TYPE VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
recyclebin string on
SQL> --11g(如果是10g,则需要重启)
SQL> alter system set recyclebin=off scope=spfile; System altered. 3.2.2 创建存放DDL 信息的user并赋权
SQL> create user ggs identified by 123456;
SQL> grant connect,resource to ggs;
SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggs;
SQL> 3.2.3 用SYSDBA权限的用户执行如下脚本:
[oracle@oracle GG]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn /as sysdba
SQL> -----脚本1
SQL> @/u01/GG/marker_setup.sql Marker setup script You will be prompted for the name of a schema for the Oracle GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior to running this script.
NOTE: Stop all DDL replication before starting this installation. Enter Oracle GoldenGate schema name:ggs ---输入创建的用户 Marker setup table script complete, running verification script...
Please enter the name of a schema for the GoldenGate database objects:
Setting schema name to GGS MARKER TABLE
OK Script complete.
SQL> -----脚本2
SQL> @/u01/GG/ddl_setup.sql; Oracle GoldenGate DDL Replication setup script Verifying that current user has privileges to install DDL Replication... You will be prompted for the name of a schema for the Oracle GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: For an Oracle 10g source, the system recycle bin must be disabled. For Oracle 11g and later, it can be enabled.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior to running this script.
NOTE: Stop all DDL replication before starting this installation. Enter Oracle GoldenGate schema name:ggs ---输入创建的用户 Working, please wait ...
Spooling to file ddl_setup_spool.txt Checking for sessions that are holding locks on Oracle Golden Gate metadata tables ... Check complete. ...................... STATUS OF DDL REPLICATION
SUCCESSFUL installation of DDL Replication software components Script complete.
SQL> ------脚本3
SQL> @/u01/GG/role_setup.sql; GGS Role setup script This script will drop and recreate the role GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE
To use a different role name, quit this script and then edit the params.sql script to change the gg_role parameter to the preferred name. (Do not run the script.) You will be prompted for the name of a schema for the GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior to running this script.
NOTE: Stop all DDL replication before starting this installation. Enter GoldenGate schema name:ggs
Wrote file role_setup_set.txt PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Role setup script complete Grant this role to each user assigned to the Extract, GGSCI, and Manager processes, by using the following SQL command: GRANT GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE TO <loggedUser> where <loggedUser> is the user assigned to the GoldenGate processes.
SQL> ------脚本4:赋权
SQL> grant GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE to ggs; ------脚本5
SQL> @/u01/GG/ddl_enable.sql; Trigger altered. SQL>


4.1 在Source 和 Target database上创建测试用户

--source database
SQL> create user sender identified by 123456; SQL> grant connect,resource,dba to sender; SQL> --target database
SQL> create user receiver identified by 123456; SQL> grant connect,resource,dba to receiver; SQL> 4.2 在Source 和Target 上配置Manager --source
[oracle@oracle GG]$ cd /u01/GG //此过程最好在安装目录下执行
[oracle@oracle GG]$ ggsci Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:09:25 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 2> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER STOPPED GGSCI (oracle.11g) 3> edit params mgr //配置管理进程的端口号
PORT 7809 GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4> start manager Manager started. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 5> 以上是在Source 库上执行的,在Target 库上执行同样的操作。 4.3 配置SourceDB 的复制队列 4.3.1 先连接到数据库,测试连接:
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 5> dblogin userid ggs, password 123456;
Successfully logged into database. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 6> 4.3.2 添加一个抽取:
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 6> add extract ext1,tranlog, begin now
EXTRACT added. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 7> add exttrail /u01/GG/dirdat/lt, extract ext1
EXTTRAIL added. --修改ext1的参数
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 8> edit params ext1
extract ext1
userid ggs, password 123456
rmthost, mgrport 7809
rmttrail /u01/GG/dirdat/lt
ddl include mapped objname sender.*;
table sender.*; GGSCI (oracle.11g) 10> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING
EXTRACT STOPPED EXT1 00:00:01 00:04:23 GGSCI (oracle.11g) 11> 4.4 配置TargetDB 同步队列 4.4.1 创建用户ggt
SQL> create user ggt identified by 123456;
SQL> grant connect,resource,dba to ggt;
--OCI Error describe for query (status = 942-ORA-00942: table or view does not exist),
--SQL<SELECT, i.instance_name, i.version FROM v$database db, v$instance i>.
SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggt;
SQL> 4.4.2 在Target 端添加checkpoint表:
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4> edit params ./GLOBAL
CHECKPOINTTABLE ggt.checkpoint --登陆
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 2> dblogin userid ggt , password 123456
Successfully logged into database. --添加checkpoint表
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 3> add checkpointtable ggt.checkpoint Successfully created checkpoint table ggt.checkpoint. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4> 4.4.3 创建同步队列
GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4> add replicat rep1,exttrail /u01/GG/dirdat/lt, checkpointtable ggt.checkpoint
REPLICAT added. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 5> edit params rep1
replicat rep1
userid ggt , password 123456
discardfile /u01/GG/dirdat/rep1_discard.txt,append, megabytes 10
map sender.*, target receiver.*; 添加如上内容 4.5开启同步 4.5.1 Source DB: GGSCI (oracle.11g) 14> start extract ext1 Sending START request to MANAGER ...
EXTRACT EXT1 starting GGSCI (oracle.11g) 15> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING
EXTRACT RUNNING EXT1 00:27:51 00:00:10 GGSCI (oracle.11g) 16> 4.5.2 Target DB GGSCI (oracle.11g) 2> start replicat rep1 Sending START request to MANAGER ...
REPLICAT REP1 starting GGSCI (oracle.11g) 3> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING
REPLICAT RUNNING REP1 00:00:00 00:00:01 GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4>


在Source DB上的sender 用户下创建一张表,然后看这张表是否同步到了Target DB的receiver用户下

--Source DB:
SQL> conn sender/123456;
SQL> create table gg_test as select * from sys.all_users; SQL> --Target DB:
SQL> conn receiver/123456;
SQL> select count(*) from gg_test; COUNT(*)
SQL> 数据同步过来了,因为启用了DDL的支持,所以这里把表给复制过来了。 --在Source DB上在插入一些记录,在验证下GG的同步情况: SQL> insert into gg_test select * from sys.all_users;
41 rows created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> --Target DB 验证: SQL> select count(*) from gg_test; COUNT(*)
82 SQL> 同步正常,以上就是Oracle to Oracle 下的一个GG 单向复制示例。

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