【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析



Discuss how to set up a force calculation in the 2D Magnetostatic Solver.

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As shown in the following picture, a coil and slug are drawn in a plane using RZ symmetry. The coils carry a current that exert a vertical force on the ferromagnetic slug.

如下图所示,使用RZ对称性在平面上绘制了线圈和凸块。 线圈载有电流,该电流在铁磁块上施加垂直力。

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【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

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Step01:Create Design 新建设计工程文件

– Select the menu item Project -> Insert Maxwell 2D Design,然后对其进行重命名和保存

Step02:Set Solution Type 设置解释器类型(磁场分析)

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D ->Solution Type

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– Solution Type Window:

1. Geometry Mode: Cylindrical about Z

2. Choose Magnetic > Magnetostatic

3. Click the OK button


【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

Geometry Mode:几何模式

Cylindrical about Z,关于Z轴的圆柱体


Step03: Create Slug (创建模型中的凸块)


– Select the menu item Draw ->Rectangle

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle – X: 0, Y: 0, Z: -10, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner – dX: 5, dY: 0, dZ: 15, Press the Enter key

– Change the name of resulting sheet to Slug and color to Gray

– Change the material of the sheet to Steel_1008


【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

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Step04: Create Coil (创建模型中的线圈)


– Select the menu item Draw-> Rectangle

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle – X: 6, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner – dX: 4, dY: 0, dZ: 20, Press the Enter key

– Change the name of resulting sheet to Coil and color to Brown

– Change the material of the sheet to Copper


【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

Step05: Define Region(定义区域)

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? Create Simulation Region

– Select the menu item Draw ->Region

– In Region window,

1. Pad all directions similarly: t Checked

2. Padding Type: Percentage Offset

3. Value: 100

4. Press OK

? You should see a message indicating that the –X direction is set to zero due to RZ-symmetry about the Z-axis.


【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

Step06:Assign Excitations 添加激励

? Assign Excitations 为线圈添加1000A负向电流激励

– Select the sheet Coil from history tree 首先需要选中Coil这个模型

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D ->Excitations -> Assign -> Current

? Name: Current1

? Value: 1000

? Ref. Direction: Negative (current will be in the negative Y direction) 即电流会沿着y轴向负向流动


【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

Step07:Assign Boundary and Parameter 添加边界和参数

?Assign Boundary to Region Edges

– Select the object Region from history tree

– Select the menu item Edit -> Select ->All Object Edges

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Boundaries ->Assign -> Balloon

– In Balloon Boundary window,

? Press OK

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Note: On symmetry axis, "Balloon Boundary" assignment is automatically skipped, This can also be achieved by selecting the edges of region which are not on symmetry axis.


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Step08: Assign Force Calculation 添加磁力计算

– Select the object Coil from history tree

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Parameters -> Assign ->Force

– In Force Setup window,

? Press OK

Step09: Analyze 分析

? Create an analysis setup: 设置 Anslysis setup

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Analysis Setup -> Add Solution Setup

– Solution Setup Window:

1. General Tab

– Maximum Number of Passes: 15

2. Click the OK button

? Start the solution process: 开始进行仿真

Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Analyze All

Step10:Solution Data 查看仿真结果数据

? View Solution Information

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Results -> Solution Data

? To View Convergence

– Select the Convergence tab

【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

? To View Calculated Force Value

– Select the Force tab

【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

Step11:Create Field Plot 绘制磁力场

? Plot Magnetic Flux Density

– Expand the history tree for Planes

– Select the plane Global:XZ

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Fields -> Fields -> B -> Mag_B

– In Create Field Plot window,

? Press Done

【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析

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【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】CASE01_Basic Magnetostatic Analysis--基本静态磁场分析


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