Transformer is a show

Transformer model is so powerful, and here I try to make it colorful, by interpreting it with a metaphor: Encoder = Stage Show, Decoder = Oscar Award Assessment
In this new perspective, we see the Decoder process as performing a stage show, and the Decoder process is just like the Oscar Award Committee assessing the show.
Below is the graph and interpretation:
Transformer is a show
Part 1: Encoder = Stage Show
P1. Ideas -> Conceiving_Story -> Script
  • Performing bases on script, script inspires by story, story starts with ideas.
  • Likely, at the beginning of Transformer, we have raw sequence, then we preprocess it to fit the shape of the model.
P2. Script Interpretation -> Rehearsal -> Adjustment
  • Script Interpretation: x is the performing script, can be interpreted from 3 different aspects:  
    • Q = plots, K = roles, V = characteristics
    • A script is consisted of a series of plots, each plot is performed by different roles, each role has his own characteristics.
    • In other words, different role performs different characteristic according to the plot, just like different key matches with different query.
    • Further, the same role may perform a different characteristic at different plot, just like the same word may have different meaning at different position of the sequence.
    • If Q=K=V=x, which is plots=roles=characteristics=script, it means s a solo performing, and the actor can perform according to his will to express the theme of the story. In keras Multi-Head Attention API, this is called "self-attention".
  • Rehearsal: Multi-Head attention is interpreted as rehearsal, since it processes script interpretation (Q, K, V), just like actors have a rehearsal after understanding the script.
  • Adjustment: Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm
    • Dropout: randomly cut some plot of the story, in case of highly depending on some actors’ personal performing or mainly betting on the climax
    • ResAdd: see the connection between each plot, not to isolate them
    • LayerNorm: normalize actors’ performing, in case of actors bringing in too much personal characteristics
P3. Crew Discussion -> Adjustment
  • Crew Discussion: FullyConnected is interpreted as crew discussion to abstract the performing features and flaws.
  • Adjustment: like above P2.
P4. Repeat P2 - P3 to practice N rounds
  • After the repeatedly practices, the real_show (enc_output) will go live on stage.
P5. Real Show Performing
  • The assessment members will watch & record this stage show, just like enc_output will be passed to Decoder.
Pseudo code:
  • P1: input_x -> preprocess(Embedding -> Scale -> Pos_encoding -> Dropout) -> x
  • P2: Query=x, Value=x, Key=x, enc_padding_mask -> Multi_Head_Attention -> adjust(Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm) -> out1
  • P3: out1 -> FC -> adjust(Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm) -> out2
  • P4: loop(P2 - P3) -> update(out2)
  • P5: enc_output = out2


Part 2: Decoder = Oscar Award Assessment
P1. Rumors -> Dig into the story
  • At the very beginning, the show is not on, bu rumors (<SOS>) already spread around, attracting people‘s attention, preparing for the premiere.
  • When assessment members hear this rumors, they start to dig into the story, by reading introduction, comments, etc..
  • Likely, we have no real input target but a sign of it <SOS> at the beginning of Decoder, then we do a preprocess for it.
P2. Ask Questions -> Adjustment
  • Ask Questions:
    • The first Multi-Head Attention outputs a Query, which is like people may think & ask some questions about what they heard & red.
    • So, in code, the input of the first Multi-Head Attention (MHA) is: target, target, target. Because when the curiosity is initially triggered, all you thinking is: more, more, more on the topic.
  • Adjustment: see below P3.
P3. Watch the Show & Answer the Questions -> Adjustment
  • Watch the Show & Answer the Questions:
    • Connectedly, the second MHA is to answer the questions asked in the first MHA by watching the show.
    • So, in code, the Query from the first MHA and the enc_output from Encoder is passed to the second MHA as input. Since both Key and Value information are from the show, so we set Key=enc_output, Value=enc_output.
  • Adjustment: adjustment in assessment is interpreted differently with adjustment in performing
    • Dropout: randomly delete some opinions of the jury, in case of the manipulation of authority
    • ResAdd: evaluate the show comprehensively with previous assessment , not to view it isolatly
    • LayerNorm: normalize the assessment to standard criterion
P4. Assessment Discussion -> Adjustment
  • Assessment Discussion: this FullyConnected is interpreted as a discussion about the evaluation & criterion stuff.
  • Adjustment: like above P3.
P5. Repeat P2 - P4 to assess N rounds
  • Assess several rounds, ensuring the show is well & fair understood and evaluated.
P6. Voting -> Oscar Awards Ceremony
  • Softmax is like voting, disclosing the final winner of the Oscar Award.
Pseudo code:
  • P1: SOS -> preprocess(Embedding -> Pos_encoding) -> target
  • P2: Query=target, Value=target, Key=target, look_ahead_mask -> Multi-Head Attention -> adjust(Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm) -> out1
  • P3: Query=out1, Value=enc_output, Key=enc_output, dec_padding_mask -> Multi-Head Attention -> adjust(Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm) -> out2
  • P4: out2 -> FC -> adjust(Dropout -> ResAdd -> LayerNorm) -> out3
  • P5: loop(P2 - P4) -> update(out3) -> dec_output = out3
  • P6: dec_output -> Dense(‘softmax‘) -> ?


Part 3: Summary
What making the transformer special comparing to other models, is just like the reason why stage show is different with a film:
For stage show, all acts can be performed together at the same time as long as the imagination as well as the stage is big enough, whereas a film is a fixed time sequence that can be only played one screen at a time.
Transformer is like a show, attention is all you need.

Transformer is a show


下一篇:【XSY2414】【CF587C】Duff in the Army(倍增lca)