python paramiko ssh登录交换机执行命令

# encoding=utf-8
import paramiko
import time
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.load_system_host_keys() # connect to client
client.connect('',22,'test','test',allow_agent=False,look_for_keys=False) # get shell
ssh_shell = client.invoke_shell()
# ready when line endswith '>' or other character
while True:
line = ssh_shell.recv(1024)
#print line
if line and line.endswith('>'):
break; # send command
ssh_shell.sendall( 'ping' + '\n') # get result lines
lines = []
while True:
line = ssh_shell.recv(1024)
if line and line.endswith('>'):
result = ''.join(lines) # print result
print result
上一篇:LOJ #2547 Luogu P4517「JSOI2018」防御网络

下一篇:2015/9/28 Python基础(19):类的定制和私有性