PHP mysql client封装

#array('', 'root', '', 'he_txl','3306')
array('', 'aspire_txl', 'd90wBE[wc', 'he_txl', '3306')


* 数据库操作 (PDO)
*/ class DB { private static $mConnection = array ();
private static $mInstance = array (); private $_lastConnect = null;
private $_connection = array ();
private $_config = array (); /**
* see @BuildCondition
private static $_params = array (); /**
* 获取唯一实例
* @param array config db config param
* @return instance of object
static function Instance($config = array()) {
$key = serialize ( $config ); if (! isset ( self::$mInstance [$key] ) or empty ( self::$mInstance [$key] ) or empty ( self::$mConnection ))
self::$mInstance [$key] = new DB ( $config ); return self::$mInstance [$key];
} /**
* 构造方法
private function __construct($config = array()) {
$this->_config = $config;
$this->Connect ();
} function Connect() {
if (! empty ( $this->_connection ))
return; $option = array (PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'utf8'" ); $config = $this->_config;
foreach ( $config as $i => $database ) {
$dsn = isset ( $database [4] ) ? "mysql:dbname={$database[3]};host={$database[0]};port={$database[4]}" : "mysql:dbname={$database[3]};host={$database[0]}";
try {
$this->_connection [$i] = new PDO ( $dsn, $database [1], $database [2], $option );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Connect ' . $dsn . ' failed: ' . $e->getMessage () );
} /**
* 析构方法
function __destruct() {
$this->Close ();
} /**
* 关闭
function Close() {
$this->_connection = array ();
} /**
* 获取最后插入ID
function GetInsertId() {
$i = isset ( $this->_lastConnect ) ? $this->_lastConnect : 0;
return is_object ( $this->_connection [$i] ) ? ( int ) $this->_connection [$i]->lastInsertId () : false;
} /**
* get db connection
* @param bool $isSelect 指定db
* @return object
private function _getConn($isSelect = false) {
$i = rand ( 0, count ( $this->_config ) - 1 );
$this->_lastConnect = ($isSelect && $i) ? $i : 0;
if (! is_object ( $this->_connection [$this->_lastConnect] ))
$this->Connect ();
$conn = $this->_connection [$this->_lastConnect];
return $conn;
} /**
* 组建QueryCondition
* @param mix $condition;
* @param string $logic, optional
* @return string $condition
static function BuildCondition($condition = array(), $logic = 'AND') {
if (is_string ( $condition ) || is_null ( $condition ))
return $condition; $logic = strtoupper ( $logic );
$content = null;
foreach ( $condition as $k => $v ) {
$v_str = ' ? ';
$v_connect = '='; if (is_numeric ( $k )) {
$content .= ' ' . $logic . ' (' . self::BuildCondition ( $v ) . ')';
} $maybe_logic = strtoupper ( $k );
if (in_array ( $maybe_logic, array ('AND', 'OR' ) )) {
$content .= $logic . ' (' . self::BuildCondition ( $v, $maybe_logic ) . ')';
} if (is_numeric ( $v )) {
self::$_params [] = $v;
} else if (is_null ( $v )) {
$v_connect = ' IS ';
$v_str = 'NULL';
} else if (is_array ( $v ) && ($c = count ( $v ))) {
if (1 < $c) {
self::$_params = array_merge ( self::$_params, $v );
$v_connect = 'IN(' . join ( ',', array_fill ( 0, $c, '?' ) ) . ')';
$v_str = '';
} else if (empty ( $v )) {
$v_str = $k;
$v_connect = '<>';
} else {
$tmp_keys = array_keys ( $v );
$v_connect = array_shift ( $tmp_keys );
if (is_numeric ( $v_connect ))
$v_connect = '=';
$tmp_values = array_values ( $v );
$v_s = array_shift ( $tmp_values ); if (is_array ( $v_s )) {
$v_str = 'IN (' . join ( ',', array_fill ( 0, count ( $v_s ), '?' ) ) . ')';
self::$_params = array_merge ( self::$_params, $v_s );
} else {
self::$_params [] = $v_s;
} }
} else {
self::$_params [] = $v;
} $content .= " $logic `$k` $v_connect $v_str "; } $content = preg_replace ( '/^\s*' . $logic . '\s*/', '', $content );
$content = preg_replace ( '/\s*' . $logic . '\s*$/', '', $content );
$content = trim ( $content ); return $content;
} /**
* 根据条件获取一条记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param mix $condition 条件
* @param array $option 查询选项
* @return record
public function GetTableRow($table, $condition, $options = array()) {
return $this->LimitQuery ( $table, array ('condition' => $condition, 'one' => isset ( $options ['one'] ) ? $options ['one'] : true, 'select' => isset ( $options ['select'] ) ? $options ['select'] : '*' ) );
} /**
* 根据条件获取有限条数记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $options 查询选项
$options 可以包含 cache 选单,表示记录cache时间
* @return array of record
function LimitQuery($table, $options = array()) {
return $this->DBLimitQuery ( $table, $options );
} /**
* 根据条件获取有限条数记录,从库中查询,并进行缓存
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $option 查询选项
* @return array of record
function DBLimitQuery($table, $options = array()) {
$condition = isset ( $options ['condition'] ) ? $options ['condition'] : null;
$one = isset ( $options ['one'] ) ? $options ['one'] : false;
$offset = isset ( $options ['offset'] ) ? abs ( intval ( $options ['offset'] ) ) : 0; if ($one)
$size = 1;
$size = isset ( $options ['size'] ) ? abs ( intval ( $options ['size'] ) ) : null; $order = isset ( $options ['order'] ) ? $options ['order'] : null;
$select = isset ( $options ['select'] ) ? $options ['select'] : '*'; $condition = self::BuildCondition ( $condition );
$condition = (null == $condition) ? null : "WHERE $condition"; if ($one)
$limitation = " LIMIT 1 ";
$limitation = $size ? "LIMIT $offset,$size" : null; $sql = "SELECT $select FROM `$table` $condition $order $limitation";
return $this->GetQueryResult ( $sql, $one, self::$_params );
} /**
* 执行真正的数据库查询
* @param string $sql
* @param bool $one 是否单条记录
* @return array of $record
function GetQueryResult($sql, $one = true, array $params = array()) {
$ret = array ();
$stmt = $this->Execute ( $sql, $params );
if (! is_object ( $stmt )) {
error_log ( 'Error: bad sql - ' . $sql );
error_log ( 'Error: bad sql - ' . var_export ( $params, true ) );
return array ();
} else {
return $one ? $stmt->fetch () : $stmt->fetchAll ();
} /**
* 插入一条记录 Alias of method: Insert
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $condition 记录
* @return int $id
function SaveTableRow($table, $condition) {
return $this->Insert ( $table, $condition );
} /**
* 插入一条记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $condition 记录
* @return int $id
function Insert($table, $condition, $type = 0) {
$content = null;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$table`
(`" . join ( '`,`', array_keys ( $condition ) ) . '`)
values (' . join ( ',', array_fill ( 0, count ( $condition ), '?' ) ) . ')'; $stmt = $this->Execute ( $sql, array_values ( $condition ) );
// Log::ImageErrorLog($sql);
if (1 == $type) { //用于不是自增id时的判断
return is_object ( $stmt );
$insertId = $this->GetInsertId ();
return $insertId;
} /**
* 删除一条记录 Alias of method: Delete
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $condition 条件
* @return int $id
function DelTableRow($table = null, $condition = array()) {
return $this->Delete ( $table, $condition );
} /**
* 删除一条记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $condition 条件
* @return int $id
function Delete($table = null, $condition = array()) {
if (null == $table || empty ( $condition ))
return false; $condition = self::BuildCondition ( $condition );
$condition = (null == $condition) ? null : "WHERE $condition";
$sql = "DELETE FROM `$table` $condition";
$flag = $this->Execute ( $sql, self::$_params );
return $flag;
} function Execute($sql, array $params = array(), $retry = 0) {
$conn = $this->_getConn ();
$sth = $conn->prepare ( $sql );
if (! is_object ( $sth ))
throw new Exception ( 'Error: bad sql' );
$sth->setFetchMode ( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $result = empty ( $params ) ? $sth->execute () : $sth->execute ( array_values ( $params ) ); //pdo error info
//$arr = $sth->errorInfo();
//print_r($arr); if (($sth->errorCode () == 2006) and ! $retry) {
$this->Close ();
$this->Execute ( $sql, $params, $retry = 1 );
} self::$_params = array ();
if (false == $result) {
$this->Close ();
return false;
} return $sth;
} /**
* 更新一条记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param mix $id 更新条件
* @param mix $updaterow 修改内容
* @param string $pkname 主键
* @return boolean
function Update($table = null, $id = 1, $updaterow = array(), $pkname = 'id') {
if (null == $table || empty ( $updaterow ) || null == $id)
return false; if (is_array ( $id ))
$condition = self::BuildCondition ( $id );
$condition = "`$pkname`='$id'"; $sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET ";
$content = null;
$updates = array ();
$v_str = '?'; foreach ( $updaterow as $k => $v ) {
if (is_array ( $v )) {
$str = $v [0]; //for 'count'=>array('count+1');
$content .= "`$k`=$str,";
} else {
$updates [] = $v;
$content .= "`$k`=$v_str,";
} $content = trim ( $content, ',' );
$sql .= $content;
$sql .= " WHERE $condition";
$result = $this->Execute ( $sql, array_merge ( $updates, self::$_params ) ); return is_object ( $result ) ? $result->rowCount () : false;
} /**
* 是否存在符合条件的记录
* @param string $table 表名
* @param array $condition
* @param boolean $returnid 是否返回记录id
* @return mixed (int)id /(array)record
function Exist($table, $condition = array(), $returnid = true, $order = '') {
$row = $this->LimitQuery ( $table, array ('condition' => $condition, 'one' => true, 'order' => $order ) ); if ($returnid)
return empty ( $row ) ? false : (isset ( $row ['id'] ) ? $row ['id'] : true);
return empty ( $row ) ? array () : $row;
} static function CheckInt(&$id, $is_abs = false) {
if (is_array ( $id )) {
foreach ( $id as $k => $o )
$id [$k] = self::CheckInt ( $o );
return $id;
} if (! is_int ( $id ))
$id = intval ( $id ); if (0 > $id && $is_abs)
return abs ( $id );
return $id;
} /**
* 检查是否DB用于的Array
* @param mix $arr
* @return int $arr
static function CheckArray(&$arr) {
if (! is_array ( $arr )) {
if (false === $arr)
$arr = array ();
settype ( $arr, 'array' );
return $arr;
} public function Query($sql, $isSelect = false) {
$result = $this->_getConn ( $isSelect )->query ( $sql );
if ($result)
return $result; self::Close ();
return false;



* 多方电话h5 - 获取运营活动列表接口
$action = '多方电话h5_获取运营活动列表';
include_once '../api_driver.php';
include_once 'config.php'; $st = Login::getLoginCookie('mobile');
if ($st) {
$ret = CenAuth::validate($st);
if (isset($ret['error_code']) && $ret['error_code'] == 0) {
$mobile = $ret['data']['mobile'];
} else {
$mobile = '';
} else {
$mobile = '';
} $db = DB::Instance($CONFIG_DATABASE_TXL);
$adv_list = $db->GetQueryResult('SELECT `title`, `url`, `image` FROM `h5dfdh` where 1=1', FALSE); foreach ($adv_list as $k => &$value) {
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) {
$value['image'] = IMGURL_HTTPS . $value['image'];
} else {
$value['image'] = IMGURL . $value['image'];
} $data = $adv_list;
json_result(0, $data, 'ok');
if ($mobile) {
$data = array(array('title'=>'H5版多方通话', 'url'=>'', 'image'=>''));
json_result(0, $data, 'ok');
} else {
json_result(-1, array(), '请先登录!');

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