score = input('请输入成绩:') score_int = int(score) if score_int >= 90: print('A') elif score_int >= 80: print('B') elif score_int >= 70: print('C') else: print('D')
message = '''欢迎致电10086 1.话费查询: 2.流量服务: 3.业务办理: 4.人工服务:''' print(message) index = input('请输入你要选择的业务:') index = int(index) if index == 1: print('话费查询') elif index == 2: print('流量服务') elif index == 3: content = '''业务办理 1.修改密码: 2.更改套餐: 3.停机:''' print(content) value = input('请输入要办理的业务:') value = int(value) if value == 1: print('修改密码') elif value == 2: print('更改套餐') elif value == 3: print('停机') else: print('错误') elif index == 4: print('人工服务') else: print('输入错误')
while True: print('人生苦短,我用Python.') while 1>0 and 2>1: print('人生苦短,我用Python。')
count = 1 while True: count = count + 2 print(count) #练习 while True: count = 1 print(count) count = count + 1
请通过循环,打1,2,3,4,... 10
count = 1 while count <= 10: print(count) count = count + 1
#错误示例 count = 1 while count <= 10 and count != 7: print(count) count = count + 1 #正确 count = 1 while count <= 10: if count != 7: print(count) count = count + 1 #正确 count = 1 while count <= 10: if count == 7: pass else: print(count) count = count + 1
while True: print(666) break #终止当前循环 print('结束') #练习:通过break实现打印 1-10 ''' count = 1 while True: print(count) if count == 10: break count = count + 1 print('结束') ''' ''' #break 终止当前循环 while True: print('你好') while True: print('666') break break '''
''' count = 1 while count <= 10: print(count) continue #本次循环如果遇到continue,则不再继续往下走,而是回到循环条件位置, count = count + 1 ''' #示例: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 ''' count = 1 while count <= 10: if count == 7: count = count + 1 continue print(count) count = count + 1 '''
while else
''' count = 1 while count < 10: print(count) count = count + 1 else: #不再满足while后的条件时,触发。 或 条件= False print('ELSE代码块') print('结束') ''' count = 1 while True: print(count) if count == 10: break count = count + 1 else: #不再满足while后的条件时,触发。 或 条件= False print('ELSE代码块') print('结束')
- while基本结构
- break
- continue
- while else
- %s
- %d
- %%
name = input('姓名:')
do = input('在干什么:')
template = "%s在教室,%s。"%(name,do,)
# template = '我是%s,年龄%s,职业%s.'%('alex',73,'讲鸡汤',)
# print(template)
# name = 'alex'
# template = '%s现在手机的电量是100%%'%(name,)
# print(template)
name = input('请输入姓名:')
age = input('请输入年龄:')
job = input('请输入职业:')
hobby = input('请输入爱好:')
msg = '''
---------- info of Alex Li ----------
Name : %s
Age : %s
job : %s
Hobbie: %s
---------- end ----------'''
data = msg %(name,age,job,hobby,)
# value = 11 % 3
# print(value)
# count = 1
# while count <= 100:
# val = count % 2
# if val == 1:
# print(count)
# count = count + 1
# val = 2 ** 8
# print(val)
# val = 9/2
# print(val)
# val = 9//2
# print(val)
total = 0
count = 1
while count <= 100:
total = total + count
count = count + 1
total = 0
# total1 = 0
# total2 = 0
count = 1
while count <= 100:
val = count % 2
if val == 1:
total1 = total - count
total2 = total + count
count = count + 1
total = total1 + total2
#逻辑运算符 and or not
# if 1>0 or 1>2:
# print('666')
# c+=a 等效于c=c+a
# - int
# - str
# - bool
# v1 = '666'
# v2 = int(v1)
# v1 = 0
# v2 = bool(v1)
# print(v2)
# v1 = '0'
# v2 = bool(v1)
# print(v2)
# v1 = True
# v2 = int(v1)
# print(v2)
# v1 = True
# v2 = str(v1)
# print(v2)
- 字符串转数字
- 数字转字符串
- “”、0 转换布尔值之后是False,其余是True
value = 1 or 9
v1 = 0 or 1
v2 = 8 or 10
v3 = 0 or 9 or 8
# value = 0 or 9
# print(value)
# value = 1 or 9
# print(value)
# value = 0 or ''
# print('--->',value,'<-----')
#对于and ,如果遇到
v1 = 1 and 9
v2 = 1 and 0
v3 = 0 and 7
v4 = 0 and ''
v5 = 1 and 0 and 9
# v1 = 1 and 9
# print(v1)
# v2 = 1 and 0
# print(v1)
# v3 = 0 and 7
# print(v3)
# v4 = 0 and ''
# print(v4)
# v5 = 1 and 0 and 9
# print(v5)
# v1 = 1 and 9 or 0 and 6
- 编码扩展
- ascii
- unicode
- ecs2
- ecs4
- utf-8 ,中文用3个字节
- utf-16
- gbk,中文用2个字节
- gb2312,中文用2个字节
- 单位
- 8bit = 1byte
- 1024byte = 1KB
- 1024KB = 1MB
- 1024MB = 1KB
- 1024KB = 1GB
- 1024GB = 1TB
- 1024TB = 1PB