VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


当然我非常震惊正当我尝试着在stack overflow上发表评论交流一下究竟如何解决的时候,却发现有方法灵验了 ,但是每个人的问题可能不一样,我总结下我尝试的解决方法

  1. 首先网上最多出现的方案clean/build  or rebuild  (这对我不管用即使我把bin和obj全删除了再rebuild也不行,而且这样会缺失Debug文件所以建议不要这样)
  2. 再者就是选择Debug-Option-Debugging-General-untick “Require source files to exactly match the original version”

  VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


  3.Debug-Attach to Process - Select -Debug these code types:Managed(v3.5,v3.0,v2.0)/Managed(v4.6,v4.5,v4.0)

  VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”




  4.我看到stack overflow上的与我类似的问题的博主最后的解决方案是


  改变Release to Debug 可是问题就是页面上就是


  VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”

  Ok 但是我最终这么操作的Build-Configuration Manger(相信你有可能就是Debug,如果你是Release请改成Debug就好了,如果不是你改回Release状态,运行或者rebuild一遍再回来把Release改成Debug状  态。这样就解决了(至少对我来说是这样解决的))

(当然当前我还是处于Administrater的状态)VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


  VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


  VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”

  这个问题也花了4个小时左右吧 ,大家可以来回反复操作一下这些解决方案


VS2017无法进入断点调试且移动到breakpoint上的时候报错“breakpoint will not currently be hit. the source code is different from original version. ”


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