



  1. With the reform and opening-up in recent decades in China, people’s living standard has been significantly improved.


  2. With a sharp increase in population, people’s work and life are increasingly stressful.


  3. As the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job.


  4. The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life , greatly affecting out ways of communication.


  5. Higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development.


  6. With the rapid development of the economy and society, public morality has declined to an extent.

    随着经济和社会的发展, 公共道德已经衰落到一定的程度。

  7. Schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their morality.


  8. It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but face them.


  9. The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. So having right values in life is very important for us, especially youngsters.


  10. Travelling can enlarge our experiences, relax our mind and widen our circle of friends.




  1. The Chinese economy experienced astonishing growth in the last few decades.


  2. Owing to the steady and rapid economic development of our country, people’s living standard is simultaneously improving at a fast rate.


  3. With Chinese universities keep expanding their scale of students’ enrollment, college students find it more and more difficult to find a job upon graduation.


  4. Students of modern society are presented with a much more complicated and intricate world which is featured with high frequency of human interaction.


  5. In modern society where competition is intense, young people are under enormous strain from their work and family.


  6. Modern technology considerably alters the way people communicate with each other.


  7. It is fair to assert that it is science and technology that should be given most of the credit in fabricating our modern life.


  8. The late 90s had seen the birth and boom of the Internet, which was starting to convince people of its advantage in speeding up communication.


  9. Education can cultivate and elevate people’s mind, empowering us with confidence, courage and other virtues.


  10. Most students usually concentrate merely on their school performance but neglect the other important aspects in life.


  11. Everybody embraces his or her own ambition, and most of us are willing to strive towards its realization.




  1. The reform and opening-up policy in China has led to rapid economic growth, which has given rise to a higher standard of living.


  2. In recent years, China is marked by rapid economic growth and continuous technological innovation.


  3. The past several years have witnessed a burgeoning economy in China.



  4. The period of the 1970s is characterized by the baby boom in China. With an exponential increase in population, people’s work and life are increasingly stressful.

    20世纪70年代这段时期,中国出现 了婴儿潮,人口越来越多,导致人们的工作和生活越来越有压力。

  5. China has a vast population and its substantial growth rate. However, fast increasing population has potentially negative results, such as intense competition.



  6. With the quickening pace of urban life and ever-increasing pressure, people in growing numbers are suffering from either the physical or mental problems.


  7. However, as the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job.


  8. An overemphasis on early success, mounting peer pressure and confusion over changing social values may also climb onto youngsters’ already overburdened shoulders.


  9. There is an increasing upward mobility of the younger generation and dramatic changes in traditional concepts.


  10. Internet celebrity has become one of the most important representatives of popular culture in China.



  11. Invented less than hundred years ago, computers are now used everywhere.


  12. Time and again, science and technology has created wonders and even miracles, thus fortifying our belief in it.


  13. The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life, greatly affecting our ways of communication.


  14. Technological innovation really brings us much convenience, exerting a huge impact on our traditional cultures.


  15. The popularity of computers and Internet access has laid a solid foundation for the development of e-commerce.


  16. China has gradually gained a cutting edge in the global arena, since out country has so far invested a huge amount of money in improving our technology.



  17. Education is indeed a worthwhile investment. Higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development. They can get the opportunity to increase their knowledge and learn to be independent.


  18. With the rapid development of the economy and society, public morality has declined to an extent. More and more people are becoming indifferent or scared to help people in trouble. This phenomenon can be attributed to the inappropriate role models and the lack of well-defined norms of behaviors.


  19. Schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their morality.


  20. Reading is of utmost importance for one’s life. Reading can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and can lessen our pain when we are sad an lonely. Reading can also help people relax and unwind. All of us can savor a wide range of experiences through reading. All in all, reading increases our knowledge and skills, broadens our horizon and widens our circle of friends.



  21. We are suffering greatly from the environmental destruction. Environmental protection is caring about ourselves and ensuring environmental sustainability for future generation.



  22. There exist some misunderstandings and generation gaps between parents and their children. However, everyone has the duty to take care of their parents, especially when they are old and sick. Also, an increasing aging population will have enormous consequences for any society.


  23. It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but face them. Attitude is the key point to take the first step.


  24. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it. The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. So having right values in life is very important for us, especially youngsters.

    生命之百分之十在于你如何 塑造它,百分之九十在于你如何对待它。生命的价值并非在于天的长度,而是在于我们怎么利用他。国此具有正确的价值观非常重要,尤其是年轻人。

  25. Happiness does not lie in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievements.



October 14,2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

​ I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study.

​ There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years age. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in a high school. I took part-time jobs during the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan.

​ If my request is granted,I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements. I hope that you will consider my application.

​ Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Gao Peng

Dear Freshmen,

​ I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Peking University. I would like to say a few words you, which I hope would be helpful to you.

​ To begin with, the change of ideas is of most importance for freshmen to adapt themselves to campus life. During the middle school days, we usually depend upon our teachers at school and parents at home. However, the life and study on university campus features independence, which is essential to our psychological development. In my view, we had better always bear in mind the idea of independence.

​ What’s more, English learning is a must. On one hand, without CET 4 certificate, we can not get our degree when we graduate from university, On the other hand, when we hunt for job, English level is a deciding factor. Therefore, I do hope that all of you will have a good understanding of the necessity of learning English well.

​ Good Luck to you!



四大发明:the four great inventions

印刷术:printing/movable-type printing




丝绸之路:the silk Road


硬币/纸币:coins/paper bills

对外贸易/海外贸易/海上贸易:foreign trade/overseas trade/maritime commerce

古代文明:ancient civilization

文化交流:cultural exchange

文化冲突:cultural shock/cultural conflict

文化产业:cultural industry

文化遗产:cultural heritage

乡村文化:rural culture

民族文化;national culture

民间艺术:folk art

表演艺术:performing art




中国文学:Chinese literature

中外学者:Chinese and overseas scholars

巨著:great works

显著成就:remarkable achievements

神话/传说:myth /legend

阳历/阴历:solar calendar/lunar calendar

金木水火土:metal,wood, water, fire, earth


唐朝:Tang Dynasty

始于…年/持续…时间/灭亡:begin in/last for/collapse

在…统治下:during the reign of …


戏剧/京剧/剧院:drama/Peking Opera/theater


少数民族:ethnic minority

社会地位:social status

起源于:originate in/from。。。 在同一个地方用in ,从一个地方起源用from

追溯到:be traced back to …/trace …back to …


古代:ancient times

现代:modern times

独特元素:a unique elements

组成:A constitute B /A comprise B / A make up B (A组成B) B consist of A/ B is composed of (B由A组成)

工业革命:industrial revolution

代表:represent/stand for

象征:symbolize(v.) / symbolic (adj.) / symbol (n.)

繁荣:prosperous (adj.)/ prosperity (n.)/flourish(v.)

国宝:national treasure


扩大领土:extend the territory/domain

夺取政权:seize the power

才子佳人:gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

下期饮茶:play chess and drink tea

耕耘收割:sow and reap

织布缝衣:weave and sew

湖上打鱼:fish on the lake

砍柴采药:cut firewood and gather herbs

吟诗作画:compose poems and paint pictures


楼: Mansion


新趋势: new trend/tendency

:溪/河/海: stream/river/sea
背包旅行背包客: backpacking/backpacker
体验文化:experience cultures
东南角东南部:southeast corner/southeastern part

丰富知识:enlarge knowledge

拓展视野: broaden horizon
华北:North China/northern regions of China
餐馆/旅馆: restaurant/hotel
陕南: southern Shaanxi
住宅集市/庭院: dwelling/market/courtyard

江南: Yangtze River Delta

山东省中部: in the center of Shandong Province

洪水/干旱: flood/drought

衣食住行: clothing, meals , accommodation, transportation

蜿蜒小路: winding-road-trail
朝圣/朝圣者 pilgrimage/pilgrim
月饼: moon cake
避暑胜地: summer resort
海鲜: seafood
*美不胜收: too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once

年糕: rice cake

饺子: dumplings
闻名遐迩: known far and wide
面条: noodle
*奇花异草: exotic flowers and herbs
络绎不绝: an endless stream
粥: porridge
山水画: landscape painting
谷物(粮食): grain
摄影: photograpny
获得灵感: obtain inspiration
三明治: sandwich
缆车: cable cars

汉堡: hamburger
菜:dish/cuisine(dish是一道菜, cuisine是肴、烹饪)
糖盐酒油: sugar/salt/vinegar/wine/oil
色香味行: color/aroma/taste/appearance
酸/甜/苦辣咸淡: sour/sweet/bitter/spicy/salty/light
煮/炸/熏/烤:boil/fry/smoke/bake(roast, grill)
西瓜/葡萄: watermelon/grape


大一大二/大三/大四: freshman/sophomore/junior/senior
学士/硕士/博士: bachelor/ master/doctor获得学位: obtain/ receive degree
文凭/证书: diploma/certificate
学年: academic year
学习成绩: academic record
学习表现:academic performance

学分: credit
毕业论文: thesis[本硕] dissertation[博士]

本科生: undergraduate
大学毕业生: college/university graduates

研究生: postgraduate
博士生:Ph.d. candidate
幼儿园: kindergarten
小学: primary school/elementary school

中学: secondary school/high school
系/主修/辅修: department/major/ minor

教学设施: teaching facility
食堂: dining hall/ canteen
宿舍: dormitory
选修课: elective/optional course
学费: tuition fee
教授/副教授/讲师: professor/associate professor/lecturer
全体老师: faculty
终身教育: lifelong education
素质教育: quality-oriented- education

应试教育:exam -oriented- education
理论知识: theoretical knowledge
实践知识: practical knowledge

信息时代: information age
逃课: skip class
德智体美劳全面发展: all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education

学习氛围: learning atmosphere
激发兴趣: stimulate one’s interest
开发潜力: tap one‘s potential
学生减负: reduce study load
做兼职: work part-time
*自我约束:self- discipline
自我训练:self -training-
代沟: generation gap
*辍学/失学学生: school dropout/leaver

课外活动: extracurricular activity/ after-school program
学生会: students’ association
*研讨会: seminar
考研: take the Graduate Schoo Admission Test
创业: start/build one's' own business

出国/出国留: go abroad/study abroad

就业:get/find job
重点大学: key university

招生: recruit(v.)recruitment(n)
录取: enroll(v) enrollment(n)
申请入学: apply for admission to/into

高考: College Entrance Examination/

雇主/雇员: employer/employee
职业培训: job training
奖学金: scholarship
专门人才: professional personnel
创新: innovation


一千: one thousand
一万: ten thousand
百万: one million
十亿: one billion
收益/成本利润/花费: benefit/cost/profit/expense
优等品/劣质品: superior goods/inferior spoo6
风险/投资;risk/ investment
商品: commodity
消费: consumption(n.)consume(v)
折扣: discount

发 达的/发展中/欠发达: developed/developing/underdeveloped

经济危机:economic crisis

经济衰退: economic recession

经济萧条: economie depression

经济复苏: economie recovery

货币贬值 : devaluation

*通货隧胀: infiation

顺差/逆差 : favorable balance/ adverse bafance

*关税: tariff

*债务减免: debt relief

国内补贴: domestic subsidy

可持续发展: sustainabie development

私营企业: private enterprise

购买力: purchasing power

预算: budget

风险资本: venture capital

经济调节:economic reguiation

*技术密紫型产业: technology-intensive industry

劳动密集型产业: labor-intensive industry

出口/进口: export/import

生产力: productivity

零售/批发: rgtail/wholesale
需求/供给: demand/supplgy
满足需求: meet the need
实施/推行:implement/carry out
强调: emphasize
提倡: advocate
号召: cal lon
共同努力: join effort
*集体的/个人的: collective/individual
解快: tackle/deal with/solve/address
人力资源: human resources
就业机会:job opportunity
国家安全: national security
*边界谈判: boundary negotiation
核能: nuclear energy
*维持外交关系: maintain diplomatic relations
*维护世界和平: safeguard world peace
版权: copgrigbt
盗版: piracy
基因芯片: genetic chip
改革开放: reform and opening-up

转让: technology transfer
航天技术:space technology

尖端技术:state-of-the-art technology/ cutting-edged technology

改造传统: renovate conventional industries

建设国家创新体系: develop a national innovation system

工程中心: engingering center
*专利: patent
*应用型科研机构: application-based research institution
工业升级: industrial upgrade
生物技术/生命科学: biotechnology/life science
纳米技术:nano technology
*网络犯罪: cyber crime
网民: netizen
教育公平:education equality
教育器材: education equipment
沿海城市: coastal city
占比例: account for … percent
*签署合同: sign a contract

消陈贫围: eliminate/reduce/get rid of poverty

环境保护:environmental protection
污染预防: pollution prevention
污染控制: pollution control

治理环境污染: curb environmental pollution
基本政策: basic policies
*皮水/废气: waste water/waste gas

环境恶化:environmental degradation /deterioration

城市的/城市化: urban/urbanization
开发可再生资源: develop renewable
濒危野生动物: endangered wildlife
机械化: machinery/mechanization


1 解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle
2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize
3 给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford
4 培养:Develop, cultivate, foster

5 优势: Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, ypside, strength
6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback,_ downside, weakness
7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle
8 重要的 Key,crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative
9 认为: Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced
10 保护:Protect, conserve. P-e5exe
11 确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge
12 有害的: Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental
13 要求: Request, demand, needs, requisition
14 消除: Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away
15 导致: Lead to, bring about,result in, pause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate
16 因此:So, therefore, thus hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this
17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,goup to,climb to, ascend to, jump to, shoot to
18 降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to
19 保持稳定: Level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same
level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, level off, keep its stability, even out
20 急剧地: Dramatically, drastically, sharply, hugely, enormously, steeply, substantially, considerably, significantly,markedly, surprisingly, strikingly, radically, remarkably, vastly, noticeably
21 平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,
marginally, gradually, moderately, mildly
22 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim
23 发生:Happen, occur, take place
24 原因:Reason, factor, cause
25 发展:Development, advance, progress
26 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding; advantageous
27 影响:Influence,impact, effect
28 明显的: Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear
29 占:Comprise ,take up,account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose
30 与…相比: Compared with, compared to, in comparison with, in comparison to, by comparison with, by comparison to
31 对比而言:By contrast,in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary;, conversely
32 展示: Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe

33.大约:Approximately, almost, about,around,hearly, roughly
34 波动:Fluctuate, go ups and downs,display a fluctuation, demonstrate a fluctuation
35 事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,inessence, in reality, in effect, in fact, as a matter of fact, it is a fact that
36 换言之:Namely, that is to say, in other words,to put it like this, to put it differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angle.


1.贫穷的:poor; needy ;impoverished; poverty-stricken
2.富裕的:rich;wealthy; affluent; well-to-do; well-off
3.优秀的: excellent ;eminent; top ;outstanding ;exceptional
4.积极的,好的:good;conducive; beneficial; advantageous
5.消极的,不良的:bad; detrimental;baneful;undesirable
6.明显的:obvious ; apparent ; evident ;manifest
8.惊人的:surprising; amazing; extraordinary;miraculous
9.美丽的:beautiful;attractive ;gorgeous ;eye-catching; appealing;charming
10.有活力的:energetic; dynamic;

11.流行的: popular; prevailing; prevalent;
11.普遍的 Everywhere Widespread 、 Prevalent 、Overflow
12.好的 Good ;Beneficial;Advantageous
13.有害的 Harmful Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful
14.富有的 Rich Wealthy、Affluent
15.严重的 Serious Severe
16.便宜的 cheap Economical、Inexpensive
1.提高,加强:improve;enhance; promote; strengthen; optimize
2.引起:cause; trigger;endanger
3.解决:solve ; resolve ;address ; tackle; cope with; deal with
4.拆除: destroy;tear down; knock down; eradicate
5.培养: develop;cultivate;
6.激发,鼓励:encourage;motivate; stimulate; spur
7.认为: think ;assert; hold; claim; argue
8.完成: complete ; fulfill; accomplish; achieve
9.保留:keep; preserve; retain; hold
10.有害于:destroy ; impair ; undermine; jeopardize
11.减轻: ease; alleviate; relieve; lighten

13.强调:Emphasize Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个 9 星级用法)
14.培养:Develop, Cultivate、Nurture
15.破坏:Break Impair、Undermine 这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏 Jeopardize、Devastate
16.解决 deal With,Tackle、Address (这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve
17 需要.need Require、necessitate、call for


1.影响:influence; impact
2.危险:danger; perils; hazard
3.污染:pollution; contamination
4.人类:human beings; mankind; human race
5.老人:the old ; the elderly ; the aged ; senior citizens
6.幸福:happiness;cheerfulness; well-being
7.老师:teachers ;instructors;educators ; lecturers
8.教育: education; schooling;family parenting; upbringing
9.青少年:young people; youngsters; youths;adolescents
10.优点: advantage ; merits ;superiority; virtue(美德)
11.责任: responsibility;bbligation; duty;lability
12.能力: ability; capacity; power; skill

13.职业: job ;career; employment profession
14.娱乐: enjoyment ; pastimes; recreation; entertainment
15.孩子: children ; offspring ; descendant; kid
16 .祖先 Forefather , Ancestor、Predecessor
17.不同 Difference, Gap ,Distinction
18 犯罪.Crime Delinquency、Criminal Act
19.环境 Environment Circumstance、Atmosphere、Surrounding、Ambience
20.污染 Pollution Contamination
21.人类,Human. The human race , Humanity , Humankind
22.在当今社会 In modern society /In contemporary society /In present-day society/In this day and age


1.充满了:be filled with ; be awash with; be inundate with; be saturated with
2.努力:struggle for ; aspire after ; strive for ; spare no efforts for
3.从事: embark on ; takeup; set about; go in for
4.在当代: in contemporary society; in present-day society; in this day and age
5.大量的; a host of ; a multitude of ; a vast number of; a vast amount of


1.indeed 的确;

2.surely 无疑;

3.however 然而;

4.obviously 显然
5.frankly 坦率地说;

6.naturally 自然;

7.luckily(或happily)for sb.算某人幸运;

8.fortunatelyluckily 幸好;

9.honestly 真的;

10.briefly 简单地说,

11.strange to say 说也奇怪;

12.needless to say 不用说;

13.most important of all 最为重要是;

13.worse still 更糟糕的是;

14.in a few words(或 in sum, in short)简而言之;

15.in other words 换句话说;

16.in a sense 在某种意义上;
17.in general 一般说来;

18.in my view 在我看

19.in conclusion 总之;
20.in summary 概括地说;

21.in fact .事实上;

22.in the first place 首先;
23.in addition 此外;

24.of course 当然;

25.to my knowledge 据我所知;
26.for instance(或 example)例如;

27.as a matter of fiact 事实上,
28.strictly speaking 严格地说:

29.generally speaking 一般地说;
30.judging from…根据.……判断,

31.to be sure 无疑;

32.o sum up 概括地说;
33.to tell the truth 老实说,

34.I am sure 我可以肯定地说;

35.I believe 我相信;

36.I wonder 我不知道;

37.that is 也就是说;

38.it seems 看来是;
39.as I see it 照我看来;

40.what is important (serious) 重要(严重)的是


1.individuals,characters, folks 替换 people ,persons
2:positive, favorable, rosy(美好的), promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding,superior替换 good
3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill(有害的)替换 bad 如果 bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 替换
Eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or
killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.(不够理想,不尽 如人意,差)

4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ;a host of, many, if not most)替换 many,
注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。
Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea
5.a slice of, quiet a few, several 替换 some
6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替 think

7:affair business,matter 替换 thing
8:shared 代 common
9.reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits)
10:for my part ,fromh my own perspective 替换 in my opinjon
11.Increasing(ly),growing 替换 more and more(注意没有 growingly 这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing,修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly,
Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.
12.little if anything,或 little or nothing 替换 hardly
13.beneficial, rewarding 替换 helpful
14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替换 customer
15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换 very
16.hardly necessary, hardy inevitable … 替换 unnecessary, avoidable
17.sth appeals to sb, sthexerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换 sb take interest in / sb. be interested in
18.capture one’s attention 替换 attract one’s attention.
19.facet,demension,sphere 代 aspect
20.be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of 代 indicate, suggest ,fear
21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换 cause
22.There are several reasons behind sth 替换…reasons for sth
23.desire替换 want
24 pour attention into 替换 pay attention to
25.bear in mind that 替换 remember
26.enjoy, possess 替换 have(注意 process 是过程的 意思)
27.interaction 替换 communication
28.frown on sth 替换 be against, disagree with sth
29.to name only a few, as an example 替换 for example, for instance
30.next to / virtually impossible,替换 nearly / almost impossible


in addition 另外, furthermor e 此外, again, also, besides, moreover 此外,similarly, finally 最后
in the same way, likewise 同样地, similarly, equally, in comparison 比较起来,just as 同样地
whereas 然而, in contrast 与此相反, on the other hand, instead 同样, however 然而, nevertheless 然而,
unlike, even though 即使, on the contrary, while
4.因果(Cause and effect)
because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus
certainly,above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as 'a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in
particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant
although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still provided, while it is true


for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.
to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary
therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise
10.时间和空间(Time and space)
afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle,
opposite, in front of

  1. 启(首段)
    Apfoverb says.…… At presen…
    As the proverb says… Currently…
    Generally speaking,… Now,…
    In general,’… On the Whole…
    It is clear that… Recently…
    It is often said that… Without doubt,…

  2. 承(中间段落)
    First(of all),… Moreover,…
    Firstly,… Yo one can deny that…
    In the first place.,…bviously._
    To begin with,… Of course,
    Also,… Similarly,…
    At the same time… Therefore, we should realize that…
    Certainly… There is no doubt that…
    In addition,… What’s more,…
    In fact…I I can be easily proved that…

  3. 转(中间段落)
    But… Still,…
    But the problem is not so simple,
    There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to…
    … To our surprise,…

    Nevertheless,… Unfortunately…
    On the other hand,…
    Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel
    Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think…

  4. 合(结束段落)
    Above all, In brie,—…
    Accordingly,… In conclusion,…
    All in all,…
    In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion
    As a consequence.,… n short,…
    As I have shown/said/stated/… In sum,…….
    In summary.,… As has been noted,…
    Obviously.,… By so doing,…
    On the whole,… Consequently,…
    Presumably,… Bventually,…
    To conclude,… Finally,…
    To sum up,… In a word,…, To summarize,…



  1. Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.
  2. Recently the problem has been brought into focus.
  3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over …
  4. There’s no denying the fact that…
  5. It is well-known/obvious/ apparent that.
  6. According to a recent survey,…


  1. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that …
  2. In conclusion, it is clear that …
  3. Whether it is good or not lpositive or negative, one thing is certain/clear…
  4. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable…
  5. From my point of view, it would be better if…


  1. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
  2. The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.
  3. A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that…
  4. For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.
  5. Like anything else, it has its faults.
  6. A and B has several points in common.
  7. However, the same is not applicable to B.
  8. A and B differ in several ways.
  9. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


  1. A number of factors are accountable for this situation.
    A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem)。
  2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.
  3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that…
  4. The factors that contribute to this situation include…
  5. The change in .largely results from the fact that…
  6. Part of the explanations for it is that …
  7. One of the most common factors (causes )is that …
  8. Another contributing factor (cause ) is …
  9. Perhaps the primary factor is that …
  10. But the fundamental cause is that …


  1. It may give rise to a host of problems.
  2. The immediate result it produces is …
  3. It will exercise a profound influence upon…
  4. Its consequence can be so great that…


  1. It is true that …, but one vital point is being left out.
  2. There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.
  3. Many of us have been under the illusion that…
  4. It makes no sense to argue for …
  5. Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that …
  6. Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that…


  1. No one can deny the fact that …
  2. The idea is hardly supported by facts.
  3. Unfortunately, none of the available data shows…
  4. Recent studies indicate that…
  5. There is sufficient evidence to show that…
  6. According to statistics proved by …, it can be seen that …


观点法——开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨 论的问题的看法。

[1] Now people in growing/significant, numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that…
{2] Now thereis a(n)growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to…
[3] Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of …
[4] Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that…

引用法——先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点。

[1]“Knowledge is power.” This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people.
[2]“Education is not complete with graduation.” This is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.
[3.]’"…" We often hear statements/words like those/this.
[4] We often hear such traditional complains as this “…”

比较法——通过对过去、现在两种不同的倾向、观 点的比较,引出文章要讨论的观点。

[1] For years,…had been viewed as… But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing …, people …
[2] People used to think that …(In the past,…) But people now share this new idea.


[1] Once in (a-newspaper), I read of/learnt… The phenomenon of … has aroused public concern.
[2] I have a friend who … Should he …? Such a dilemma we are often confronted with in our daily life.
[3] Once upon a time, there lived a man who … This story may be (unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.


[1] When asked about…, the vastloverwhelming majority of people say that … But I thinklview a bit differently.
[2] When it comes to … ome people believe that… Others argue/claim that the oppositelreverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.
[3] Now, it is commonly/generallywidely believed/held/acknowledged that… They claim/ believe/argue that … But I wonder/doubt whethe r…


[1] Recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of … has cause/aroused public/popular/widel worldwide concern.
[2] Redently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of … has been brought into focus/into public attention.
[3] Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality … is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now constantly.


  1. It seems to me that something is not valued highly enough…. The possible reason may be …在我看来,对某事的重视还不够,可能 的原因或许是…
    2)But possibly the problem lies not so much in (our institutions) as in (our attitudes).但可能 问题出在我们的态度上,而不是我们的机构 上。

  2. There are many factors that may account for this result, but the following are the most typicalones. First,…有许多因素可解释这一 结果,但如下的是最典型的因素。第一,…

  3. There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. 造成这一情况有许多原因,如下 的原因就很典型

  4. There are similar reasons when we consider that …当我们考虑…有类似的原因。
    6)There are numerous reasons why .’, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.有许多原因导致…。在此我 只想就最重要的几个探讨一下。

  5. It is easy to understand the reasons for this (prejudice against) something. One problem is that to most of us, doing something looks like doing something.理解造成对某事的偏见 的原因并不困难。问题是对我们大多数人来 说,做某事似乎就是做某事。

  6. They fall into the following categories.它们 可归纳为如下的类别:

  7. If (lectures) make so little sense, why have they been allowed to continue?如果讲座没 有什么可取之处,为什么还让它们继续?

  8. This question looks as if it ought to fall in the domain of the (psychology),这一问题似 乎好像应归在(心理学)里。

  9. However, it is important to point out that … 然而,指出…是很重要的。

12)from this it follows that …从这一点接踵而至的是。。。

  1. Some people think that … To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below.有些人认为…。坦率地讲,出 于如下的原因,我不能同意他们的观点。

  2. Some reasons can explain this trend. First,… 有一些原因可解释这一趋势。首先…

  3. This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First,…. Second,…. Third,…这一 现象的存在是有许多原因的。首先,…第 二,…第三,…

  4. There is probably a variety of reasons for the dramatic decline in …. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…或许…的突然下降是有许多原因引 起的。首先,…第二,…最后,…

  5. Why did .? For one thing …. For another,…. Perhaps the primary reason is …
    为什么会…?一个原因是…另一个原因是…或 许其主要原因是…

  6. It is no easy job to identify the reasons for this phenomenon which involves severalcomplicated factors. For some’… For others…发现这一现象的原因并非易事因为它 涉及几个复杂因素。一些是…,另一些是…

  7. It is no simple task to give the reason for this complicated phenomeno which involves many factors.给出这一复杂现象的原因并不 是件容易的事,因为它涉及许多因素。

  8. It is fairly easy to find out the reason that … 找出…的原因很简单。

  9. Some obvious reasons for . are related to the fact that …有关…的一些显而易见的原因 是和…事实有关。

  10. The answer to this problem involves many interrelated reasons. For one thing,"… For another,…这一问题的答案涉及许多相互交 织在一起的原因。一个是…,另一个是…

  11. The causes for …., perhaps, are varied. They include…… Probably the main reason is …引 起…的原因或许各种各样。它们包括…可能其 主要原因是…

  12. The change is chiefly caused by the fact that …其变化主要是由这样的事实引起的, 即…

  13. The failure mainly comes from several factors that …失败主要产生于几方面的原 因,即…

  14. A number of factors could account for this (disaster, development, etc.).几个原因可解 释这一灾难/发展等。

  15. Among the most important reasons offered by people for …, one should be mentioned.…在人们给出的关于…最重要的 原因中,有一个值得一提。

  16. It is rather easy to find out the reason why … 找出…为什么的原因相当容易。

  17. The explanation for this question may involve several complicated factors, for one thing is …, for another is …对这一问题的解 释可能涉及许多复杂的因素。一个是…,另一 个是…

  18. The change in . largely results from the fact that …在…方面的变化很大程度上是来自 这样一个事实。

  19. There are several causes of this significant growth in …在…方面的显著增长是许多原因造成的。

  20. There are numerous reasons why …, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.有许多原因可以解释为什 么…。我在此只探讨几个最重要的。

  21. I quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这 一论述,即…,其主要原因如下:

  22. Beyond these obvious reasons, however, lies a deeper cause:然而在这些明显的原因之下 隐藏着一个更深层的原因。

  23. One of the reasons that is given for … is that …已给出的关于…的原因之一是…

  24. Although… is probably the most important. determinant, it is not the only explanation for …虽然…可能是最重要的决定因素,但并 不是对…的唯一解释。

  25. Perhaps this is because of the simple fact that …这可能是因为一个简单的事实…

  26. The factors for … are complex,有关…的因 素十分复杂。



  1. Recently(the phenomenon) has becomea reated topic.
  2. Recently ( the problem) has been brought into focus.
  3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over …
  4. It is well-known/obvious/ apparent that…
  5. According to a recent survey,…
  6. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that …
  7. In conclusion, it is clear that …
  8. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear…
    4.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable to /that …
  9. From my point of view, it would be better if


  1. positive

  2. favorable


  3. approval

  4. enthusiasm


  5. supportive

  6. defensive

  7. complimentary

