Paper | Densely Connected Convolutional Networks


论文Densely Connected Convolutional Networks,CVPR 2017


Recent work has shown that convolutional networks can be substantially deeper, more accurate, and efficient to train if they contain shorter connections between layers close to the input and those close to the output. In this paper, we embrace this observation and introduce the Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet), which connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion. Whereas traditional convolutional networks with L layers have L connections—one between each layer and its subsequent layer—our network has \(\frac{L(L+1)}{2}\) direct connections. For each layer, the feature-maps of all preceding layers are used as inputs, and its own feature-maps are used as inputs into all subsequent layers. DenseNets have several compelling advantages: they alleviate the vanishing-gradient problem, strengthen feature propagation, encourage feature reuse, and substantially reduce the number of parameters. We evaluate our proposed architecture on four highly competitive object recognition benchmark tasks (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN, and ImageNet). DenseNets obtain significant improvements over the state-of-the-art on most of them, whilst requiring less computation to achieve high performance. Code and pre-trained models are available at


We proposed a new convolutional network architecture, which we refer to as Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet). It introduces direct connections between any two layers with the same feature-map size. We showed that DenseNets scale naturally to hundreds of layers, while exhibiting no optimization difficulties. In our experiments, DenseNets tend to yield consistent improvement in accuracy with growing number of parameters, without any signs of performance degradation or overfitting. Under multiple settings, it achieved state-of-the-art results across several highly competitive datasets. Moreover, DenseNets require substantially fewer parameters and less computation to achieve state-of-the-art performances. Because we adopted hyperparameter settings optimized for residual networks in our study, we believe that further gains in accuracy of DenseNets may be obtained by more detailed tuning of hyperparameters and learning rate schedules. Whilst following a simple connectivity rule, DenseNets naturally integrate the properties of identity mappings, deep supervision, and diversified depth. They allow feature reuse throughout the networks and can consequently learn more compact and, according to our experiments, more accurate models. Because of their compact internal representations and reduced feature redundancy, DenseNets may be good feature extractors for various computer vision tasks that build on convolutional features, e.g., [4, 5]. We plan to study such feature transfer with DenseNets in future work.

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