June 09th, 2019. Week 24th, Sunday

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.


From Jalaluddin Rumi.

What we see of others and of the world would be the reflection of what we want to see.

So, if we want to see the beauty in others, we must have our eyes focus in finding out the beauty, and concentrate on the good of others.

Practise in that way, day by day, we will find the world would be more friendly, and the environment would be more favorable.

We often turn out to be our own worst enemy.


From Wonder Wheel.

Very often we are our own worst enemy because we foolishly build some stumbling blocks on our way that leads us to success and happiness.

If we want to destroy those blocks and walk onto the right way, we must learn how to stop being our own worst enemies and try to become our own best friends, our own greatest ally, and our own best self.

For me, the first step may be to manage my expectations in life, try to set realistic goals, and don't bite off more than I can chew. I must understand that I can't control things outside of my own sphere. Look forwards, but don't expect, that next raise or promotion. Be realistic. If we expect to get everything, we will be left feeling unfulfilled; if we don't expect too much, we will be left feeling content with what we have gained.

And the second step for me is to appreciate those small things and small achievements, this may be especially important in the context of my own success. If we fail to appreciate the small things that we accomplish, we will begin to lose a sense of self-respect. If we can appreciate all the good things we do, even on a small scale, that will help us a lot in building our confidence, motivation and self-respect.

And the third is to use the past as a teacher instead of a weapon. Don't let the feelings of regret or remorse stop us from designing a better future, from starting a new beginning today. Every ending leads to a new beginning, every broken heart opens a doorway to greater love, every mistake can inspire us towards some incredible success. So, please transform all the self-criticism into motivation, and that will bring some amazing benefits.

Actually, there are many reasons and many benefits, but all in all, we should always beware of our inner enemy, understand the ways that it tries to hold us back and lead us the wrong way, and constant awareness will shine a light on everything.

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