Some Useful Property Settings Explained Of Oracle Forms

In Oracle forms when we have two or more blocks and there is a requirement to join them or make a relation between blocks then there are certain types of relation properties available. You will find below the explanation of Master-Detail relation properties and the triggers and procedures names which Oracle forms creates automatically:

1. Master-Detail Relation (Triggers/Procedures/Properties)

(i) Isolated: - Masters Can be deleted when Child is existing

On Populate details (created at block level)
On Clear Details (created at form level)
Check Package Failure
Clear all master Detail
Query Master Detail
(ii) Non- Isolated: - Masters Cannot be deleted when Child is existing.
On Populate details (created at block level)
On Check Delete master (created at block level)
On Clear Details (created at form level)
Check Package Failure
Clear all master Detail
Query Master Detail

(iii) Cascading: - Child Record Automatically Deleted when Masters is deleted.

On Populate details (created at block level)
Pre Delete (created at block level)
On Clear Details (created at form level)
Check Package Failure
Clear all master Detail
Query Master Detail
There is also a property settings in relation to set the query behavior of relation blocks. The following is the property settings and their meanings:

2.Various Block Co-ordination Properties

The various Block Coordination Properties are
a) Immediate
    Default Setting. The Detail records are shown when the Master Record are shown.
b) Deffered with Auto Query
    Oracle Forms defer fetching the detail records until the operator navigates to the detail block.
c) Deferred with No Auto Query
    The operator must navigate to the detail block and explicitly execute a query

A single canvas in Oracle forms can be converted into four types and each type has is its different purpose. The following types of Canvases available in Oracle Forms:

3. Types of Canvases (Stacked/Content Difference)

(i) Content Canvas (Default Canvas) [A content canvas is the required on each window you create]
(ii) Stack Canvas  [you can display more then one stack canvas in a window at the same time] 
(iii) Tab Type Window [In Tab canvas that have tab pages and have one or more then tab page] 
(iv) Toolbar Canvas [A toolbar canvas often is used to create Toolbar Windows. There are two type of Toolbar window.
a. Horizontal Toolbar Canvas: - Horizontal Toolbar canvases are displayed at the top of the window, Just Under the Main Menu Bar.
b. Vertical Toolbar Canvas: - While vertical Toolbar are displayed along the Left Edge of the window.

Some Useful Property Settings Explained Of Oracle Forms
