

CE (Compile Error)(他实在可怕,尤其是编译器不显示编译错时QAQ)



(3)初始化数组时整体赋值,例:int a[maxn]={1};

交上去显示:“Your source code compiled to 16013336 bytes which is too big, too thick, too long for us..” 嗯,你对于编译器too big too thick,too long……qwq咱也不知道,咱也不敢问



RE (Runtime Error) (还可能WA或MLE,不知到为什么)


(2)超了int  应开long long #define int long long

(3)精度不对  应用double



(6)/0或%0 --所谓nan






上一篇:Command line is too long. In order to reduce its length classpath file can be used 微服务启动出错

下一篇:Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to [10000]