// module.js export const a = 9 export const b = "abc" export const sum = (x,y) => x+y const obj = { name:"lilei" } export {obj} // 导出对象的时候需要添加花括号 // index.js import {a,b,sum,obj} from "./module.js" // 必须保证引入的名和export名称完全一致 console.log(a,b) // 5 abc console.log(sum(2,5)) // 7 console.log(obj) // {name:"lilei"}
二、import 别名
// module.js export const a = 9 // index.js import { a as aa } from "./module.js" // 通过as关键字重命名,在使用的时候,使用重命名后的名字即可 console.log(a) // undefind console.log(aa) // 9
三、export default:只能export default一个数据,如果里面有多个数据,可以通过对象实现。
// module.js // export defalut const a = 9 报错 const a = 9 const b = "abc" export defalut a // index.js import a from "./module.js" // 导入默认导出的量,不需要用花括号
// module.js export const a = 5 export default b = "abc" // index.js import {a},b from "./module.js" // 导入不同形式导出的数据
// module.js class People{ constructor(name){ this.name = name } showName(){ console.log("我的名字是:"+this.name) } } const a = 9 const b = "abc" const sum = (x,y) => x+y const obj = { name:"lilei" } export { a,b,sum,obj,People } // index.js import {a,b,sum,obj,People} from "./module.js" let p = People("lilei") p.showName() // 我的名字:lilei
// module.js class People{ constructor(name){ this.name = name } showName(){ console.log("我的名字是:"+this.name) } } const a = 9 const b = "abc" const sum = (x,y) => x+y const obj = { name:"lilei" } export default { a,b,sum,obj,People } // index.js import * as aa from "./module.js" console.log(aa.default.a) // 9
function makeInterator(arr){ let nextIndex = 0; return { next(){ return nextIndex<arr.length? { value:arr[nextIndex++], done:false }:{ value:undefined, done:true } } } } let it = makeInterator([‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘]) it.next() // {value:"a",done:false} it.next() // {value:"b",done:false} it.next() // {value:"c",done:false} it.next() // {value:undefind,done:true}
let course = { allCourse:{ science:["math","physics","chemistry"], arts:["geography","history"] } } // for...of... // for(let c of course){ // console.log(c) // 报错:course is not iterable // } let arr = ["a","b","c"] console.log(arr) // Symbol(Symbol.iterator) prototype中含有这个属性的,是可遍历的 let it = arr[Symbol.iterator]() // 固定语法 console.log(it.next()) // {value:"a",done:false} console.log(it.next()) // {value:"b",done:false} console.log(it.next()) // {value:"c",done:false} console.log(it.next()) // {value:undefind,done:true}
let courses = { allCourse:{ science:["math","physics","chemistry"], arts:["geography","history"] } } courses[Symbol.iterator] = function(){ let allCourse = this.allCourse let keys = Reflect.ownKeys(allCourse) let values = [] return { next(){ if(!values.length){ if(keys.length){ values = allCourse[keys[0]] keys.shift() } } return { done: !values.length, value: values.shift() } } } } for(let c of courses){ console.log(c) // math physics chemistry geography history }
let courses = { allCourse:{ science:["math","physics","chemistry"], arts:["geography","history"] } } courses[Symbol.iterator] = function* (){ let allCourse = this.allCourse let keys = Reflect.ownKeys(allCourse) let values = [] while(1){ if(!values.length){ if(keys.length){ values = allCourse[key[0]] keys.shift() yield values.shift() }else{ return false } }else{ yield values.shift() } } } for(let c of courses){ console.log(c) // math physics chemistry geography history }
- Array
- Map
- Set
- String
- TypedArray
- 函数的arguments对象
- NodeList对象