原文:https://github.com/joaoBordalo/feup-COMP/blob/master/The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference.pdf
- 新的解析技术:Adaptive LL() or ALL()
- 简化对expression的语法表达
- 自动将左递归规则重写为等价的非左递归规则
- parse-tree walker: listener and visitor pattern
- 相比v3的一些重要改进:
- embedding actions作为高级应用,更推荐Listern和Visitor
- 不需要设计tree grammer,使用自动生成的parse tree and tree walker
- ALL() better than LL()
ANTLR v4 is the result of a minor detour (twenty-five years) I took in graduate
school. I guess I’m going to have to change my motto slightly.
Why program by hand in five days what you can spend twenty-five years of your
life automating?
ANTLR v4 is exactly what I want in a parser generator, so I can finally get
back to the problem I was originally trying to solve in the 1980s. Now, if I
could just remember what that was.
Chapter 1. Meet ANTLR
- StringTemplate Engine: https://www.stringtemplate.org/about.html
Chapter 2. The Big Picture
- Language的定义:a language is a set of valid sentences, a sentence is made up of phrases, and a phrase is made up of subphrases and vocabulary symbols
- Interpreter的定义:计算或者执行sentences的程序
- Translator的定义: