Human centered design and design thinking

Human centered design and design thinking



  • Dr Simon Pulman Jones
  • Academic
    • Cambridge
    • LSE
    • London business school
  • Industrial
    • Unilever
    • Apple
    • Google
    • BMW
    • HSBC
    • Ford
    • LOREAL
    • Marines
  • Recent
    • UK Health Security Agency
    • AstraZeneca


When was graphical user interafce first developed?

  • 1963
    • Ivan
  • 1973
    • Xeron
  • 1983
    • Apple

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Personal computer being used in other domains

  • they have the technology
  • have the social sciensts to aid them for the multi disciplinaries technologies
  • prototype space

What they did

  • they took the staff to their domains
  • formal interactions

Human centered design

  • multi disciplinary collaborative appraoch
  • holistic, in context understanding of how life works
    • 全面的
  • in order to support, enhance and change it

HCD gives would be innovators two valueable toolkits

  • anatomy of the context in which you aim to bring impact
    • processes and experiences
      • end to end experience
      • critical contexts
      • Resources at key stage
      • painpoints
      • opportunties for improvement
    • Users, beneficiaries, stakeholders
      • profiles of most relevant end-user
      • customer types
      • defining what they need at each stage of
      • Experience
    • value propositions
      • necessary attributes of a product or service to make it meaningful
      • and
      • relevant
  • effective, creative and collaborative processes for developing solutions
    • empathize
    • defining
    • ideate
    • prototype
    • test
    • back to prototype
      • case study
        • Dr Tim Baker
        • my ICU Voice
          • problem
            • do not have the right approaches to communicate with each other
          • ipad
            • choose the ways to communicate with each others
              • SPJ
                • Where am I?
                • Most used
                • Use keyboard
                • communicate
                • my pain
              • I have a question
                • Where a I =?
                • What time is it?
                • What day is it?
                • Why am I here?
                • Have I got the corn virus?
                • can I call my familiy?
              • Communications
                • I need something
                • How
            • Not good enough, since it does not help the nurses
            • Updated version to help the nurses
            • crached the problems
            • dashboard
              • active patients today
              • surveyed patients today
              • active patients last week
              • surveyed patients last week
              • daily number patients seen
              • daily number patients surveyed
              • daily percent of patient statements closed within 2 hours
              • department summary
                • department
                • surveys
                • active patients
                • % patients surveyed
                • symptom reports
                • % can not treat
              • symptom frequencies
                • Symptom
                • number reported
                • number can not treat
                • number treated
            • Good, however, it still needs a time to break through
              • Coronavirus ‘tsunami’ pushes Italy’s hospitals to breaking point

Are you open to all of the different beneficiary and stakeholder groups on whom your innovation depends on success

Have you explored all the different ways that your innovation can delivery?

What barriers and opportunties for your innovation exist in the context into which you aim to bring impact:

  • ecosystems
  • processes
  • resources
  • experiences

Four main issues: set of processes for the different people and players in the domain

  • Process and experiences
  • Networks and relationships
  • ecosystems and resources
  • beneficiaries and stakeholders

Design thinking

  • Emphathize
  • define
  • ideate
  • prototype
  • test
  • return to prototype

Open source ventilator designed by Cambridge Team for use in low and middle income countries

  • open source
  • ventilator
  • local clinicians
  • engineers
  • manufacturers
  • fully functioning system for use after the pandemic

Empathize- put yourself into the customer’s shoes

  • inclusive innovation
  • cocreation
  • end-users
  • their intermediaries
  • In low and middle countries
  • developed by Cambridge
    • Ethiopia

Empathy mapping to get into your user and customer’s shoes

  • what does she think and feel?
    • what really matters to her?
    • what occupies her thinking?
    • what worries and aspiration does she have?
  • Sees?

  • say and do?
  • Hear?
  • pain
  • Gain

Define- identify the most valuable problems to solve

  • how?
    • collaborative data immersion workshops
    • identify where solutions can add most value
  • Launch the cambridge open ventilator system initiative (OVSI)
    • Affortable ventilators for low and middle income countries
  • manufacturing
    • Prodrue
    • beko

Journey mapping focuses on supporting compleling, effective experiences??

  • 1
    • Number
  • 2
    • scenario
    • goals and expectations
  • 3

  • 4

  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8


  • you have begin, middle, end

    discover trial (listening) implement (training) continued use (services)
    Key resources (oridycts, channels, people)
  • Adoption journey mapping exercise

  • for each phase of the adoption journey

    • what pain points or obstables do people face?
    • what gains are they looking for so they have their “ideal” experience or outcome?
  • What channels or resources do they rely on?

  • Start to discover some potential opportunties on how your deploy the technologies?

  • Put into the usage stages

  • There are maybe diffierent stages

  • Service, product

  • designing for adoption is critical for innovation success

Typical journey map

  • cinema
  • emotional journey

Ideate- generate ideas and scenarios for solving the problems

  • real tie visualization
  • seed ideas
  • concept skeleton
  • concept storyboard

Value proposition canvas

  • Value proposition
    • gain reliever
    • product and service
  • customer segment
    • customer job
    • pains
    • gains

Protitype- bring the idea to life

  • How?
  • Bring ideas to life in the quickest and simplest way that will allow users to provide feedback
  • paper versions of interactive experiences
  • storyboards and aniations
  • low fidelity mock-ups

Google glass

  • Interesting challenges
  • new type of experiences

Materials from Motorola

  • cylinder
  • modular
  • earpiece option
  • headband option
  • bike attachment
  • clip on option

Test - rapid feedback to engage good ideas and kill bad ones

  • photo capture
  • video capture
  • life capture
  • intelligent capture
  • device in and out of dock


  • tap
  • actively look at faces and smiles to determine whether should take another photo
  • Moves their head from left to right it determines whether to a panorama
  • if no motion or faces are deterted, it goes back to a low power


  • discover class enterprise edition
  • meet on glass
  • case studies
  • providers
  • developers
  • tech speces
  • FAQ
  • Contact us


  • Prototype
  • Abilities to iterations
  • prototypes
  • pro drive
  • f1 manufacturing
  • fast iteration
  • off the shelf debelopment
  • prototypes with the domain in the
    • 10 k dollars
    • to
    • 1 k dollars
    • that is the power of the human centered design problems to life

What are the benefits of design thinking

  • focus innovation efforts on the most relevant and valuable problems
  • easily accessible approach
    • enabling effective collaboration across disciplines
    • skillsets
    • functions
  • keeps people responsible for developing solutions close to the
    • problem they are solving for
  • does not waste effort developing weak ideas
  • simple and iterative approach guards against over-complex and over engineered solutions
  • comments
    • you can rapidly cycle through by solving the problem
    • solve the problem by it self

Compare with lean (business more )

  • Build-measure-learn

Keep on the communication

  • phases
    • discovering (only a concept)
    • trialling (web based version)
    • implement (hardware chip)
    • how to use? (the further usages)
  • type of the domain
    • pains (necessity )
    • gains (bounces)
    • key resources (needed resources for the domain)
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