Capturing Windows Performance Counters for SQL Server
【1】SQL Server Performance Counters
使用下面的性能计数器列表来在线查看sql server性能指标。
- Memory Available Mbytes (already added above)
- Memory Page Faults/sec (already added above)
- Memory Page Reads/sec (already added above)
- Memory Page Writes/sec (already added above)
- Paging File % Usage (_Total) (already added above)
- Processor % Privileged Time (_Total)
- Processor % Processor Time (_Total)
- Processor % User Time (_Total)
- Physical Disk % Idle Time (_Total)
- Physical Disk Avg. Disk Queue Length (_Total)
- Physical Disk Avg. Disk sec/Read (_Total)
- Physical Disk Avg. Disk sec/Transfer (_Total)
- Physical Disk Avg. Disk sec/Write (_Total)
- SQL Server: Access Methods/Page Splits/sec
- SQL Server: Buffer Manager Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
- SQL Server: Buffer Manager Page Life Expectancy
- SQL Server: Buffer Manager Page Lookups/sec
- SQL Server: Buffer Manager Page Reads/sec
- SQL Server: Buffer Manager Page Writes/sec
- SQL Server: General Statistics User Connections
- SQL Server: Memory Manager Memory Grants Pending
- SQL Server: SQL Statistics Batch Requests/sec
- SQL Server: SQL Statistics SQL Compilations/sec
- SQL Server: SQL Statistics SQL Recompilations/sec
- SQL Server: Wait Statistics Memory Grant Queue Waits <all instances>
- SQL Server: Wait Statistics Network IO Waits <all instances>
- SQL Server: Wait Statistics Non-Page Latch Waits <all instances>
- SQL Server: Wait Statistics Page IO Latch Waits <all instances>
- SQL Server: Wait Statistics Page Latch Waits <all instances>
- System Processor Queue Length
Microsoft provides a command line utility “TypePerf” which allows capturing counters from a remote system to a monitoring system and logging these either to the command window or a log file.
More information about the TypePerf command can be found at:
【2.1】使用typeperf以及应用一个输入文件(Using TypePerf with an Input File)
《1》创建一个 ‘TypePerf‘ 文件夹(Create a folder on the monitoring server named “TypePerf”.)
《2》在 TypePerf 文件夹下 创建一个 TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt 文件(Create a new file in the TypePerf folder named TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt.)
《3》把下列内容编辑保存到 TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt 文件中去(Edit the TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt file by copying the following contents into the file:)
\\SERVERNAME\Memory\Available Bytes \\SERVERNAME\Memory\Page Reads/sec \\SERVERNAME\Memory\Page Writes/sec \\SERVERNAME\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage \\SERVERNAME\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\% Disk Time \\SERVERNAME\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length \\SERVERNAME\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Read \\SERVERNAME\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Transfer \\SERVERNAME\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Write \\SERVERNAME\Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time \\SERVERNAME\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time \\SERVERNAME\Processor(_Total)\% User Time \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Access Methods\Page Splits/sec \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Buffer cache hit ratio \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Page life expectancy \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Page lookups/sec \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:General Statistics\User Connections \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Memory Manager\Memory Grants Pending \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\SQL Compilations/sec \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\SQL Re-Compilations/sec \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Wait Statistics(*)\Memory grant queue waits \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Wait Statistics(*)\Network IO waits \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Wait Statistics(*)\Page IO latch waits \\SERVERNAME\SQLServer:Wait Statistics(*)\Page latch waits \\SERVERNAME\System\Processor Queue Length
【2.2】使用实例名 替换配置文件中的 SERVERNAME
在 TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt 文件中使用【实例名】替换配置文件中的 SERVERNAME,如上图
Perform a global replace of the SERVERNAME to match the actual server name for the SQL Server that is to be monitored. Save the file and Close.
Go to the Start menu -> Command Prompt.
Change the directory to the location where the TypePerf directory was created.
模板代码:At the command prompt, modify the next command to match the information for the SQL Server being monitored:
TYPEPERF -cf F:\TypePerf\TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt -f csv -o F:\TypePerf\MSLAB2191_yyyymmdd_hhmm.csv -s BRTC_MSLAB2191
-cf 包含要捕获的计数器列表的文件的名称(Name of the file that contains the list of counters to capture)
-f 格式化捕获内容,默认是CSV存储格式(format of the log file, defaults to csv)
-o 输出捕获信息到指定文件(Path\name of output file)
-s 在计算器代码中没有指定服务器的情况下监控操作的服务器(Name of server to collect the counters from if one does not exist in the counter file)
TYPEPERF -cf F:\TypePerf\TypePerf_SQLCounters.txt -f csv -o F:\TypePerf\MSLAB2191_20161020_2025.csv -s BRTC_MSLAB2191
回车运行代码.......Press Enter to start the counter collection…
The [\] will run the command and capture the counters every second.
Verify the file you specified for the output was created and is growing:
一般不会自动停止,你要是想停止就按ctrl+c.................When you have completed the SQL Server test, Press CTRL-C to stop the counter collection.
Close the Command Prompt window.
用Excel创建SQL server性能报告:
本文部署阶段大部分转自:怎样获取Windows平台下SQL server性能计数器值