2021-7-15 Maximum Element After Decreasing and Rearranging

难度 中等

题目 Leetcode:

1846.Maximum Element After Decreasing and Rearranging


  You are given an array of positive integers arr. Perform some operations (possibly none) on arr so that it satisfies these conditions:

  •   The value of the first element in arr must be 1.
  •   The absolute difference between any 2 adjacent elements must be less than or equal to 1.In other words, abs(arr[i] - arr[i - 1]) <= 1 for each i where 1 <= i < arr.length (0-indexed). abs(x) is the absolute value of x.

  There are 2 types of operations that you can perform any number of times:  

  •   Decrease the value of any element of arr to a smaller positive integer.
  •   Rearrange the elements of arr to be in any order.

  Return the maximum possible value of an element in arr after performing the operations to satisfy the conditions.

  1 <= arr.length <= 10^5

  1 <= arr[i] <=10^9




本题同IQ test的题意很类似,但做法完全不同,难度也提升了一个等级



我们很轻易的就能发现,事实上最极端的情况数组会转换成[1,2,3,……,length],这也意味着所有大于length的数组元素都会减到一定的值,我们这里将这些个数都看作length,用另外一个数组ans来记录每个小于等于length的数字出现了多少次(也包括看作length的元素),接着再对新的数组从0开始遍历,如果当前数字没出现过(ans[i]==0),就说明需要一个被看作length的数字,操作为cnt++,如果出现过,我们就把当前多余的ans[i]也用来填补前面缺少的部分(指ans[i]==0的地方),这里因为我们会优先填补较小的部分,因此剩余缺失元素必然是 [n-miss+1,n]这一范围内的miss 个数,因此答案为 n-miss。


 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int maximumElementAfterDecrementingAndRearranging(vector<int>& arr) {
 4         int length=arr.size();
 5         int cnt=0;
 6         vector<int>ans(length+1);
 7         for(int i:arr)ans[min(i,length)]++;
 8         for(int i=1;i<=length;i++)
 9         {
10             if(ans[i]==0)cnt++;
11             else cnt-=min(ans[i]-1,cnt);
12         }
13        return length-cnt;
14     }
15 };



上一篇:CF453A Little Pony and Expected Maximum 数学题

下一篇:Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (Request Entity Too Large)