import subprocess import uiautomation as auto def show_index_window(): print('root Control:', auto.GetRootControl()) chromePath = "C:\\Users\\TH\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" url = r'http://www.dianping.com/xiamen/ch10/g110' parameter = '--force-renderer-accessibility' startmax = '-start-maximized' run_cmd = chromePath + ' ' + url + ' ' + parameter + ' ' + startmax subprocess.Popen(run_cmd) mainWindow = auto.DocumentControl(ClassName='Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND') print('mainWindow Name:',mainWindow.Name) show_index_window()
在此之后,我们打开控件识别工具 Inspect.exe工具(可从网上下载)来查看元素情况,我使用的是另一个工具,各个元素的分层情况就显而易见了:
import time import uiautomation as auto # 获取每一个商户根元素 def get_root_control(): documentControl = auto.DocumentControl(ClassName='Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND') # 层层搜索找到目标元素 documentControl_f_son_control = documentControl.GetChildren()[0] # 子元素列表 f_son_control = documentControl_f_son_control.GetChildren() target_list_control = None for each_control in f_son_control: son_control = each_control.GetChildren() if len(son_control) == 1: # 元素属性ControlTypeName为ListControl if son_control[0].ControlTypeName == 'ListControl': target_list_control = son_control[0] break return target_list_control # 获取数据截图 def get_comment_pic(): mainWindow = auto.PaneControl(ClassName='Chrome_WidgetWin_1') print('mainWindow Name:', mainWindow.Name) # 窗口存在,切换窗口 if mainWindow.Exists(3, 1): handle = mainWindow.NativeWindowHandle auto.SwitchToThisWindow(handle) target_list_control = get_root_control() # 当前页面展示的商户的数量 business_num = len(target_list_control.GetChildren()) - 1 print('business_num:', business_num) # 当前数据所在页数 PageNum = 0 # 获取xxxx评价元素的大小并截图 for i in range(business_num): # 第一层,第二层,第三层数据 layer_1_ele = target_list_control.GetChildren()[i] layer_2_ele = layer_1_ele.GetChildren()[1] layer_2_son_ele = layer_2_ele.GetChildren() layer_3_ele = None for each in layer_2_son_ele: if "条评价" in each.Name: layer_3_ele = each if layer_3_ele is None: raise Exception('获取元素失败') print(layer_3_ele) # 获取目标元素的底部坐标,如果底部坐标等于0,说明元素在当前窗口未显示出来,需要pagedown操作 layer_3_ele_bottom = layer_3_ele.BoundingRectangle.bottom print('layer_3_ele_bottom:', layer_3_ele_bottom) if layer_3_ele_bottom > 0: time.sleep(1) # 获取截图 layer_3_ele.CaptureToImage('./pic/%d%d.png' % (PageNum, i)) if layer_3_ele_bottom <= 0: print('目标元素未显示') # auto.WheelDown() # auto.mouse_event(auto.MouseEventFlag.Wheel, 0, 0, -435, 0) auto.SendKeys("{PAGEDOWN}") time.sleep(1) # pagedown后重新获取元素 target_list_control = get_root_control() layer_1_ele = target_list_control.GetChildren()[i] layer_2_ele = layer_1_ele.GetChildren()[1] layer_2_son_ele = layer_2_ele.GetChildren() layer_3_ele = None for each in layer_2_son_ele: if "条评价" in each.Name: layer_3_ele = each if layer_3_ele is None: raise Exception('获取元素失败') print(layer_3_ele) # 获取截图 layer_3_ele.CaptureToImage('./pic/%d%d.png' % (PageNum, i)) get_comment_pic()
import os from PIL import Image # 裁剪后观察样本数据可以发现,含有不同数目的字符图片的长度是不一样的,即: # 1个-->9 # 2个-->16 # 3个-->23 # 4个-->30 # 5个-->37 # 大家可以自己像一个很好的办法来区分,这里我就简单的人工罗列。 # 注意不同分辨率的电脑这个数据也会改变的,大家可以做一个映射表即可。 def get_each_pic_num(imgPath, savePath): global rct files = os.listdir(imgPath) files.sort() for file in files: fileType = os.path.splitext(file) if fileType[1] == '.png': img = Image.open(imgPath + '/' + file) img = img.convert("L") # pixdata = img.load() w, h = img.size cut_times = 0 if w == 9: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h),) cut_times = 1 if w == 16: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h)) cut_times = 2 if w == 23: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h),) cut_times = 3 if w == 30: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h), (21, 0, 28, h),) cut_times = 4 if w == 37: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h), (21, 0, 28, h), (28, 0, 35, h),) cut_times = 5 cut_img = [] for part in range(cut_times): cut_img.append(img.crop(rct[part])) # return img d = 0 for im in cut_img: d += 1 im.save(savePath + str(d) + str(file)) get_each_pic_num('./cutpic/', './each_character/')
import os from PIL import Image # 灰度和二值化处理 def binarizing(imgPath, savePath): files = os.listdir(imgPath) files.sort() # img=Image.open(img).convert("L") for file in files: fileType = os.path.splitext(file) if fileType[1] == '.png': img = Image.open(imgPath + '/' + file) img = img.convert("L") pixdata = img.load() w, h = img.size for y in range(h): for x in range(w): if pixdata[x, y] < 220: pixdata[x, y] = 0 else: pixdata[x, y] = 255 # removeFrame(img,1) img.save(savePath + '/' + file) # 保存图片 # return img def get_cut(file_name): img = Image.open(file_name) # 不同分辨率减去的值可能不同 # 可以做一个字典映射 right = img.size[0] - 39 # right = img.size[0] - 47 cut_img = [] rct = ( (0, 0, right, 28), # 左边距 上边距 右边距 下边距 ) for part in range(1): cut_img.append(img.crop(rct[part])) return cut_img # 二值化 binarizing('./pic/', './binpic/') # 切割保存 imgPath = './binpic/' files = os.listdir(imgPath) files.sort() for file in files: fileType = os.path.splitext(file) if fileType[1] == '.png': # img = Image.open(imgPath + '/' + file) img = get_cut(imgPath + '/' + file) d = 0 for im in img: d += 1 im.save('./cutpic/' + str(file))
# 获取图像二值化数值 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import os, sys def getBinaryPix(im): im = Image.open(im) im = im.convert("L") img = np.array(im) rows, cols = img.shape # print(img.shape) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if (img[i, j] <= 220): img[i, j] = 0 else: img[i, j] = 1 binpix = np.ravel(img) # binpix=img.reshape(1,rows*cols) return binpix def getfiles(path): files = [] for eachf in os.listdir(path): f = path + eachf if f.rfind(u'.DS_Store') == -1: files.append(f) return files def wirteFile(content): with open('./traindata/train.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write(content) f.write('\n') f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': file_path = './correct_categroy/%s/' for i in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']: for f in getfiles(file_path % (i)): pixs = getBinaryPix(f).tolist() pixs.append(i) pixs = [str(i) for i in pixs] content = '.'.join(pixs) wirteFile(content)
from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score import numpy as np import pandas as pd import joblib from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance # from picPreprocessing import loadPredict import warnings import os warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') PKL = './model.pkl' # 加载数据 def load_data(): dataset = pd.read_table('./traindata/train.txt', header=None, delimiter='.', index_col=-1) return dataset # 参数寻优 def searchBestParameter(): parameters = {'kernel': ('linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'), 'C': [1, 100]} dataset = load_data() row, col = dataset.shape X = dataset.values Y = dataset.index svr = SVC() clf = GridSearchCV(svr, parameters) clf.fit(X, Y) print(clf.best_params_) # 该工程的最佳参数为 # {'C': 1, 'kernel': 'linear'} def train(): dataset = load_data() # row, col = dataset.shape # X = dataset[:,:col-1] # Y=dataset[:,-1] X = dataset.values Y = dataset.index clf = SVC(kernel='linear', C=1) clf.fit(X, Y) joblib.dump(clf, PKL) # 交叉验证 def cross_validation(): dataset = load_data() row, col = dataset.shape # X=dataset[:,:col-1] # Y=dataset[:,-1] X = dataset.values Y = dataset.index clf = SVC(kernel='linear', C=1) scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, Y, cv=5) print("Accuracy: %0.2f (+/- %0.2f)" % (scores.mean(), scores.std() * 2)) # 该工程下打印的 cross_validation Accuracy: 0.99 (+/- 0.02) def predict(pic_name): clf = joblib.load(PKL) img = Image.open(pic_name) img = img.convert("L") w, h = img.size cut_times = 0 # 这里的处理与一开始生成测试数据的时候保持一致 if w == 9: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h),) cut_times = 1 if w == 16: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h)) cut_times = 2 if w == 23: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h),) cut_times = 3 if w == 30: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h), (21, 0, 28, h),) cut_times = 4 if w == 37: rct = ((0, 0, 7, h), (7, 0, 14, h), (14, 0, 21, h), (21, 0, 28, h), (28, 0, 35, h),) cut_times = 5 print('cut_times:',cut_times) predictValue = [] for part in range(cut_times): img = im.crop(rct[part]) img = img.convert('L') # img.show() img2 = np.array(img) rows, cols = img2.shape for a in range(rows): for b in range(cols): if (img2[a, b] <= 220): img2[a, b] = 0 else: img2[a, b] = 1 binpix = np.ravel(img2) # pixs=binpix.tolist() pixs = binpix.reshape(1, -1) predictValue.append(clf.predict(pixs)[0]) predictValue = [str(x) for x in predictValue] print('Number of reviews for this business: %s' % (''.join(predictValue))) if __name__ == '__main__': # searchBestParameter() # train() # cross_validation() file_name = './testPic/712.png' savePath = './savaPic/712.png' img = Image.open(file_name) right = img.size[0] - 39 # right = img.size[0] - 47 cut_img = [] rct = ( (0, 0, right, 28), ) for part in range(1): cut_img.append(img.crop(rct[part])) d = 0 for im in cut_img: d += 1 im.save(savePath) predict(savePath)
交叉验证得知,我们的识别准确率高达:0.99 (+/- 0.02)
最后我们可以正确的识别目录下文件 './testPic/712.png'