


 Dim aSum As Integer
Dim tSum As Integer
Dim judge() As Integer
Dim arrMax As Integer
Dim arr
Dim location() As Integer Function Test()
Dim arrWmax As Integer
Dim Rng As Range
Dim beginRow As Integer
Dim beginLine As Integer Set Rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please Select....", Type:=)
rr = Rng.Address
beginRow = Rng.Column
beginLine = Rng.Row arr = Range(rr)
aSum =
arrMax = UBound(arr)
arrWmax = UBound(arr, ) For loca = To arrMax
location(loca) = beginLine
beginLine = beginLine +
Next For col = To arrWmax 'modify
tSum = arr(, col)
Call subTest(, beginRow)
Next End Function Function subTest(n As Integer, beginRow As Integer)
If aSum > tSum Then
Exit Function
End If Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
If aSum = tSum Then
For i = To n
If judge(i) = Then
Sheets().Cells(location(i), beginRow).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next Exit Function
End If If n = arrMax Then
Exit Function
End If For j = n To arrMax
If judge(j) = Then
judge(j) =
aSum = aSum + arr(j, )
Call subTest(j, beginRow) judge(j) =
aSum = aSum - arr(j, )
If j < arrMax Then
While arr(j, ) = arr(j + , )
j = j +
End If
End If
Next End Function
