void wpa_supplicant_req_scan(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, int sec, int usec)
int res;
if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Ignore scan request (%d.%06d sec) on p2p_mgmt interface",
sec, usec);
res = eloop_deplete_timeout(sec, usec, wpa_supplicant_scan, wpa_s,
if (res == 1) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Rescheduling scan request: %d.%06d sec",
sec, usec);
} else if (res == 0) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Ignore new scan request for %d.%06d sec since an earlier request is scheduled to trigger sooner",
sec, usec);
} else {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Setting scan request: %d.%06d sec",
sec, usec);
eloop_register_timeout(sec, usec, wpa_supplicant_scan, wpa_s, NULL);
static void wpa_supplicant_scan(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx)
struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = eloop_ctx;
struct wpa_ssid *ssid;
int ret, p2p_in_prog;
struct wpabuf *extra_ie = NULL;
struct wpa_driver_scan_params params;
struct wpa_driver_scan_params *scan_params;
size_t max_ssids;
int connect_without_scan = 0;
wpa_s->ignore_post_flush_scan_res = 0;
// 接口未使能
if (wpa_s->wpa_state == WPA_INTERFACE_DISABLED) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Skip scan - interface disabled");
if (wpa_s->disconnected && wpa_s->scan_req == NORMAL_SCAN_REQ) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Disconnected - do not scan");
wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_DISCONNECTED);
// 如果正在扫描, 推迟本次扫描
if (wpa_s->scanning) {
* If we are already in scanning state, we shall reschedule the
* the incoming scan request.
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Already scanning - Reschedule the incoming scan req");
wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, 1, 0);
// 查看是否有使能的ssid
if (!wpa_supplicant_enabled_networks(wpa_s) &&
wpa_s->scan_req == NORMAL_SCAN_REQ) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "No enabled networks - do not scan");
wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_INACTIVE);
if (wpa_s->conf->ap_scan != 0 &&
(wpa_s->drv_flags & WPA_DRIVER_FLAGS_WIRED)) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Using wired authentication - "
"overriding ap_scan configuration");
wpa_s->conf->ap_scan = 0;
if (wpa_s->conf->ap_scan == 0) {
ssid = NULL;
if (wpa_s->scan_req != MANUAL_SCAN_REQ &&
wpa_s->connect_without_scan) {
connect_without_scan = 1;
for (ssid = wpa_s->conf->ssid; ssid; ssid = ssid->next) {
if (ssid == wpa_s->connect_without_scan)
p2p_in_prog = wpas_p2p_in_progress(wpa_s);
if (p2p_in_prog && p2p_in_prog != 2 &&
(!ssid ||
(ssid->mode != WPAS_MODE_AP && ssid->mode != WPAS_MODE_P2P_GO))) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Delay station mode scan while P2P operation is in progress");
wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, 5, 0);
* Don't cancel the scan based on ongoing PNO; defer it. Some scans are
* used for changing modes inside wpa_supplicant (roaming,
* auto-reconnect, etc). Discarding the scan might hurt these processes.
* The normal use case for PNO is to suspend the host immediately after
* starting PNO, so the periodic 100 ms attempts to run the scan do not
* normally happen in practice multiple times, i.e., this is simply
* restarting scanning once the host is woken up and PNO stopped.
if (wpa_s->pno || wpa_s->pno_sched_pending) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Defer scan - PNO is in progress");
wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, 0, 100000);
if (wpa_s->conf->ap_scan == 2)
max_ssids = 1;
else {
max_ssids = wpa_s->max_scan_ssids;
if (max_ssids > WPAS_MAX_SCAN_SSIDS)
max_ssids = WPAS_MAX_SCAN_SSIDS;
wpa_s->last_scan_req = wpa_s->scan_req;
wpa_s->scan_req = NORMAL_SCAN_REQ;
// 如果设置了connect_without_scan, 连接之前选择的网络,不进行扫描,直接关联
if (connect_without_scan) {
wpa_s->connect_without_scan = NULL;
if (ssid) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Start a pre-selected network "
"without scan step");
wpa_supplicant_associate(wpa_s, NULL, ssid);
os_memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params));
// 设置状态为扫描
wpa_s->scan_prev_wpa_state = wpa_s->wpa_state;
if (wpa_s->wpa_state == WPA_DISCONNECTED ||
wpa_s->wpa_state == WPA_INACTIVE)
wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_SCANNING);
* If autoscan has set its own scanning parameters
if (wpa_s->autoscan_params != NULL) {
scan_params = wpa_s->autoscan_params;
goto scan;
if (wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ &&
wpa_set_ssids_from_scan_req(wpa_s, ¶ms, max_ssids)) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Use specific SSIDs from SCAN command");
goto ssid_list_set;
/* Find the starting point from which to continue scanning */
// 查找开始扫描的ssid
ssid = wpa_s->conf->ssid;
// 从这里看,应该是链表里面下一个ssid
if (wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid != WILDCARD_SSID_SCAN) {
while (ssid) {
if (ssid == wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid) {
ssid = ssid->next;
ssid = ssid->next;
if (wpa_s->last_scan_req != MANUAL_SCAN_REQ &&
#ifdef CONFIG_AP
!wpa_s->ap_iface &&
#endif /* CONFIG_AP */
wpa_s->conf->ap_scan == 2) {
wpa_s->connect_without_scan = NULL;
wpa_s->prev_scan_wildcard = 0;
wpa_supplicant_assoc_try(wpa_s, ssid);
} else if (wpa_s->conf->ap_scan == 2) {
* User-initiated scan request in ap_scan == 2; scan with
* wildcard SSID.
ssid = NULL;
} else if (wpa_s->reattach && wpa_s->current_ssid != NULL) {
// 实行单信道,单个ssid扫描。难道是漫游的操作?
// reassoicate重关联
* Perform single-channel single-SSID scan for
* reassociate-to-same-BSS operation.
/* Setup SSID */
ssid = wpa_s->current_ssid;
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "Scan SSID",
ssid->ssid, ssid->ssid_len);
params.ssids[0].ssid = ssid->ssid;
params.ssids[0].ssid_len = ssid->ssid_len;
params.num_ssids = 1;
* Allocate memory for frequency array, allocate one extra
* slot for the zero-terminator.
params.freqs = os_malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
if (params.freqs) {
params.freqs[0] = wpa_s->assoc_freq;
params.freqs[1] = 0;
* Reset the reattach flag so that we fall back to full scan if
* this scan fails.
wpa_s->reattach = 0;
} else {
struct wpa_ssid *start = ssid, *tssid;
int freqs_set = 0;
if (ssid == NULL && max_ssids > 1)
ssid = wpa_s->conf->ssid;
// 获取配置文件中的ssid
while (ssid) {
if (!wpas_network_disabled(wpa_s, ssid) &&
ssid->scan_ssid) {
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "Scan SSID",
ssid->ssid, ssid->ssid_len);
params.ssids[params.num_ssids].ssid =
params.ssids[params.num_ssids].ssid_len =
// 达到所能支持的最大ssid个数,退出循环
if (params.num_ssids + 1 >= max_ssids)
ssid = ssid->next;
if (ssid == start)
if (ssid == NULL && max_ssids > 1 &&
start != wpa_s->conf->ssid)
ssid = wpa_s->conf->ssid;
if (wpa_s->scan_id_count &&
wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ)
wpa_set_scan_ssids(wpa_s, ¶ms, max_ssids);
for (tssid = wpa_s->conf->ssid;
wpa_s->last_scan_req != MANUAL_SCAN_REQ && tssid;
tssid = tssid->next) {
// 网络关闭,不进行扫描
if (wpas_network_disabled(wpa_s, tssid))
if ((params.freqs || !freqs_set) && tssid->scan_freq) {
} else {
params.freqs = NULL;
freqs_set = 1;
// 对频率进行排序
if (ssid && max_ssids == 1) {
* If the driver is limited to 1 SSID at a time interleave
* wildcard SSID scans with specific SSID scans to avoid
* waiting a long time for a wildcard scan.
if (!wpa_s->prev_scan_wildcard) {
params.ssids[0].ssid = NULL;
params.ssids[0].ssid_len = 0;
wpa_s->prev_scan_wildcard = 1;
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Starting AP scan for "
"wildcard SSID (Interleave with specific)");
} else {
wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid = ssid;
wpa_s->prev_scan_wildcard = 0;
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Starting AP scan for specific SSID: %s",
wpa_ssid_txt(ssid->ssid, ssid->ssid_len));
} else if (ssid) {
/* max_ssids > 1 */
wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid = ssid;
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Include wildcard SSID in "
"the scan request");
} else if (wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ &&
wpa_s->manual_scan_passive && params.num_ssids == 0) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Use passive scan based on manual request");
} else if (wpa_s->conf->passive_scan) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Use passive scan based on configuration");
} else {
wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid = WILDCARD_SSID_SCAN;
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Starting AP scan for wildcard "
wpa_supplicant_optimize_freqs(wpa_s, ¶ms);
extra_ie = wpa_supplicant_extra_ies(wpa_s);
// 手动发起的扫描
if (wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ &&
wpa_s->manual_scan_only_new) {
"Request driver to clear scan cache due to manual only_new=1 scan");
params.only_new_results = 1;
if (wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ && params.freqs == NULL &&
wpa_s->manual_scan_freqs) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Limit manual scan to specified channels");
params.freqs = wpa_s->manual_scan_freqs;
wpa_s->manual_scan_freqs = NULL;
if (params.freqs == NULL && wpa_s->select_network_scan_freqs) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Limit select_network scan to specified channels");
params.freqs = wpa_s->select_network_scan_freqs;
wpa_s->select_network_scan_freqs = NULL;
// 参数里面的频率为空
// 优化扫描,基于的频率列表
if (params.freqs == NULL && wpa_s->next_scan_freqs) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Optimize scan based on previously "
"generated frequency list");
params.freqs = wpa_s->next_scan_freqs;
} else
wpa_s->next_scan_freqs = NULL;
wpa_setband_scan_freqs(wpa_s, ¶ms);
/* See if user specified frequencies. If so, scan only those. */
if (wpa_s->conf->freq_list && !params.freqs) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Optimize scan based on conf->freq_list");
int_array_concat(¶ms.freqs, wpa_s->conf->freq_list);
/* Use current associated channel? */
// 是否只扫描当前信道
if (wpa_s->conf->scan_cur_freq && !params.freqs) {
unsigned int num = wpa_s->num_multichan_concurrent;
params.freqs = os_calloc(num + 1, sizeof(int));
if (params.freqs) {
num = get_shared_radio_freqs(wpa_s, params.freqs, num);
if (num > 0) {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Scan only the "
"current operating channels since "
"scan_cur_freq is enabled");
} else {
params.freqs = NULL;
params.filter_ssids = wpa_supplicant_build_filter_ssids(
wpa_s->conf, ¶ms.num_filter_ssids);
if (extra_ie) {
params.extra_ies = wpabuf_head(extra_ie);
params.extra_ies_len = wpabuf_len(extra_ie);
if ((wpa_s->mac_addr_rand_enable & MAC_ADDR_RAND_SCAN) &&
wpa_s->wpa_state <= WPA_SCANNING) {
params.mac_addr_rand = 1;
if (wpa_s->mac_addr_scan) {
params.mac_addr = wpa_s->mac_addr_scan;
params.mac_addr_mask = wpa_s->mac_addr_scan + ETH_ALEN;
if (!is_zero_ether_addr(wpa_s->next_scan_bssid)) {
struct wpa_bss *bss;
params.bssid = wpa_s->next_scan_bssid;
bss = wpa_bss_get_bssid_latest(wpa_s, params.bssid);
if (bss && bss->ssid_len && params.num_ssids == 1 &&
params.ssids[0].ssid_len == 0) {
params.ssids[0].ssid = bss->ssid;
params.ssids[0].ssid_len = bss->ssid_len;
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Scan a previously specified BSSID " MACSTR
" and SSID %s",
wpa_ssid_txt(bss->ssid, bss->ssid_len));
} else {
wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG,
"Scan a previously specified BSSID " MACSTR,
scan_params = ¶ms;
ret = wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan(wpa_s, scan_params);
if (ret && wpa_s->last_scan_req == MANUAL_SCAN_REQ && params.freqs &&
!wpa_s->manual_scan_freqs) {
/* Restore manual_scan_freqs for the next attempt */
wpa_s->manual_scan_freqs = params.freqs;
params.freqs = NULL;
if (ret) {
wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_WARNING, "Failed to initiate AP scan");
if (wpa_s->scan_prev_wpa_state != wpa_s->wpa_state)
/* Restore scan_req since we will try to scan again */
wpa_s->scan_req = wpa_s->last_scan_req;
wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, 1, 0);
} else {
wpa_s->scan_for_connection = 0;
wpa_s->interworking_fast_assoc_tried = 0;
if (params.bssid)
os_memset(wpa_s->next_scan_bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN);
--> wpas_trigger_scan_cb
--> wpa_drv_scan(wpa_s, params);
--> wpa_s->driver->scan2(wpa_s->drv_priv, params);
const struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_nl80211_ops = {
.name = "nl80211",
.desc = "Linux nl80211/cfg80211",
.get_bssid = wpa_driver_nl80211_get_bssid,
.get_ssid = wpa_driver_nl80211_get_ssid,
.set_key = driver_nl80211_set_key,
.scan2 = driver_nl80211_scan2,
static int driver_nl80211_scan2(void *priv,
struct wpa_driver_scan_params *params)
struct i802_bss *bss = priv;
struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *drv = bss->drv;
* Do a vendor specific scan if possible. If only_new_results is
* set, do a normal scan since a kernel (cfg80211) BSS cache flush
* cannot be achieved through a vendor scan. The below condition may
* need to be modified if new scan flags are added in the future whose
* functionality can only be achieved through a normal scan.
if (drv->scan_vendor_cmd_avail && !params->only_new_results)
return wpa_driver_nl80211_vendor_scan(bss, params);
#endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_NL80211_QCA */
return wpa_driver_nl80211_scan(bss, params);
int wpa_driver_nl80211_scan(struct i802_bss *bss,
struct wpa_driver_scan_params *params)
struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *drv = bss->drv;
int ret = -1, timeout;
struct nl_msg *msg = NULL;
wpa_dbg(drv->ctx, MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: scan request");
drv->scan_for_auth = 0;
if (TEST_FAIL())
return -1;
msg = nl80211_scan_common(bss, NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN, params);
if (!msg)
return -1;
if (params->p2p_probe) {
struct nlattr *rates;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: P2P probe - mask SuppRates");
rates = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SUPP_RATES);
if (rates == NULL)
goto fail;
* Remove 2.4 GHz rates 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps from supported rates
* by masking out everything else apart from the OFDM rates 6,
* 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps from non-MCS rates. All 5 GHz
* rates are left enabled.
if (nla_put(msg, NL80211_BAND_2GHZ, 8,
goto fail;
nla_nest_end(msg, rates);
if (nla_put_flag(msg, NL80211_ATTR_TX_NO_CCK_RATE))
goto fail;
if (params->bssid) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: Scan for a specific BSSID: "
MACSTR, MAC2STR(params->bssid));
if (nla_put(msg, NL80211_ATTR_MAC, ETH_ALEN, params->bssid))
goto fail;
ret = send_and_recv_msgs(drv, msg, NULL, NULL);
msg = NULL;
if (ret) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: Scan trigger failed: ret=%d "
"(%s)", ret, strerror(-ret));
if (drv->hostapd && is_ap_interface(drv->nlmode)) {
enum nl80211_iftype old_mode = drv->nlmode;
* mac80211 does not allow scan requests in AP mode, so
* try to do this in station mode.
if (wpa_driver_nl80211_set_mode(
goto fail;
if (wpa_driver_nl80211_scan(bss, params)) {
wpa_driver_nl80211_set_mode(bss, old_mode);
goto fail;
/* Restore AP mode when processing scan results */
drv->ap_scan_as_station = old_mode;
ret = 0;
} else
goto fail;
drv->scan_state = SCAN_REQUESTED;
/* Not all drivers generate "scan completed" wireless event, so try to
* read results after a timeout. */
// 扫描超时时间,超时之后读取结果。
timeout = 10;
if (drv->scan_complete_events) {
* The driver seems to deliver events to notify when scan is
* complete, so use longer timeout to avoid race conditions
* with scanning and following association request.
timeout = 30;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Scan requested (ret=%d) - scan timeout %d "
"seconds", ret, timeout);
eloop_cancel_timeout(wpa_driver_nl80211_scan_timeout, drv, drv->ctx);
eloop_register_timeout(timeout, 0, wpa_driver_nl80211_scan_timeout,
drv, drv->ctx);
drv->last_scan_cmd = NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN;
return ret;
static struct nl_msg *
nl80211_scan_common(struct i802_bss *bss, u8 cmd,
struct wpa_driver_scan_params *params)
struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *drv = bss->drv;
struct nl_msg *msg;
size_t i;
u32 scan_flags = 0;
msg = nl80211_cmd_msg(bss, 0, cmd);
if (!msg)
return NULL;
if (params->num_ssids) {
struct nlattr *ssids;
ssids = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SSIDS);
if (ssids == NULL)
goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < params->num_ssids; i++) {
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_MSGDUMP, "nl80211: Scan SSID",
if (nla_put(msg, i + 1, params->ssids[i].ssid_len,
goto fail;
nla_nest_end(msg, ssids);
} else {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: Passive scan requested");
if (params->extra_ies) {
wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "nl80211: Scan extra IEs",
params->extra_ies, params->extra_ies_len);
if (nla_put(msg, NL80211_ATTR_IE, params->extra_ies_len,
goto fail;
// 扫描频率
if (params->freqs) {
struct nlattr *freqs;
freqs = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES);
if (freqs == NULL)
goto fail;
for (i = 0; params->freqs[i]; i++) {
wpa_printf(MSG_MSGDUMP, "nl80211: Scan frequency %u "
"MHz", params->freqs[i]);
if (nla_put_u32(msg, i + 1, params->freqs[i]))
goto fail;
nla_nest_end(msg, freqs);
drv->filter_ssids = params->filter_ssids;
params->filter_ssids = NULL;
drv->num_filter_ssids = params->num_filter_ssids;
if (params->only_new_results) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: Add NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FLUSH");
scan_flags |= NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FLUSH;
if (params->low_priority && drv->have_low_prio_scan) {
"nl80211: Add NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY");
scan_flags |= NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY;
if (params->mac_addr_rand) {
"nl80211: Add NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_ADDR");
scan_flags |= NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_ADDR;
if (params->mac_addr) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: MAC address: " MACSTR,
if (nla_put(msg, NL80211_ATTR_MAC, ETH_ALEN,
goto fail;
if (params->mac_addr_mask) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "nl80211: MAC address mask: "
MACSTR, MAC2STR(params->mac_addr_mask));
if (nla_put(msg, NL80211_ATTR_MAC_MASK, ETH_ALEN,
goto fail;
if (params->duration) {
if (!(drv->capa.rrm_flags &
nla_put_u16(msg, NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION,
goto fail;
if (params->duration_mandatory &&
goto fail;
if (scan_flags &&
nla_put_u32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FLAGS, scan_flags))
goto fail;
return msg;
return NULL;