Virtualization API之libvirt

The virtualization API 之开源 libvirt探究 By Ruiy:

libvirt supports Hypervisors(注,相关的hypervisors项目的权威网站已经加入到链接中,感兴趣探究):

libvirt provides:

  • Remote management using TLS(Transport Layer Security) encryption and x509 certificates (即,libvirt管理远程来宾OS采用TLS加密及2509证书)
  • Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL(Simple Authentication And Security Layer)
  • Local access control using PolicyKit(dbus,sudo)
  • Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
  • Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

上一篇:ASP.NET MVC Model验证(五)

下一篇:ASP.NET MVC Model元数据(二)