-- 创建内存级别带索引的临时表 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ‘atest‘( ‘id‘ int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ‘pid‘ bigint(20) Default 0, ‘sid‘ bigint(20) Default 0, KEY ‘index_pid‘ (‘pid‘), KEY ‘index_sid‘ (‘sid‘) ) ENGINE =MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ‘btest‘( ‘pid‘ bigint(20) Default 0, ‘sid‘ bigint(20) Default 0, KEY ‘index_pid‘ (‘pid‘), KEY ‘index_sid‘ (‘sid‘) ) ENGINE =MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into atest select id ,pid ,sid from tb_parent_student; insert into btest select pid ,sid from tb_child join tb_parent on pid=pid;
-- 使用普通方式创建默认临时表方法 create temporary table atest(select id ,pid ,sid from tb_parent_student); create temporary table btest(select pid ,sid from tb_child join tb_parent on pid=pid); select *From atest; select *From btest; -- Exists 比较两个结果集的差异信息 select *From atest where not Exists (select *From btest where atest.pid=btest.pid and atest.sid=btest.sid); select *From btest where not Exists (select *from atest where atest.pid=btest.pid and atest.sid=btest.sid); -- left join select *From atest m left join btest as a on m.pid=a.pid and m.sid=a.sid; select *From atest m left join btest as a on m.pid=a.pid and m.sid=a.sid;
其中:atest 和btest 两个临时表格的数据都有近二十万数据。