
edit params mgr
port 7809
syslog none
dynamicportlist 7810-7820
start mgr
info mgr

-- This is the management port, each local machine have a special one  仅仅有这个是必须的。
port 7809
--OGG 11.X, Prevents GoldenGate messages from being written to the system logs.
syslog none
-- GoldenGate will use these dynamic ports to transfer the trailfiles,用netstat -an | grep 7810这样逐个看端口是否已经被占用
dynamicportlist 7809-7909
-- GoldenGate manager will auto start all the processes when MGR process is started
autostart er *
假设是autostart extract *,waitminutes 2,retries 5 表示自己主动重新启动extract进程,2分钟一次共5次。
-- GoldenGate manager will auto restart all the processes when it is Abended, Manager process will retry 24 times, interval 30min.
autorestart er *, retries 24, waitminutes 30, resetminutes 1440
-- GoldenGate manager will checks extract and replicat lag for each 10 minutes
lagreportminutes 10
-- GoldenGate manager will report lag information to the error log for each 1 seconds
laginfoseconds 1
-- GoldenGate manager will auto purge old trailfiles which was been used 168(7天) hours ago
purgeoldextracts ./dirdat/*, usecheckpoints, minkeephours 120

edit params mgr
port 7809
syslog none
dynamicportlist 7810-7820

下一篇:kafka 部署