三星Android BLE多重读/写

在Samsung 4.2到4.3 BLE App迁移指南(http://developer.samsung.com/ble)中,它说:

The synchronous nature of the stack and F/W hasn’t been affected. That
is, if we call for example, writeCharacteristic for a particular
characteristic, if it returns true, the next call to any
BluetoothGatt or BluetoothGattServer method should be done after the
onCharacteristicRead callback is received. This is because the stack is designed to support and process only one GATT call at a
time, and if, for example, you call writeCharacteristic or
readCharacteristic of any characteristic soon after the first one, it
is ignored.


.. That is, if we call for example, writeCharacteristic for a
particular characteristic, if it returns true, the next call to any
BluetoothGatt or BluetoothGattServer method should be done after the
onCharacteristicWrite callback is received. …



