

     p = angr.Project("fake", auto_load_libs=False)

     state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=0x4004AC)
inp = state.solver.BVS('inp', 8*8)
state.regs.rax = inp simgr= p.factory.simulation_manager(state)
found = simgr.found[0]


     flag_addr = found.regs.rdi
found.add_constraints(found.memory.load(flag_addr, 5) == int(binascii.hexlify(b"ASIS{"), 16)) # More constraints: the whole flag should be printable
flag = found.memory.load(flag_addr, 40)
for i in range(5, 5+32):
cond_0 = flag.get_byte(i) >= ord('')
cond_1 = flag.get_byte(i) <= ord('')
cond_2 = flag.get_byte(i) >= ord('a')
cond_3 = flag.get_byte(i) <= ord('f')
cond_4 = found.solver.And(cond_0, cond_1)
cond_5 = found.solver.And(cond_2, cond_3)
found.add_constraints(found.solver.Or(cond_4, cond_5)) # And it ends with a '}'
found.add_constraints(flag.get_byte(32+5) == ord('}')) # In fact, putting less constraints (for example, only constraining the first
# several characters) is enough to get the final flag, and Z3 runs much faster
# if there are less constraints. I added all constraints just to stay on the
# safe side. flag_str = found.solver.eval(flag, cast_to=bytes)
return flag_str.rstrip(b'\0')
上一篇:ssh 与远程机器保持心跳(linux)
