PHP Skill-sets (overall)

Flow Communications is looking for a senior PHP developer to join our Johannesburg team.

We are considered one of South Africa’s top web development companies and with you on board we want to be even better!

Flow doesn’t measure seniority in years of experience but by a person who can see the whole picture, build client relationships, scope a project, problem-solve effectively and communicate exceptionally well. All of this is expected while also keeping up with the latest web development trends and thinking of PHP before you fall asleep at night.

If you can do all this, deliver high-quality work within budget and build confidence among you peers then step right ahead.

Job description

You will join our team of developers and collaborate on new and existing projects used by thousands of people daily. We use a mix of PHP technologies and you will be expected to pick up on ExpressionEngine, CodeIgniter and Laravel based projects.

You will also be working daily with a full-stack team of designers and journalists to create sites like and – enterprise-level sites that require you to develop complex architectures and anticipate future developments.

Please submit your CV together with a covering letter that demonstrates your communication abilities. Your covering letter should summarise why you’re a good fit for Flow Communications.

Please also provide two contactable references.

Submit your application and CV before 25 June 2014 to Richard Frank (

In your CV and interview, you will have to demonstrate:

  • An understanding of the full web application life-cycle, from concept to final production
  • The ability to communicate effectively and concisely, with experience to back up your decisions and viewpoints
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Ability to write object-oriented PHP using commonly-accepted design patterns (MVC, DI etc.)
  • Experience in using version control such as Git
  • An ability to develop yourself professionally on a daily basis



  • Experience working in a Mac/Linux environment and using the command line.
  • Contributions to the open source community, a Github profile with active projects, a StackExchange profile and/or participation in a community user group (e.g. PHP user group).
  • Building and maintaining a LAMP stack
  • Able to context-switch and work on multiple projects simultaneously in an agency environment

PHP Skill-sets (overall),布布扣,

PHP Skill-sets (overall)

上一篇:php 计算两个时间的差

下一篇:php register_shutdown_function