The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu)

The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu)

  1. From terminate command window, install the samba package with follow command:

Sudo apt-get install samba

2. Edit the samba config with follow command:

Sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add follow content for share folder myshare:

[global]                                                                                                 //设置samba服务整体环境

workgroup = WORKGROUP                                                 //设置工作组名称

server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)                  //服务器说明

[myshare]                                                                                           //共享目录的名称

comment = my test share folder                                       //注释说明

path = /home/mostlee/testshare                                    //共享目录的路径

public = yes                                                                                //是yes/否no公开共享,若为否则进行身份验证(只有当security = share 时此项才起

writable = yes                                                        //是yes/否no不以只读方式共享当与read only发生冲突时,无视read only

browseable = yes                                                   //是yes/否no在浏览资源中显示共享目录,若为否则必须指定共享路径才能存取

guest ok = yes                                                                    //是yes/否no公开共享,若为否则进行身份验证(只有当security = share 时此项才起作用)

Share to everyone sample:

The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu)

Share the folder for shareuser access with account/password:

The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu)

3.  Restart samba service with follow command:

Sudo service smbd restart

The command to view the smbd service status:

Sudo service smbd status

4. Add a user to access the share folder:

useradd testshareuser

smbpasswd –a testshareuser                                                     set the user password.

5. Access the share from windows os:

View the linux machine’s ipaddress with ifconfig [eth0]

Maybe need to close the firewall, command like:

Service iptables stop

Now, we should access the share folder, in file explorer from windows machine,

url : \\\myshare

The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu)

  • For machine in azure, should add endpoints for accessing samba from the virtual machine.
    1. Login the with manage account.
    2. Open the target VM’s property page from Virtual Machines section.
    3. On property page, open the networking page by clicking Networking under Settings node.
    4. Add inbound port rules for enpoints(137,138,139,445)
  • Some other general command for adding share user:

smbpasswd –a username                      add user

smbpasswd –d username                      disable the user

smbpasswd –e username                      enable the user

smbpasswd –n username                      set the user’s password to empty

smbpasswd –x username                      delete the user

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