excel 中颜色获取
Sub t1() Dim hong As Integer, lv As Integer, lan As Integer hong = 255 lv = 255 lan = 255 Range("g1").Interior.Color = RGB(hong, lv, lan) End Sub
1 判断是否为空单元格
Sub t2() [b1] = "" 'If Range("a1") = "" Then 'If Len([a1]) = 0 Then If VBA.IsEmpty([a1]) Then [b1] = "空值" End If End Sub
2 判断是否为数字
Sub t3() [b2] = "" 'If VBA.IsNumeric([a2]) And [a2] <> "" Then If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([a2]) Then [b2] = "数字" End If End Sub
' 判断是否为汉字
Sub t4() [b4] = "" If [a4] > "z" Then [b4] = "汉字" End If End Sub
Sub t5() [b5] = "" 'If VBA.IsError([a5]) Then If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsErr([a5]) Then [b5] = "错误值" End If End Sub
Sub t6() [b6] = "" If VBA.Date([a6]) Then [b6] = "日期" End If End Sub
二、 设置单元格自定义格式
Sub t7() Range("a8:a11").NumberFormatLocal = "0.00" End Sub
Sub t8() Range("a8:c8").Merge End Sub
Sub t9() Range("a9") = Range("a8").MergeArea.Address ' 返回单元格所在的合并单元格 End Sub
Sub t10() MsgBox Range("b2").MergeCells MsgBox Range("a1:d7").MergeCells Range("e2") = IsNull(Range("a1:d7").MergeCells) Range("e3") = IsNull(Range("a9:d72").MergeCells) End Sub
Sub t11() Dim x As Integer Dim rg As Range Set rg = Range("h1") Application.DisplayAlerts = False For x = 1 To 13 If Range("h" & x + 1) = Range("h" & x) Then Set rg = Union(rg, Range("h" & x + 1)) Else rg.Merge Application.DisplayAlerts = True Set rg = Range("h" & x + 1) End If Next x End Sub
Sub t1() Range("a1") = "a" & "b" Range("b1") = "a" & char(10) & "b" '换行输入 End Sub
Sub t2() Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("c1") ' a1:a10 的内容复制到c1 End Sub Sub t3() Range("a1:a10").Copy ActiveSheet.Paste Range("d1") ' 粘贴至d1 End Sub Sub t4() Range("a1:a10").Copy rnge("a1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues) '只粘贴为数值 End Sub Sub t5() Range("a1:a10").cat ActiveSheet.Paste Range("f1") '粘贴到f1 End Sub Sub t6() Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("c1:c10").PasteSpecial operation:=xlAdd '选择粘贴-加 End Sub Sub t7() Range("G1:G10") = Range("a1:a10").Value End Sub
Sub t8() Range("b1") = "=a1*10" Range("b1:b10").FillDown '向下填充公式 End Sub
Sub q1() Range(4).Insert '在第4行插入一行 End Sub
Sub q2() Range(4).Insert Range("3:4").FillDown ' 复制第三行内容 Range("4:4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) = "" '将内容清空,留下公式 End Sub
案例 插入行
Sub c3() Dim x As Integer For x = 2 To 20 If Cells("3:4") <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then Range(x + 1).Insert x = x + 1 End If Next x End Sub
案例 统计不同类型的商品总数
Sub c4() Dim x As Integer, m1 As Integer, m2 As Integer Dim k As Integer m1 = 2 For x = 2 To 1000 If Cells(x, 1) = "" Then Exit Sub If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then m2 = x Range(x + 1).Insert Cells(x + 1, "e") = Cells(x, "e") & "小计" Cells(x + 1, "h") = "=sum(h" & m1 & ":h" & m2 & ")" Cells(x + 1, "h").Resize(1, 4).FillRight Cells(x + 1, "i") = "" x = x + 1 m1 = m2 + 2 End If Next x End Sub
案例 删除空格
Sub dd() Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete ' 删除中间空行 End Sub