Android异常记录--Unable to resolve superclass

当引用到*.jar文件时,报错“Unable to resolve superclass 。。。”


Just started to get this issue after upgrading to ADT 17.

Discovered that external .jar files need to be in a ‘libs‘ (with an s) folder otherwise their classes are not included in the .dex file that is created. Before the upgrade everything worked fine with my .jar files in a ‘lib‘ folder (no s).



在使用ADT 17之后,需要将jar文件放到“libs”文件夹下,注意此处的‘s’。否则jar文件里面的类不会被包含到.dex文件中。

Android异常记录--Unable to resolve superclass,布布扣,

Android异常记录--Unable to resolve superclass

上一篇:[Android Pro] StorageManager简介

下一篇:android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x1