Sub 正则()
Set REG = CreateObject("VBSCRIPT.REGEXP")
Dim STR As String, S
X = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A:A"))
For I = 1 To X
STR = Cells(I, 1).Text
With REG
.Global = True
.Pattern = "EUtranCellTDD=+\w+\-\w+\-\d+|EUtranCellFDD=\w+\-\w+\-\d+"
Set S = .Execute(STR)
For Each M In S
Y3 = Y3 + 1
ReDim BR(1 To Y3)
BR(Y3) = M
l = l & BR(Y3)
Cells(I, 2) = l
Y3 = 0
l = ""
End With
STR2 = Cells(I, 1).Text
With REG
.Global = True
.Pattern = "b2Thr1RsrpGeranFreqQciOffset = \-\d+|b2Thr1RsrpGeranFreqQciOffset = \d+|b2Thr2GeranFreqQciOffset = \d+|QciProfilePredefined=qci\d+"
Set X2 = .Execute(STR2)
For Each MT2 In X2
Y2 = Y2 + 1
ReDim BR(1 To Y2)
BR(Y2) = MT2 '把字符存入数组
O = O & BR(Y2)
'Cells(I, 13) = Cells(3, 13) & "|" & BR(Y)
Cells(I, 3) = O
O = ""
Y2 = 0
End With
End Sub