OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)



SMB Enumeration

1. Set the smb configurations.

locate smb.conf

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

Insert the global settings to the configuration file.

client use spnego = no
client ntlmv2 auth = no

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)


2. Enumerate the target computer and find some interestring things.


OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

3. Exploit the target using Metasploit.

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

Detecte the SMB version.

search smb

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OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

Set the rhosts.

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

Identity the samba version is 2.2.1a.

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

4. Search the vulnerabilities locally and on the Internet.

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

5. Scan the exploite the target computer.


OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

smbclient -L

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

smbclient -L "\\\\\IPC$"

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)

smbclient "\\\\\IPC$"

OSCP Learning Notes - Enumeration(3)


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