flume版本: 1.5.2
查看flume监听端口是否打开: netstat -tunlp | grep 44444
# Name the components on this agent
a1.sources = r1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.channels = c1
# Describe/configure the source
a1.sources.r1.type = netcat
a1.sources.r1.bind =
a1.sources.r1.port = 44444
# Describe the sink
a1.sinks.k1.type = file_roll
a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1
a1.sinks.k1.sink.directory = /var/log/flume
# Use a channel which buffers events in memory
a1.channels.c1.type = memory
a1.channels.c1.capacity = 10000
a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 1000
sources: exec tail
flume1.7开始支持TAILDIR, 1.5的flume不支持
# Name the components on this agent
a1.sources = r1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.channels = c1
# Use a channel which buffers events in memory
a1.channels.c1.type = memory
a1.channels.c1.capacity = 10000
a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 1000
# Describe/configure the source
a1.sources.r1.type = exec
a1.sources.r1.command = tail -F /var/log/flume/append.txt
a1.sources.r1.channels = c1
# Describe the sink
a1.sinks.k1.type = file_roll
a1.sinks.k1.sink.directory = /var/log/flume
a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1
channel: kafkachannel
# Name the components on this agent
a1.sources = r1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.channels = c1
# Use a channel which buffers events in memory
a1.channels.c1.type = org.apache.flume.channel.kafka.KafkaChannel
a1.channels.c1.brokerList = hadoop102:9092,hadoop103:9092,hadoop104:9092
a1.channels.c1.topic = test
a1.sources.r1.channels = c1
# Describe/configure the source
a1.sources.r1.type = exec
a1.sources.r1.command = tail -F /var/log/flume/append.txt
a1.sources.r1.channels = c1
# Describe the sink
a1.sinks.k1.type = file_roll
a1.sinks.k1.sink.directory = /var/log/flume
a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1
hdp中集成的kafka端口不是9092, 而是6667