Service Request subject value determination

When a new Service Request is created, the multi-level drop down list for Service Request subject is available.
Service Request subject value determination

Service Request subject value determination Where do the value for those drop down list come from?

Here below is what I found via debugging:

  1. get allowed category type from table CRMC_PROC_CATTYP based on transaction type:
    Service Request subject value determination
    Two entries found in CRMC_PROC_CATTYP:
    Service Request subject value determination
    These two entries are inserted here:
    Service Request subject value determination
Service Request subject value determination Then check for the given combination of Transaction type plus Catalog category, whether there is existing schema defined. The check is done by API CL_CRM_ML_CATEGORY_UTIL=>GET_ASPECT. Service Request subject value determination I wrote a small report to check whether a schema is available for corresponding category: ```abap REPORT zdetermine_schema.

PARAMETERS: guid TYPE crmt_object_guid OBLIGATORY DEFAULT ‘6C0B84B75FAB1ED7BC85AA545271F98C’,
cat TYPE crmt_catalogtype OBLIGATORY DEFAULT ‘C’.

DATA: lv_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid.

lv_guid = guid.

DATA: lr_aspect TYPE REF TO if_crm_erms_catego_aspect,
ls_detail TYPE crmt_erms_cat_as_buf.

CALL METHOD cl_crm_ml_category_util=>get_aspect
iv_ref_guid = lv_guid
iv_ref_kind = ‘A’
iv_profile_type = ‘A’
iv_catalog_type = cat
er_aspect = lr_aspect.
IF lr_aspect IS BOUND.
lr_aspect->get_details( IMPORTING ev_asp = ls_detail ).
WRITE:/ ‘ASP id:’, ls_detail-asp-asp_id.
WRITE:/ ‘No detail data found’.

In my example, no schema exists for category C:
<img src="">

<img src="">
But a schema exists for type D:
<img src="">

<img src="">
the ASP ID YBP_SERVICE comes from here:
<img src="">

<img src="">

下一篇:创建Guid – >从VB转换为C#