

1 Dim Workbook As Workbook 2 Dim copyRange As Range 3 Dim i As LongPtr 4 Dim num As LongPtr 5 Dim box As String 6 Dim headerCount As Integer 7 8 headerCount = 1 ' 表头行数,根据实际情况设置 9 Application.ScreenUpdating = False 10 filePath = ThisWorkbook.Path 11 fileName = Dir(filePath & "\" & "*.xls") 12 mergedWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name 13 num = 0 '填入从第几行开始即可跳过表头合并,如果表头为一行,num = 1则跳过表头合并,num = 0表示保留一个表头 14 15 Do While fileName <> "" 16 If fileName <> mergedWorkbookName Then 17 Set Workbook = Workbooks.Open(filePath & "\" & fileName) 18 num = num + 1 19 With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 20 ' .Cells(.Range("A65535").End(xlUp).Row + 2, 1).Value = Left(fileName, Len(fileName) - 5) 21 For i = 1 To Workbook.Sheets.Count 22 If num = 1 And i = 1 Then 23 Workbook.Sheets(i).UsedRange.Copy .Cells(1, 1) 24 Else 25 Set copyRange = Workbook.Sheets(i).UsedRange 26 copyRange.Offset(headerCount, 0).Resize(copyRange.Rows.Count - headerCount, copyRange.Columns.Count).Copy .Cells(.Range("A65535").End(xlUp).Row + 1, 1) 27 End If 28 Next 29 End With 30 processedFileNames = processedFileNames & Chr(13) & Workbook.Name 31 Workbook.Close False 32 End If 33 fileName = Dir() 34 Loop 35 UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit 36 Range("A1").Select 37 Application.ScreenUpdating = True 38 MsgBox "共合并了" & num & "个工作薄下的全部工作表。文件名如下:" & processedFileNames, vbInformation, "提示" 39 End Sub


