VBA 指定某列相同的内容合并,对应的其它列内容相加


VBA 指定某列相同的内容合并,对应的其它列内容相加

VBA 指定某列相同的内容合并,对应的其它列内容相加



Sub mergeCategoryValues()
    Dim lngRow As Long

    With ActiveSheet
        Dim columnToMatch As Integer: columnToMatch = 1       'Indicates the column to Match
        Dim columnToConcatenateDown As Integer: columnToConcatenateDown = 2   'Indicates the up column to Concatenate
        Dim columnToConcatenateUp As Integer: columnToConcatenateUp = 6         'Indicates the down column to Concatenate
        lngRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, columnToMatch).End(xlUp).Row      'Calculate the Rownum of last line
        .Cells(columnToMatch).CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.Cells(columnToMatch), Header:=xlYes     'Sort the column to match in order to make the same value appear at the same time

            If .Cells(lngRow, columnToMatch) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToMatch) Then           'If this line equals to next line of this line
                For i = columnToConcatenateDown To columnToConcatenateUp                        'Concatenate column by column
                    .Cells(lngRow - 1, i) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, i) & Chr(10) & .Cells(lngRow, i)
                Next i
                .Rows(lngRow).Delete                                        'Delete the Row which has been copied
            End If
            lngRow = lngRow - 1                                         'From last to first
        Loop Until lngRow = 1                                           'Until to first
    End With
End Sub


Sub mergeCategoryValues()
    Dim lngRow As Long
    With ActiveSheet
        Dim columnToMatch As Integer: columnToMatch = 1       'Indicates the column to Match 选择匹配列
        Dim columnToConcatenateDown As Integer: columnToConcatenateDown = 2   'Indicates the up column to Concatenate 选择想要连接的左列 
        Dim columnToConcatenateUp As Integer: columnToConcatenateUp = 6         'Indicates the down column to Concatenate 选择想要连接的右列,例如我要匹配第一列,对应相同元素的第二列到第五列进行连接 那么 columnToConcatenateDown = 2, columnToConcatenateUp = 5
        lngRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, columnToMatch).End(xlUp).Row      'Calculate the Rownum of last line 计算指定匹配列的最后一行的行数
        .Cells(columnToMatch).CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.Cells(columnToMatch), Header:=xlYes     'Sort the column to match in order to make the same value appear at the same time 对匹配列进行排序,使得相同的元素得以同时出现

            If .Cells(lngRow, columnToMatch) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToMatch) Then           'If this line equals to next line of this line 如果匹配列两个相邻元素相等,那么触发合并程序
                For i = columnToConcatenateDown To columnToConcatenateUp                        'Concatenate column by column 对连接列进行遍历
                    .Cells(lngRow - 1, i) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, i) & Chr(10) & .Cells(lngRow, i)   '进行连接,并使用Chr(10)作为分隔符
                Next i
                .Rows(lngRow).Delete                                        'Delete the Row which has been copied 删除已经被合并的列
            End If
            lngRow = lngRow - 1                                         'From last to first
        Loop Until lngRow = 1                                           'Until to first
    End With
End Sub


