
标准的定义:Pdb文件是program database的缩写,意思为程序数据库。它从编译器的角度描述了一个程序的组成,例如源代码,函数,变量,行号等信息。


  •  pbd分为public build和private build 两种类型
    • public类型:隐藏了本机路径
    • private类型:路径就是开发者本机的全路径;
  • .NET PDB只包含了2部分信息(c++的pdb包含的信息较多)
    •  * 源代码文件名字和行数;
    •  * 和局部变量的名字;
    •  * 所有的其他的数据都已经包含在了.NET Metadata中了; 


  •   《每个开发人员都必须知道的》:https://blog.csdn.net/mfkjq/article/details/78862083





0001 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
0002 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
0003 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
0004 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
0005 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlInterceptor
0006 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor
0007 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
0008 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
0009 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
000A xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
000C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException
000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException
000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseExceptionCodeConvertor
000F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
0010 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager
0011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapAbstractBase
0012 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
0013 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.RSAEncryptor
0014 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService.IntercepterEqulityComparer






** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common

Function : In MetaData, [00000000][0001:00000000], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000000][0001:00000000], len = 0000000B, (none)
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Configuration
UsingNamespace : USystem.Diagnostics
UsingNamespace : USystem.IO
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net.Http
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000000B][0001:0000000B], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000016][0001:00000016], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000021][0001:00000021], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000002C][0001:0000002C], len = 00000022,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000004E][0001:0000004E], len = 00000027,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000075][0001:00000075], len = 00000047,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000075][0001:00000075], len = 00000047, (none)
Block : static, [00000087][0001:00000087], len = 00000035, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, att
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000000BC][0001:000000BC], len = 00000027,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000000E3][0001:000000E3], len = 000000D7,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000000E3][0001:000000E3], len = 000000D7, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, count
Block : static, [000000EB][0001:000000EB], len = 000000AB, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, request
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, encoding
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, byteArray
Block : static, [00000134][0001:00000134], len = 00000022, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, reqStream
Block : static, [00000156][0001:00000156], len = 00000040, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, response
Block : static, [00000163][0001:00000163], len = 00000025, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, streamReader
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000001BA][0001:000001BA], len = 000000F6,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000001BA][0001:000001BA], len = 000000F6, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, baseUriString
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, uri
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, Count
Block : static, [00000227][0001:00000227], len = 00000070, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, response
Block : static, [00000232][0001:00000232], len = 0000005B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, streamReader
Block : static, [0000023F][0001:0000023F], len = 00000042, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, jt
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000002B0][0001:000002B0], len = 0000009C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000002B0][0001:000002B0], len = 0000009C, (none)
Block : static, [000002B0][0001:000002B0], len = 00000096, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, providerName
Block : static, [000002D3][0001:000002D3], len = 00000032, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, conn
Block : static, [00000314][0001:00000314], len = 00000032, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, conn
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase

Function : In MetaData, [0000034C][0001:0000034C], len = 00000007,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000034C][0001:0000034C], len = 00000007, (none)
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Specialized
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Diagnostics
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000353][0001:00000353], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000361][0001:00000361], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000036F][0001:0000036F], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000037D][0001:0000037D], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000038B][0001:0000038B], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000399][0001:00000399], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000003A7][0001:000003A7], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000003B5][0001:000003B5], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000003C3][0001:000003C3], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor

Function : In MetaData, [000003D1][0001:000003D1], len = 0000004E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000003D1][0001:000003D1], len = 0000004E, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Specialized
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Diagnostics
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Block : static, [000003EF][0001:000003EF], len = 00000030, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, att
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000041F][0001:0000041F], len = 000000B6,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000041F][0001:0000041F], len = 000000B6, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sw
Block : static, [00000425][0001:00000425], len = 00000032, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, elapsed
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, sqlInfo
Block : static, [00000459][0001:00000459], len = 0000007B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, ex
Block : static, [0000045A][0001:0000045A], len = 0000007A, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, sqlInfo
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, e
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, errorType
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, sqlMapper
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, dic
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000004D5][0001:000004D5], len = 0000004C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000004D5][0001:000004D5], len = 0000004C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, errorNumber
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000521][0001:00000521], len = 000000AE,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000521][0001:00000521], len = 000000AE, (none)
Block : static, [00000521][0001:00000521], len = 000000A5, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sqlMapper
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, statementId
Block : static, [00000566][0001:00000566], len = 0000004B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, ms
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, session
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, arg
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, request
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000005CF][0001:000005CF], len = 000002BD,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000005CF][0001:000005CF], len = 000002BD, (none)
Block : static, [000005CF][0001:000005CF], len = 000002B7, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sql
Block : static, [000005D7][0001:000005D7], len = 00000134, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, context
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, serviceID
Block : static, [0000070B][0001:0000070B], len = 0000017B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, rpcId
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, doubleValues
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, statementId
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, context
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000088C][0001:0000088C], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000897][0001:00000897], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000008A2][0001:000008A2], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000008AD][0001:000008AD], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000008B8][0001:000008B8], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000008D4][0001:000008D4], len = 00000021,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000008F5][0001:000008F5], len = 00000066,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000008F5][0001:000008F5], len = 00000066, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sb
Block : static, [0000090F][0001:0000090F], len = 0000002C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, item
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000095B][0001:0000095B], len = 0000006F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000095B][0001:0000095B], len = 0000006F, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, dicSqlInfo
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000009CA][0001:000009CA], len = 00000335,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000009CA][0001:000009CA], len = 00000335, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, properties
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, parameters
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, paramLogList
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, typeLogList
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, count
Block : static, [000009F6][0001:000009F6], len = 000002C9, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, i
Block : static, [000009FE][0001:000009FE], len = 000002B2, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, sqlParameter
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, parameterCopy
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, property
Block : static, [00000AFF][0001:00000AFF], len = 00000049, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, dbTypePropertyName
Data : Slot, [0000000A], Local, propertyValue
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000CFF][0001:00000CFF], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier

Function : In MetaData, [00000D10][0001:00000D10], len = 00000023,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000D10][0001:00000D10], len = 00000023, (none)
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Concurrent
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000D33][0001:00000D33], len = 0000003A,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000D6D][0001:00000D6D], len = 00000036,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000DA3][0001:00000DA3], len = 00000070,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000DA3][0001:00000DA3], len = 00000070, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, interval
Block : static, [00000DB6][0001:00000DB6], len = 00000030, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, kvp
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000E13][0001:00000E13], len = 0000007B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000E13][0001:00000E13], len = 0000007B, (none)
Block : static, [00000E13][0001:00000E13], len = 0000002A, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, url
Block : static, [00000E3F][0001:00000E3F], len = 0000004E, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, ex
Block : static, [00000E40][0001:00000E40], len = 0000004B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, context
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000E8E][0001:00000E8E], len = 00000033,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000EC1][0001:00000EC1], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000ECF][0001:00000ECF], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlInterceptor

Function : In MetaData, [00000EDA][0001:00000EDA], len = 0000001D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000EDA][0001:00000EDA], len = 0000001D, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Specialized
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Diagnostics
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000EF7][0001:00000EF7], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor

Function : In MetaData, [00000F02][0001:00000F02], len = 00000068,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000F02][0001:00000F02], len = 00000068, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Exceptions
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Specialized
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, statementId
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, ms
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, session
Block : static, [00000F2C][0001:00000F2C], len = 00000031, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, request
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000F6A][0001:00000F6A], len = 00000040,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00000FAA][0001:00000FAA], len = 000001D0,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00000FAA][0001:00000FAA], len = 000001D0, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, parameters
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, count
Block : static, [00000FD3][0001:00000FD3], len = 000001A6, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, i
Block : static, [00000FDA][0001:00000FDA], len = 00000194, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, sqlParameter
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, parameterCopy
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, property
Block : static, [00001087][0001:00001087], len = 00000048, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, dbTypePropertyName
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, propertyValue
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor

Function : In MetaData, [0000117A][0001:0000117A], len = 0000003A,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000117A][0001:0000117A], len = 0000003A, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Commands
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Specialized
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Diagnostics
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Block : static, [00001184][0001:00001184], len = 00000030, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, att
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000011B4][0001:000011B4], len = 000000B6,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000011B4][0001:000011B4], len = 000000B6, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sw
Block : static, [000011BA][0001:000011BA], len = 00000032, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, elapsed
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, sqlInfo
Block : static, [000011EE][0001:000011EE], len = 0000007B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, ex
Block : static, [000011EF][0001:000011EF], len = 0000007A, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, sqlInfo
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, e
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, errorType
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, sqlMapper
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, dic
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000126A][0001:0000126A], len = 0000004C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000126A][0001:0000126A], len = 0000004C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, errorNumber
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000012B6][0001:000012B6], len = 000000B8,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000012B6][0001:000012B6], len = 000000B8, (none)
Block : static, [000012B6][0001:000012B6], len = 000000AF, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sqlMapper
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, statementId
Block : static, [000012F9][0001:000012F9], len = 00000057, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, ms
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, session
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, arg
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, request
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000136E][0001:0000136E], len = 000002BD,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000136E][0001:0000136E], len = 000002BD, (none)
Block : static, [0000136E][0001:0000136E], len = 000002B7, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sql
Block : static, [00001376][0001:00001376], len = 00000134, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, context
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, serviceID
Block : static, [000014AA][0001:000014AA], len = 0000017B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, rpcId
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, doubleValues
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, statementId
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, context
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000162B][0001:0000162B], len = 00000066,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000162B][0001:0000162B], len = 00000066, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sb
Block : static, [00001645][0001:00001645], len = 0000002C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, item
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001691][0001:00001691], len = 0000006F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001691][0001:00001691], len = 0000006F, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, dicSqlInfo
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001700][0001:00001700], len = 00000335,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001700][0001:00001700], len = 00000335, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, properties
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, parameters
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, paramLogList
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, typeLogList
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, count
Block : static, [0000172C][0001:0000172C], len = 000002C9, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, i
Block : static, [00001734][0001:00001734], len = 000002B2, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, sqlParameter
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, parameterCopy
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, property
Block : static, [00001835][0001:00001835], len = 00000049, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, dbTypePropertyName
Data : Slot, [0000000A], Local, propertyValue
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001A35][0001:00001A35], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler

Function : In MetaData, [00001A46][0001:00001A46], len = 00000009,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001A46][0001:00001A46], len = 00000009, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001A4F][0001:00001A4F], len = 0000003B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001A4F][0001:00001A4F], len = 0000003B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sqlMapper
Block : static, [00001A64][0001:00001A64], len = 00000024, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, ex
Block : static, [00001A65][0001:00001A65], len = 00000023, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, dic
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001A8A][0001:00001A8A], len = 000000FC,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001A8A][0001:00001A8A], len = 000000FC, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, servicePath
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, key
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, proxy
Block : static, [00001AFD][0001:00001AFD], len = 00000075, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, interceptorList
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, sqlMapper
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001B86][0001:00001B86], len = 000000D5,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001B86][0001:00001B86], len = 000000D5, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, servicePath
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, key
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, proxy
Block : static, [00001BD5][0001:00001BD5], len = 00000072, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, interceptorList
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, sqlMapper
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001C5B][0001:00001C5B], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001C6C][0001:00001C6C], len = 00000032,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001C9E][0001:00001C9E], len = 00000029,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor

Function : In MetaData, [00001CC7][0001:00001CC7], len = 000000A4,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001CC7][0001:00001CC7], len = 000000A4, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.MappedStatements
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Reflection
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sqlMapper
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, method
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, statementId
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, ms
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001D6B][0001:00001D6B], len = 000000D2,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001D6B][0001:00001D6B], len = 000000D2, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, method
Block : static, [00001D82][0001:00001D82], len = 00000096, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, list
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, arg
Block : static, [00001E19][0001:00001E19], len = 00000023, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, arg
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001E3D][0001:00001E3D], len = 00000024,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001E3D][0001:00001E3D], len = 00000024, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, arg
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001E61][0001:00001E61], len = 00000029,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001E61][0001:00001E61], len = 00000029, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, arg
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001E8A][0001:00001E8A], len = 00000029,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001E8A][0001:00001E8A], len = 00000029, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, arg
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction

Function : In MetaData, [00001EB3][0001:00001EB3], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001EB3][0001:00001EB3], len = 0000000E, (none)
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data.SqlClient
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001EC1][0001:00001EC1], len = 0000000C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001ECD][0001:00001ECD], len = 0000000D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001EDA][0001:00001EDA], len = 0000000D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001EE7][0001:00001EE7], len = 0000000D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001EF4][0001:00001EF4], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F02][0001:00001F02], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F10][0001:00001F10], len = 0000000F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F1F][0001:00001F1F], len = 0000000C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F2B][0001:00001F2B], len = 0000000D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F38][0001:00001F38], len = 0000000C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F44][0001:00001F44], len = 0000000C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F50][0001:00001F50], len = 0000000D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001F5D][0001:00001F5D], len = 0000002D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001F5D][0001:00001F5D], len = 0000002D, (none)
Block : static, [00001F6A][0001:00001F6A], len = 0000001F, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, ex
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService

Function : In MetaData, [00001F8A][0001:00001F8A], len = 00000047,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001F8A][0001:00001F8A], len = 00000047, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Concurrent
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Configuration
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.IO
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net.Http
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001FD1][0001:00001FD1], len = 00000019,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00001FEA][0001:00001FEA], len = 00000051,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00001FEA][0001:00001FEA], len = 00000051, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, svc
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000203B][0001:0000203B], len = 00000045,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000203B][0001:0000203B], len = 00000045, (none)
Block : static, [00002059][0001:00002059], len = 00000027, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, tempList
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002080][0001:00002080], len = 00000048,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002080][0001:00002080], len = 00000048, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, tempList
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, list
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000020C8][0001:000020C8], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000020D9][0001:000020D9], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000020EA][0001:000020EA], len = 00000015,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000020FF][0001:000020FF], len = 0000002A,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002129][0001:00002129], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000213A][0001:0000213A], len = 00000105,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000213A][0001:0000213A], len = 00000105, (none)
Block : static, [0000213A][0001:0000213A], len = 000000AB, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, connectionString
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, dbType
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, connection
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, keyValuePairs
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, data
Block : static, [000021E7][0001:000021E7], len = 00000057, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, ex
Block : static, [000021E9][0001:000021E9], len = 00000053, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, context
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException

Function : In MetaData, [0000223F][0001:0000223F], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [0000223F][0001:0000223F], len = 00000011, (none)
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Runtime.Serialization
UsingNamespace : USystem.Security.Permissions
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002250][0001:00002250], len = 0000000F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [0000225F][0001:0000225F], len = 00000009,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException

Function : In MetaData, [00002268][0001:00002268], len = 0000000F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002277][0001:00002277], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002288][0001:00002288], len = 00000009,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseExceptionCodeConvertor

Function : In MetaData, [00002291][0001:00002291], len = 00000036,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager

Function : In MetaData, [000022C7][0001:000022C7], len = 0000009C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000022C7][0001:000022C7], len = 0000009C, (none)
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Configuration
UsingNamespace : USystem.IO
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.FlowControl.Service
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.FlowControl.Spi
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, strategy
Block : static, [000022E2][0001:000022E2], len = 0000007B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, serviceID
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, context
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002363][0001:00002363], len = 00000034,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002363][0001:00002363], len = 00000034, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, strategy
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, key
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002397][0001:00002397], len = 00000060,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002397][0001:00002397], len = 00000060, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, key
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, strategy
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000023F7][0001:000023F7], len = 000001C4,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000023F7][0001:000023F7], len = 000001C4, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, baseUriString
Block : static, [00002412][0001:00002412], len = 000001A1, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, configString
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, uri
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, Count
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, jObj
Block : static, [00002463][0001:00002463], len = 00000071, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, response
Block : static, [0000246F][0001:0000246F], len = 00000059, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, streamReader
Block : static, [0000247D][0001:0000247D], len = 0000003F, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, jt
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000025BB][0001:000025BB], len = 00000015,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager

Function : In MetaData, [000025D0][0001:000025D0], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000025D0][0001:000025D0], len = 0000001C, (none)
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Monitor.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000025EC][0001:000025EC], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002608][0001:00002608], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002624][0001:00002624], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapAbstractBase

Function : In MetaData, [00002640][0001:00002640], len = 00000007,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002640][0001:00002640], len = 00000007, (none)
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002647][0001:00002647], len = 0000000E,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager

Function : In MetaData, [00002655][0001:00002655], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002655][0001:00002655], len = 0000000B, (none)
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration
UsingNamespace : UIBatisNet.DataMapper.SessionStore
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Configuration
UsingNamespace : USystem.IO
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net.Http
UsingNamespace : USystem.Security.Cryptography
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text.RegularExpressions
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
UsingNamespace : USystem.Xml
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Error
UsingNamespace : Uxxxx.Core.Kernel.Service
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002660][0001:00002660], len = 00000123,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002660][0001:00002660], len = 00000123, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, servicePath
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, key
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, mapper
Block : static, [000026A3][0001:000026A3], len = 000000D1, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, sqlmapConfigPath
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, filePath
Block : static, [000026D4][0001:000026D4], len = 00000051, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, folder
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, path
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, content
Block : static, [00002735][0001:00002735], len = 00000022, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000A], Local, ex
Block : static, [00002737][0001:00002737], len = 00000020, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000B], Local, dic
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002783][0001:00002783], len = 000000DD,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002783][0001:00002783], len = 000000DD, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, builder
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, dbConfigFullPath
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, sqlmapper
Block : static, [000027A5][0001:000027A5], len = 00000048, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, configKey
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, sqlmapKeyList
Block : static, [000027EF][0001:000027EF], len = 0000001B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, databaseConfigPath
Block : static, [00002816][0001:00002816], len = 00000024, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, decrypted
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002860][0001:00002860], len = 000001A2,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002860][0001:00002860], len = 000001A2, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, sqlmapInfoList
Block : static, [0000288B][0001:0000288B], len = 0000015A, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, sqlmapKey
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, sqlmapConfigPath
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, sqlMapper
Block : static, [000028AA][0001:000028AA], len = 000000EE, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, configString
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, basePath
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, databaseConfigPath
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, dbConfigFullPath
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, newSqlmapper
Data : Slot, [0000000A], Local, tag
Block : static, [00002904][0001:00002904], len = 00000026, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000B], Local, decrypted
Block : static, [0000299A][0001:0000299A], len = 0000004B, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000C], Local, ex
Block : static, [0000299C][0001:0000299C], len = 00000047, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000D], Local, tag
Data : Slot, [0000000E], Local, context
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002A02][0001:00002A02], len = 0000000B,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002A0D][0001:00002A0D], len = 000000A2,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002A0D][0001:00002A0D], len = 000000A2, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, basePath
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, databaseConfigPath
Block : static, [00002A38][0001:00002A38], len = 0000001B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, dic
Block : static, [00002A54][0001:00002A54], len = 00000055, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, dbName
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, configString
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002AAF][0001:00002AAF], len = 000000F6,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002AAF][0001:00002AAF], len = 000000F6, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, baseUriString
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, uri
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, Count
Block : static, [00002B1C][0001:00002B1C], len = 00000070, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, response
Block : static, [00002B27][0001:00002B27], len = 0000005B, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, streamReader
Block : static, [00002B34][0001:00002B34], len = 00000042, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, jt
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002BA5][0001:00002BA5], len = 00000055,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002BA5][0001:00002BA5], len = 00000055, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, root
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, nsmgr
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002BFA][0001:00002BFA], len = 000002E0,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002BFA][0001:00002BFA], len = 000002E0, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, userid
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, password
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, database
Data : Slot, [00000003], Local, datasource
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, connTimeout
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, maxPoolSize
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, minPoolSize
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, provider
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, name
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, port
Data : Slot, [0000000A], Local, doc2
Block : static, [00002EAA][0001:00002EAA], len = 0000002A, (none)
Data : Slot, [0000000B], Local, encrypted
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002EDA][0001:00002EDA], len = 0000001C,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002EF6][0001:00002EF6], len = 0000001F,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.RSAEncryptor

Function : In MetaData, [00002F15][0001:00002F15], len = 000000DE,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002F15][0001:00002F15], len = 000000DE, (none)
Block : static, [00002F15][0001:00002F15], len = 000000DC, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, rsa
Block : static, [00002F1B][0001:00002F1B], len = 000000CC, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, CiphertextData
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, MaxBlockSize
Block : static, [00002F54][0001:00002F54], len = 00000093, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, CrypStream
Block : static, [00002F5C][0001:00002F5C], len = 0000007F, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, PlaiStream
Block : static, [00002F63][0001:00002F63], len = 0000006C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, Buffer
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, BlockSize
Block : static, [00002F7A][0001:00002F7A], len = 0000003C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, ToDecrypt
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, Plaintext
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [00002FF3][0001:00002FF3], len = 000000DC,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [00002FF3][0001:00002FF3], len = 000000DC, (none)
Block : static, [00002FF3][0001:00002FF3], len = 000000DA, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000000], Local, rsa
Block : static, [00002FF9][0001:00002FF9], len = 000000CA, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000001], Local, PlaintextData
Data : Slot, [00000002], Local, MaxBlockSize
Block : static, [00003035][0001:00003035], len = 0000008E, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000004], Local, PlaiStream
Block : static, [0000303D][0001:0000303D], len = 0000007A, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000005], Local, CrypStream
Block : static, [00003044][0001:00003044], len = 00000067, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000006], Local, Buffer
Data : Slot, [00000007], Local, BlockSize
Block : static, [0000305B][0001:0000305B], len = 0000003C, (none)
Data : Slot, [00000008], Local, ToEncrypt
Data : Slot, [00000009], Local, Cryptograph
Custom : (none)

** Module: xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService.IntercepterEqulityComparer

Function : In MetaData, [000030CF][0001:000030CF], len = 0000001D,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Block : static, [000030CF][0001:000030CF], len = 0000001D, (none)
UsingNamespace : UCastle.DynamicProxy
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json
UsingNamespace : UNewtonsoft.Json.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Concurrent
UsingNamespace : USystem.Collections.Generic
UsingNamespace : USystem.Configuration
UsingNamespace : USystem.Data
UsingNamespace : USystem.IO
UsingNamespace : USystem.Linq
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net
UsingNamespace : USystem.Net.Http
UsingNamespace : USystem.Text
UsingNamespace : USystem.Threading.Tasks
Custom : (none)

Function : In MetaData, [000030EC][0001:000030EC], len = 00000011,
Function attribute:
Function info:
FuncDebugStart :
FuncDebugEnd :
Custom : (none)



Function: [00000075][0001:00000075] GetFileVersion()
Function: [00002129][0001:00002129] GetCommonDao()
Function: [00001B86][0001:00001B86] GetCommonDao()
Function: [000005CF][0001:000005CF] Report()
Function: [0000136E][0001:0000136E] Report()
Function: [00001E3D][0001:00001E3D] ProcessInsertStatement()
Function: [00002655][0001:00002655] get_isDbConfigEncrypted()
Function: [00002FF3][0001:00002FF3] Encrypt()
Function: [000000BC][0001:000000BC] GetSyncWebApiUrl()
Function: [00002BA5][0001:00002BA5] GetDBCongfigPath()
Function: [00002080][0001:00002080] GetDao()
Function: [0000203B][0001:0000203B] GetDao()
Function: [00001A8A][0001:00001A8A] GetDao()
Function: [00001A46][0001:00001A46] GetDao()
Function: [0000041F][0001:0000041F] PerformProceed()
Function: [000011B4][0001:000011B4] PerformProceed()
Function: [00000EDA][0001:00000EDA] PerformProceed()
Function: [00001C6C][0001:00001C6C] GetDbType()
Function: [0000036F][0001:0000036F] Insert()
Function: [00000399][0001:00000399] QueryForList()
Function: [0000038B][0001:0000038B] QueryForList()
Function: [0000088C][0001:0000088C] GetServiceID()
Function: [00000EF7][0001:00000EF7] GetServiceID()
Function: [00000000][0001:00000000] GetServiceID()
Function: [00002397][0001:00002397] GetStrategy()
Function: [00000E13][0001:00000E13] Notify()
Function: [00002783][0001:00002783] CreateSqlMapper()
Function: [00002624][0001:00002624] TeldDACExpServerNotFoundCounterIncreament()
Function: [000001BA][0001:000001BA] GetConfigValueFromConfigCenter()
Function: [00002AAF][0001:00002AAF] GetConfigValueFromConfigCenter()
Function: [00001FD1][0001:00001FD1] .ctor()
Function: [00001EB3][0001:00001EB3] .ctor()
Function: [00002288][0001:00002288] .ctor()
Function: [00002277][0001:00002277] .ctor()
Function: [00002268][0001:00002268] .ctor()
Function: [00000D10][0001:00000D10] .ctor()
Function: [00002647][0001:00002647] .ctor()
Function: [00000353][0001:00000353] .ctor()
Function: [0000225F][0001:0000225F] .ctor()
Function: [00002250][0001:00002250] .ctor()
Function: [0000223F][0001:0000223F] .ctor()
Function: [000009CA][0001:000009CA] ApplyParameterMap()
Function: [00001700][0001:00001700] ApplyParameterMap()
Function: [00000FAA][0001:00000FAA] ApplyParameterMap()
Function: [000020EA][0001:000020EA] UpdateDbConnection()
Function: [00001F2B][0001:00001F2B] CommitTransaction()
Function: [00001F1F][0001:00001F1F] CommitTransaction()
Function: [00001E8A][0001:00001E8A] ProcessDeleteStatement()
Function: [00001D6B][0001:00001D6B] ProcessSelectStatement()
Function: [00001F5D][0001:00001F5D] Dispose()
Function: [00000E8E][0001:00000E8E] ProcessWatcher()
Function: [00002860][0001:00002860] UpdateConnectionString()
Function: [000008F5][0001:000008F5] GetContextString()
Function: [0000162B][0001:0000162B] GetContextString()
Function: [00000897][0001:00000897] GetServiceMethod()
Function: [0000000B][0001:0000000B] GetServiceMethod()
Function: [000023F7][0001:000023F7] GetStrategyFromConfigCenter()
Function: [00002A0D][0001:00002A0D] SetDatabaseConfig()
Function: [00002660][0001:00002660] GetSqlMapper()
Function: [000008D4][0001:000008D4] GetProcessName()
Function: [0000004E][0001:0000004E] GetProcessName()
Function: [00002BFA][0001:00002BFA] SaveDBConfig()
Function: [000000E3][0001:000000E3] PostToWebApi()
Function: [000020FF][0001:000020FF] UpdateConfig()
Function: [000022C7][0001:000022C7] IsFlowControled()
Function: [00001F38][0001:00001F38] Complete()
Function: [00000F02][0001:00000F02] PostProceed()
Function: [000003C3][0001:000003C3] Update()
Function: [00000361][0001:00000361] Delete()
Function: [000002B0][0001:000002B0] SetDBInfo()
Function: [000008B8][0001:000008B8] GetHostName()
Function: [0000002C][0001:0000002C] GetHostName()
Function: [00001FEA][0001:00001FEA] GetInstance()
Function: [00000D33][0001:00000D33] GetInstance()
Function: [00000EC1][0001:00000EC1] SetChangedState()
Function: [00000D6D][0001:00000D6D] StartWatch()
Function: [00001F8A][0001:00001F8A] .cctor()
Function: [00001C9E][0001:00001C9E] .cctor()
Function: [000003D1][0001:000003D1] .cctor()
Function: [0000117A][0001:0000117A] .cctor()
Function: [000025BB][0001:000025BB] .cctor()
Function: [00000ECF][0001:00000ECF] .cctor()
Function: [00002EF6][0001:00002EF6] .cctor()
Function: [000020C8][0001:000020C8] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001A4F][0001:00001A4F] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001F10][0001:00001F10] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001F02][0001:00001F02] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001EF4][0001:00001EF4] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001EE7][0001:00001EE7] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001EDA][0001:00001EDA] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001ECD][0001:00001ECD] BeginTransaction()
Function: [00001EC1][0001:00001EC1] BeginTransaction()
Function: [0000037D][0001:0000037D] QueryForDataTable()
Function: [00001F50][0001:00001F50] RollBackTransaction()
Function: [00001F44][0001:00001F44] RollBackTransaction()
Function: [00002EDA][0001:00002EDA] IsTrue()
Function: [0000095B][0001:0000095B] Create()
Function: [00001691][0001:00001691] Create()
Function: [00000F6A][0001:00000F6A] Create()
Function: [00002291][0001:00002291] ConvertCode()
Function: [00002F15][0001:00002F15] Decrypt()
Function: [0000213A][0001:0000213A] DataChangeNotify()
Function: [000008AD][0001:000008AD] GetSessionID()
Function: [00000021][0001:00000021] GetSessionID()
Function: [000025EC][0001:000025EC] TeldDACExpCommTimeoutCounterIncreament()
Function: [000003B5][0001:000003B5] QueryForObject()
Function: [000003A7][0001:000003A7] QueryForObject()
Function: [00000521][0001:00000521] GetSqlInfo()
Function: [000012B6][0001:000012B6] GetSqlInfo()
Function: [00002363][0001:00002363] UpdateFlowControlStrategy()
Function: [000020D9][0001:000020D9] GetDbConnection()
Function: [00001C5B][0001:00001C5B] GetDbConnection()
Function: [00001E61][0001:00001E61] ProcessUpdateStatement()
Function: [000030CF][0001:000030CF] Equals()
Function: [000008A2][0001:000008A2] GetRequestID()
Function: [00000016][0001:00000016] GetRequestID()
Function: [00002640][0001:00002640] get_SqlMapper()
Function: [0000034C][0001:0000034C] get_SqlMapper()
Function: [00001CC7][0001:00001CC7] Intercept()
Function: [00000CFF][0001:00000CFF] GetHashCode()
Function: [00001A35][0001:00001A35] GetHashCode()
Function: [000030EC][0001:000030EC] GetHashCode()
Function: [00002A02][0001:00002A02] GetServicePath()
Function: [000025D0][0001:000025D0] TeldDACExpConnTimeoutCounterIncreament()
Function: [000004D5][0001:000004D5] CountException()
Function: [0000126A][0001:0000126A] CountException()
Function: [00000DA3][0001:00000DA3] Process()
Function: [00002608][0001:00002608] TeldDACExpDeadLockCounterIncreament()



** User Defined Types







Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlInterceptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseExceptionCodeConvertor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapAbstractBase


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.RSAEncryptor


Compiland = xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService.IntercepterEqulityComparer




** GetServiceID

line 27 at [00000000][0001:00000000], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs

** GetServiceMethod

line 32 at [0000000B][0001:0000000B], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs

** GetRequestID

line 37 at [00000016][0001:00000016], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs

** GetSessionID

line 42 at [00000021][0001:00000021], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs

** GetHostName

line 47 at [0000002C][0001:0000002C], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 48 at [00000038][0001:00000038], len = 0x6
line 51 at [0000003E][0001:0000003E], len = 0xA
line 52 at [00000048][0001:00000048], len = 0x6

** GetProcessName

line 58 at [0000004E][0001:0000004E], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 59 at [0000005A][0001:0000005A], len = 0x6
line 62 at [00000060][0001:00000060], len = 0xF
line 63 at [0000006F][0001:0000006F], len = 0x6

** GetFileVersion

line 69 at [00000075][0001:00000075], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 70 at [00000081][0001:00000081], len = 0x6
line 73 at [00000087][0001:00000087], len = 0x1A
line 74 at [000000A1][0001:000000A1], len = 0x15
line 75 at [000000B6][0001:000000B6], len = 0x6

** GetSyncWebApiUrl

line 81 at [000000BC][0001:000000BC], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 82 at [000000C8][0001:000000C8], len = 0x6
line 85 at [000000CE][0001:000000CE], len = 0xF
line 86 at [000000DD][0001:000000DD], len = 0x6

** PostToWebApi

line 93 at [000000E3][0001:000000E3], len = 0x2 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 16707566 at [000000E5][0001:000000E5], len = 0x5
line 16707566 at [000000EA][0001:000000EA], len = 0x1
line 99 at [000000EB][0001:000000EB], len = 0xC
line 100 at [000000F7][0001:000000F7], len = 0x6
line 101 at [000000FD][0001:000000FD], len = 0xC
line 102 at [00000109][0001:00000109], len = 0xB
line 103 at [00000114][0001:00000114], len = 0xB
line 104 at [0000011F][0001:0000011F], len = 0xB
line 105 at [0000012A][0001:0000012A], len = 0xA
line 106 at [00000134][0001:00000134], len = 0x8
line 108 at [0000013C][0001:0000013C], len = 0xC
line 109 at [00000148][0001:00000148], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [0000014A][0001:0000014A], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00000155][0001:00000155], len = 0x1
line 110 at [00000156][0001:00000156], len = 0xD
line 112 at [00000163][0001:00000163], len = 0xF
line 114 at [00000172][0001:00000172], len = 0x8
line 115 at [0000017A][0001:0000017A], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [0000017C][0001:0000017C], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00000187][0001:00000187], len = 0x1
line 116 at [00000188][0001:00000188], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [0000018A][0001:0000018A], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00000195][0001:00000195], len = 0x1
line 117 at [00000196][0001:00000196], len = 0x2
line 118 at [00000198][0001:00000198], len = 0x1
line 120 at [00000199][0001:00000199], len = 0xE
line 121 at [000001A7][0001:000001A7], len = 0x4
line 122 at [000001AB][0001:000001AB], len = 0x3
line 123 at [000001AE][0001:000001AE], len = 0x2
line 124 at [000001B0][0001:000001B0], len = 0x2
line 95 at [000001B2][0001:000001B2], len = 0x7
line 126 at [000001B9][0001:000001B9], len = 0x1

** GetConfigValueFromConfigCenter

line 130 at [000001BA][0001:000001BA], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 131 at [000001CA][0001:000001CA], len = 0x10
line 133 at [000001DA][0001:000001DA], len = 0x2
line 136 at [000001DC][0001:000001DC], len = 0x17
line 137 at [000001F3][0001:000001F3], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [000001F5][0001:000001F5], len = 0x5
line 16707566 at [000001FA][0001:000001FA], len = 0x1
line 142 at [000001FB][0001:000001FB], len = 0xB
line 143 at [00000206][0001:00000206], len = 0xB
line 144 at [00000211][0001:00000211], len = 0xB
line 145 at [0000021C][0001:0000021C], len = 0xB
line 147 at [00000227][0001:00000227], len = 0xB
line 149 at [00000232][0001:00000232], len = 0xD
line 151 at [0000023F][0001:0000023F], len = 0x7
line 152 at [00000246][0001:00000246], len = 0x7
line 153 at [0000024D][0001:0000024D], len = 0x1D
line 155 at [0000026A][0001:0000026A], len = 0x15
line 157 at [0000027F][0001:0000027F], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00000281][0001:00000281], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [0000028C][0001:0000028C], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [0000028D][0001:0000028D], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00000296][0001:00000296], len = 0x1
line 161 at [00000297][0001:00000297], len = 0x1
line 163 at [00000298][0001:00000298], len = 0x4
line 164 at [0000029C][0001:0000029C], len = 0x4
line 165 at [000002A0][0001:000002A0], len = 0x2
line 166 at [000002A2][0001:000002A2], len = 0x2
line 138 at [000002A4][0001:000002A4], len = 0x7
line 169 at [000002AB][0001:000002AB], len = 0x2
line 170 at [000002AD][0001:000002AD], len = 0x3

** SetDBInfo

line 177 at [000002B0][0001:000002B0], len = 0x16 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
line 178 at [000002C6][0001:000002C6], len = 0xD
line 180 at [000002D3][0001:000002D3], len = 0x11
line 181 at [000002E4][0001:000002E4], len = 0x21
line 182 at [00000305][0001:00000305], len = 0x2
line 183 at [00000307][0001:00000307], len = 0xD
line 185 at [00000314][0001:00000314], len = 0x11
line 186 at [00000325][0001:00000325], len = 0x21
line 188 at [00000346][0001:00000346], len = 0x2
line 189 at [00000348][0001:00000348], len = 0x1
line 189 at [00000349][0001:00000349], len = 0x2
line 190 at [0000034B][0001:0000034B], len = 0x1

** get_SqlMapper

line 29 at [0000034C][0001:0000034C], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs

** .ctor

line 32 at [00000353][0001:00000353], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 34 at [00000359][0001:00000359], len = 0x7
line 35 at [00000360][0001:00000360], len = 0x1

** Delete

line 39 at [00000361][0001:00000361], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 41 at [0000036E][0001:0000036E], len = 0x1

** Insert

line 46 at [0000036F][0001:0000036F], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 48 at [0000037C][0001:0000037C], len = 0x1

** QueryForDataTable

line 53 at [0000037D][0001:0000037D], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 55 at [0000038A][0001:0000038A], len = 0x1

** QueryForList

line 60 at [0000038B][0001:0000038B], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 62 at [00000398][0001:00000398], len = 0x1

** QueryForList

line 67 at [00000399][0001:00000399], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 69 at [000003A6][0001:000003A6], len = 0x1

** QueryForObject

line 74 at [000003A7][0001:000003A7], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 76 at [000003B4][0001:000003B4], len = 0x1

** QueryForObject

line 81 at [000003B5][0001:000003B5], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 83 at [000003C2][0001:000003C2], len = 0x1

** Update

line 88 at [000003C3][0001:000003C3], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
line 90 at [000003D0][0001:000003D0], len = 0x1

** .cctor

line 27 at [000003D1][0001:000003D1], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 219 at [000003DB][0001:000003DB], len = 0xA
line 228 at [000003E5][0001:000003E5], len = 0xA
line 31 at [000003EF][0001:000003EF], len = 0x1A
line 32 at [00000409][0001:00000409], len = 0x15
line 33 at [0000041E][0001:0000041E], len = 0x1

** PerformProceed

line 37 at [0000041F][0001:0000041F], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 40 at [00000425][0001:00000425], len = 0x7
line 41 at [0000042C][0001:0000042C], len = 0x6
line 42 at [00000432][0001:00000432], len = 0x7
line 43 at [00000439][0001:00000439], len = 0xE
line 44 at [00000447][0001:00000447], len = 0x10
line 45 at [00000457][0001:00000457], len = 0x2
line 46 at [00000459][0001:00000459], len = 0x1
line 48 at [0000045A][0001:0000045A], len = 0x6
line 49 at [00000460][0001:00000460], len = 0x13
line 50 at [00000473][0001:00000473], len = 0x8
line 51 at [0000047B][0001:0000047B], len = 0x19
line 52 at [00000494][0001:00000494], len = 0x13
line 53 at [000004A7][0001:000004A7], len = 0x12
line 54 at [000004B9][0001:000004B9], len = 0x7
line 55 at [000004C0][0001:000004C0], len = 0x9
line 56 at [000004C9][0001:000004C9], len = 0xB
line 58 at [000004D4][0001:000004D4], len = 0x1

** CountException

line 62 at [000004D5][0001:000004D5], len = 0x3 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 63 at [000004D8][0001:000004D8], len = 0x6
line 64 at [000004DE][0001:000004DE], len = 0x7
line 65 at [000004E5][0001:000004E5], len = 0x5
line 67 at [000004EA][0001:000004EA], len = 0x6
line 68 at [000004F0][0001:000004F0], len = 0x6
line 70 at [000004F6][0001:000004F6], len = 0x8
line 72 at [000004FE][0001:000004FE], len = 0x6
line 73 at [00000504][0001:00000504], len = 0x6
line 75 at [0000050A][0001:0000050A], len = 0x5
line 77 at [0000050F][0001:0000050F], len = 0x6
line 78 at [00000515][0001:00000515], len = 0x6
line 81 at [0000051B][0001:0000051B], len = 0x6

** GetSqlInfo

line 88 at [00000521][0001:00000521], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 89 at [00000532][0001:00000532], len = 0xE
line 90 at [00000540][0001:00000540], len = 0x26
line 92 at [00000566][0001:00000566], len = 0x9
line 93 at [0000056F][0001:0000056F], len = 0x8
line 94 at [00000577][0001:00000577], len = 0xA
line 95 at [00000581][0001:00000581], len = 0x19
line 96 at [0000059A][0001:0000059A], len = 0x17
line 100 at [000005B1][0001:000005B1], len = 0x5
line 101 at [000005B6][0001:000005B6], len = 0xC
line 102 at [000005C2][0001:000005C2], len = 0x4
line 105 at [000005C6][0001:000005C6], len = 0x1
line 110 at [000005C7][0001:000005C7], len = 0x5
line 113 at [000005CC][0001:000005CC], len = 0x3

** Report

line 119 at [000005CF][0001:000005CF], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 123 at [000005D7][0001:000005D7], len = 0x6
line 124 at [000005DD][0001:000005DD], len = 0x10
line 125 at [000005ED][0001:000005ED], len = 0x10
line 126 at [000005FD][0001:000005FD], len = 0x10
line 127 at [0000060D][0001:0000060D], len = 0x10
line 129 at [0000061D][0001:0000061D], len = 0x6
line 130 at [00000623][0001:00000623], len = 0x22
line 131 at [00000645][0001:00000645], len = 0x10
line 133 at [00000655][0001:00000655], len = 0x6
line 134 at [0000065B][0001:0000065B], len = 0x8
line 136 at [00000663][0001:00000663], len = 0x3
line 137 at [00000666][0001:00000666], len = 0x12
line 140 at [00000678][0001:00000678], len = 0xC
line 141 at [00000684][0001:00000684], len = 0x12
line 142 at [00000696][0001:00000696], len = 0xE
line 144 at [000006A4][0001:000006A4], len = 0x2
line 147 at [000006A6][0001:000006A6], len = 0x3
line 149 at [000006A9][0001:000006A9], len = 0x13
line 150 at [000006BC][0001:000006BC], len = 0xD
line 151 at [000006C9][0001:000006C9], len = 0x2
line 154 at [000006CB][0001:000006CB], len = 0xC
line 155 at [000006D7][0001:000006D7], len = 0x12
line 156 at [000006E9][0001:000006E9], len = 0x14
line 157 at [000006FD][0001:000006FD], len = 0xE
line 164 at [0000070B][0001:0000070B], len = 0xA
line 165 at [00000715][0001:00000715], len = 0xA
line 166 at [0000071F][0001:0000071F], len = 0xC
line 169 at [0000072B][0001:0000072B], len = 0x7
line 170 at [00000732][0001:00000732], len = 0xD
line 171 at [0000073F][0001:0000073F], len = 0x7
line 172 at [00000746][0001:00000746], len = 0x3
line 173 at [00000749][0001:00000749], len = 0xF
line 174 at [00000758][0001:00000758], len = 0xE
line 175 at [00000766][0001:00000766], len = 0x11
line 176 at [00000777][0001:00000777], len = 0x11
line 177 at [00000788][0001:00000788], len = 0x7
line 178 at [0000078F][0001:0000078F], len = 0x23
line 179 at [000007B2][0001:000007B2], len = 0x1B
line 180 at [000007CD][0001:000007CD], len = 0x11
line 182 at [000007DE][0001:000007DE], len = 0x11
line 183 at [000007EF][0001:000007EF], len = 0x1E
line 184 at [0000080D][0001:0000080D], len = 0x11
line 185 at [0000081E][0001:0000081E], len = 0x11
line 186 at [0000082F][0001:0000082F], len = 0x2A
line 187 at [00000859][0001:00000859], len = 0x1F
line 188 at [00000878][0001:00000878], len = 0xE
line 190 at [00000886][0001:00000886], len = 0x2
line 191 at [00000888][0001:00000888], len = 0x1
line 196 at [00000889][0001:00000889], len = 0x2
line 197 at [0000088B][0001:0000088B], len = 0x1

** GetServiceID

line 201 at [0000088C][0001:0000088C], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs

** GetServiceMethod

line 206 at [00000897][0001:00000897], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs

** GetRequestID

line 211 at [000008A2][0001:000008A2], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs

** GetSessionID

line 216 at [000008AD][0001:000008AD], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs

** GetHostName

line 222 at [000008B8][0001:000008B8], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 223 at [000008C4][0001:000008C4], len = 0xA
line 225 at [000008CE][0001:000008CE], len = 0x6

** GetProcessName

line 231 at [000008D4][0001:000008D4], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 232 at [000008E0][0001:000008E0], len = 0xF
line 233 at [000008EF][0001:000008EF], len = 0x6

** GetContextString

line 238 at [000008F5][0001:000008F5], len = 0x3 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 239 at [000008F8][0001:000008F8], len = 0x6
line 240 at [000008FE][0001:000008FE], len = 0x8
line 241 at [00000906][0001:00000906], len = 0x7
line 16707566 at [0000090D][0001:0000090D], len = 0x2
line 241 at [0000090F][0001:0000090F], len = 0x8
line 243 at [00000917][0001:00000917], len = 0x24
line 241 at [0000093B][0001:0000093B], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00000946][0001:00000946], len = 0xE
line 245 at [00000954][0001:00000954], len = 0x7

** Create

line 250 at [0000095B][0001:0000095B], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 252 at [00000961][0001:00000961], len = 0x18
line 253 at [00000979][0001:00000979], len = 0x16
line 254 at [0000098F][0001:0000098F], len = 0x11
line 255 at [000009A0][0001:000009A0], len = 0x16
line 256 at [000009B6][0001:000009B6], len = 0x12
line 257 at [000009C8][0001:000009C8], len = 0x2

** ApplyParameterMap

line 264 at [000009CA][0001:000009CA], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 265 at [000009D6][0001:000009D6], len = 0xC
line 266 at [000009E2][0001:000009E2], len = 0x6
line 267 at [000009E8][0001:000009E8], len = 0x6
line 269 at [000009EE][0001:000009EE], len = 0x8
line 271 at [000009F6][0001:000009F6], len = 0x3
line 16707566 at [000009F9][0001:000009F9], len = 0x5
line 273 at [000009FE][0001:000009FE], len = 0x6
line 274 at [00000A04][0001:00000A04], len = 0x8
line 275 at [00000A0C][0001:00000A0C], len = 0xF
line 278 at [00000A1B][0001:00000A1B], len = 0xE
line 279 at [00000A29][0001:00000A29], len = 0xC
line 280 at [00000A35][0001:00000A35], len = 0xE
line 281 at [00000A43][0001:00000A43], len = 0xC
line 284 at [00000A4F][0001:00000A4F], len = 0x9
line 290 at [00000A58][0001:00000A58], len = 0x8
line 292 at [00000A60][0001:00000A60], len = 0x1C
line 296 at [00000A7C][0001:00000A7C], len = 0xE
line 298 at [00000A8A][0001:00000A8A], len = 0xE
line 301 at [00000A98][0001:00000A98], len = 0xE
line 307 at [00000AA6][0001:00000AA6], len = 0xE
line 308 at [00000AB4][0001:00000AB4], len = 0xC
line 311 at [00000AC0][0001:00000AC0], len = 0x11
line 313 at [00000AD1][0001:00000AD1], len = 0xE
line 316 at [00000ADF][0001:00000ADF], len = 0x8
line 318 at [00000AE7][0001:00000AE7], len = 0x18
line 320 at [00000AFF][0001:00000AFF], len = 0x12
line 321 at [00000B11][0001:00000B11], len = 0x16
line 322 at [00000B27][0001:00000B27], len = 0x21
line 324 at [00000B48][0001:00000B48], len = 0x2
line 325 at [00000B4A][0001:00000B4A], len = 0xB
line 327 at [00000B55][0001:00000B55], len = 0xE
line 329 at [00000B63][0001:00000B63], len = 0x2
line 330 at [00000B65][0001:00000B65], len = 0xB
line 332 at [00000B70][0001:00000B70], len = 0xE
line 337 at [00000B7E][0001:00000B7E], len = 0xE
line 339 at [00000B8C][0001:00000B8C], len = 0xC
line 340 at [00000B98][0001:00000B98], len = 0xC
line 341 at [00000BA4][0001:00000BA4], len = 0xC
line 342 at [00000BB0][0001:00000BB0], len = 0xC
line 343 at [00000BBC][0001:00000BBC], len = 0x2
line 347 at [00000BBE][0001:00000BBE], len = 0x13
line 348 at [00000BD1][0001:00000BD1], len = 0xC
line 356 at [00000BDD][0001:00000BDD], len = 0x1D
line 357 at [00000BFA][0001:00000BFA], len = 0xC
line 358 at [00000C06][0001:00000C06], len = 0x18
line 359 at [00000C1E][0001:00000C1E], len = 0xC
line 364 at [00000C2A][0001:00000C2A], len = 0x12
line 366 at [00000C3C][0001:00000C3C], len = 0xA
line 368 at [00000C46][0001:00000C46], len = 0xE
line 372 at [00000C54][0001:00000C54], len = 0x12
line 374 at [00000C66][0001:00000C66], len = 0xE
line 377 at [00000C74][0001:00000C74], len = 0x12
line 379 at [00000C86][0001:00000C86], len = 0xE
line 382 at [00000C94][0001:00000C94], len = 0xE
line 384 at [00000CA2][0001:00000CA2], len = 0xE
line 271 at [00000CB0][0001:00000CB0], len = 0x6
line 271 at [00000CB6][0001:00000CB6], len = 0x9
line 390 at [00000CBF][0001:00000CBF], len = 0x9
line 392 at [00000CC8][0001:00000CC8], len = 0x1B
line 393 at [00000CE3][0001:00000CE3], len = 0x1B
line 396 at [00000CFE][0001:00000CFE], len = 0x1

** GetHashCode

line 400 at [00000CFF][0001:00000CFF], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs

** .ctor

line 13 at [00000D10][0001:00000D10], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 18 at [00000D1B][0001:00000D1B], len = 0x6
line 20 at [00000D21][0001:00000D21], len = 0xB
line 21 at [00000D2C][0001:00000D2C], len = 0x6
line 22 at [00000D32][0001:00000D32], len = 0x1

** GetInstance

line 26 at [00000D33][0001:00000D33], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 28 at [00000D3A][0001:00000D3A], len = 0x10
line 30 at [00000D4A][0001:00000D4A], len = 0x7
line 32 at [00000D51][0001:00000D51], len = 0xA
line 34 at [00000D5B][0001:00000D5B], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00000D5D][0001:00000D5D], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00000D66][0001:00000D66], len = 0x1
line 37 at [00000D67][0001:00000D67], len = 0x6

** StartWatch

line 46 at [00000D6D][0001:00000D6D], len = 0x1D C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 47 at [00000D8A][0001:00000D8A], len = 0x13
line 48 at [00000D9D][0001:00000D9D], len = 0x5
line 49 at [00000DA2][0001:00000DA2], len = 0x1

** Process

line 53 at [00000DA3][0001:00000DA3], len = 0x3 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 16707566 at [00000DA6][0001:00000DA6], len = 0x2
line 59 at [00000DA8][0001:00000DA8], len = 0xC
line 16707566 at [00000DB4][0001:00000DB4], len = 0x2
line 59 at [00000DB6][0001:00000DB6], len = 0x7
line 61 at [00000DBD][0001:00000DBD], len = 0x7
line 62 at [00000DC4][0001:00000DC4], len = 0x2
line 64 at [00000DC6][0001:00000DC6], len = 0xD
line 65 at [00000DD3][0001:00000DD3], len = 0x13
line 59 at [00000DE6][0001:00000DE6], len = 0xA
line 16707566 at [00000DF0][0001:00000DF0], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00000DF9][0001:00000DF9], len = 0x1
line 69 at [00000DFA][0001:00000DFA], len = 0xB
line 57 at [00000E05][0001:00000E05], len = 0xD
line 71 at [00000E12][0001:00000E12], len = 0x1

** Notify

line 77 at [00000E13][0001:00000E13], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 78 at [00000E19][0001:00000E19], len = 0x8
line 80 at [00000E21][0001:00000E21], len = 0x1C
line 82 at [00000E3D][0001:00000E3D], len = 0x2
line 83 at [00000E3F][0001:00000E3F], len = 0x1
line 85 at [00000E40][0001:00000E40], len = 0x6
line 86 at [00000E46][0001:00000E46], len = 0x10
line 87 at [00000E56][0001:00000E56], len = 0x10
line 88 at [00000E66][0001:00000E66], len = 0x6
line 89 at [00000E6C][0001:00000E6C], len = 0x11
line 90 at [00000E7D][0001:00000E7D], len = 0xE
line 91 at [00000E8B][0001:00000E8B], len = 0x2
line 92 at [00000E8D][0001:00000E8D], len = 0x1

** ProcessWatcher

line 97 at [00000E8E][0001:00000E8E], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 99 at [00000E96][0001:00000E96], len = 0x6
line 100 at [00000E9C][0001:00000E9C], len = 0x1
line 102 at [00000E9D][0001:00000E9D], len = 0x8
line 104 at [00000EA5][0001:00000EA5], len = 0xD
line 105 at [00000EB2][0001:00000EB2], len = 0x6
line 106 at [00000EB8][0001:00000EB8], len = 0x1
line 108 at [00000EB9][0001:00000EB9], len = 0x7
line 110 at [00000EC0][0001:00000EC0], len = 0x1

** SetChangedState

line 116 at [00000EC1][0001:00000EC1], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
line 117 at [00000ECE][0001:00000ECE], len = 0x1

** .cctor

line 15 at [00000ECF][0001:00000ECF], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs

** PerformProceed

line 29 at [00000EDA][0001:00000EDA], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlInterceptor.cs
line 30 at [00000EE4][0001:00000EE4], len = 0x2
line 32 at [00000EE6][0001:00000EE6], len = 0x9
line 34 at [00000EEF][0001:00000EEF], len = 0x7
line 35 at [00000EF6][0001:00000EF6], len = 0x1

** GetServiceID

line 41 at [00000EF7][0001:00000EF7], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlInterceptor.cs

** PostProceed

line 25 at [00000F02][0001:00000F02], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoSqlInterceptor.cs
line 26 at [00000F12][0001:00000F12], len = 0x6
line 27 at [00000F18][0001:00000F18], len = 0x6
line 28 at [00000F1E][0001:00000F1E], len = 0x8
line 29 at [00000F26][0001:00000F26], len = 0x6
line 33 at [00000F2C][0001:00000F2C], len = 0x1B
line 34 at [00000F47][0001:00000F47], len = 0x16
line 35 at [00000F5D][0001:00000F5D], len = 0x2
line 36 at [00000F5F][0001:00000F5F], len = 0x1
line 39 at [00000F60][0001:00000F60], len = 0x2
line 40 at [00000F62][0001:00000F62], len = 0x7
line 41 at [00000F69][0001:00000F69], len = 0x1

** Create

line 46 at [00000F6A][0001:00000F6A], len = 0x18 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoSqlInterceptor.cs
line 48 at [00000F82][0001:00000F82], len = 0x16
line 55 at [00000F98][0001:00000F98], len = 0x11
line 56 at [00000FA9][0001:00000FA9], len = 0x1

** ApplyParameterMap

line 62 at [00000FAA][0001:00000FAA], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoSqlInterceptor.cs
line 63 at [00000FB5][0001:00000FB5], len = 0xC
line 64 at [00000FC1][0001:00000FC1], len = 0x6
line 65 at [00000FC7][0001:00000FC7], len = 0x6
line 67 at [00000FCD][0001:00000FCD], len = 0x6
line 69 at [00000FD3][0001:00000FD3], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00000FD5][0001:00000FD5], len = 0x5
line 71 at [00000FDA][0001:00000FDA], len = 0x4
line 72 at [00000FDE][0001:00000FDE], len = 0x8
line 73 at [00000FE6][0001:00000FE6], len = 0xE
line 85 at [00000FF4][0001:00000FF4], len = 0x9
line 91 at [00000FFD][0001:00000FFD], len = 0x8
line 93 at [00001005][0001:00001005], len = 0x1C
line 97 at [00001021][0001:00001021], len = 0xE
line 99 at [0000102F][0001:0000102F], len = 0xD
line 102 at [0000103C][0001:0000103C], len = 0xD
line 115 at [00001049][0001:00001049], len = 0x11
line 117 at [0000105A][0001:0000105A], len = 0xD
line 120 at [00001067][0001:00001067], len = 0x8
line 122 at [0000106F][0001:0000106F], len = 0x18
line 124 at [00001087][0001:00001087], len = 0x12
line 125 at [00001099][0001:00001099], len = 0x15
line 126 at [000010AE][0001:000010AE], len = 0x21
line 128 at [000010CF][0001:000010CF], len = 0x2
line 131 at [000010D1][0001:000010D1], len = 0xD
line 133 at [000010DE][0001:000010DE], len = 0x2
line 136 at [000010E0][0001:000010E0], len = 0xD
line 171 at [000010ED][0001:000010ED], len = 0x12
line 173 at [000010FF][0001:000010FF], len = 0x9
line 175 at [00001108][0001:00001108], len = 0xD
line 179 at [00001115][0001:00001115], len = 0x12
line 181 at [00001127][0001:00001127], len = 0xD
line 184 at [00001134][0001:00001134], len = 0x12
line 186 at [00001146][0001:00001146], len = 0xD
line 189 at [00001153][0001:00001153], len = 0xD
line 191 at [00001160][0001:00001160], len = 0xE
line 69 at [0000116E][0001:0000116E], len = 0x4
line 69 at [00001172][0001:00001172], len = 0x7
line 202 at [00001179][0001:00001179], len = 0x1

** .cctor

line 27 at [0000117A][0001:0000117A], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 31 at [00001184][0001:00001184], len = 0x1A
line 32 at [0000119E][0001:0000119E], len = 0x15
line 33 at [000011B3][0001:000011B3], len = 0x1

** PerformProceed

line 37 at [000011B4][0001:000011B4], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 40 at [000011BA][0001:000011BA], len = 0x7
line 41 at [000011C1][0001:000011C1], len = 0x6
line 42 at [000011C7][0001:000011C7], len = 0x7
line 43 at [000011CE][0001:000011CE], len = 0xE
line 44 at [000011DC][0001:000011DC], len = 0x10
line 45 at [000011EC][0001:000011EC], len = 0x2
line 46 at [000011EE][0001:000011EE], len = 0x1
line 48 at [000011EF][0001:000011EF], len = 0x6
line 49 at [000011F5][0001:000011F5], len = 0x13
line 50 at [00001208][0001:00001208], len = 0x8
line 51 at [00001210][0001:00001210], len = 0x19
line 52 at [00001229][0001:00001229], len = 0x13
line 53 at [0000123C][0001:0000123C], len = 0x12
line 54 at [0000124E][0001:0000124E], len = 0x7
line 55 at [00001255][0001:00001255], len = 0x9
line 56 at [0000125E][0001:0000125E], len = 0xB
line 58 at [00001269][0001:00001269], len = 0x1

** CountException

line 62 at [0000126A][0001:0000126A], len = 0x3 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 63 at [0000126D][0001:0000126D], len = 0x6
line 64 at [00001273][0001:00001273], len = 0x7
line 65 at [0000127A][0001:0000127A], len = 0x5
line 67 at [0000127F][0001:0000127F], len = 0x6
line 68 at [00001285][0001:00001285], len = 0x6
line 70 at [0000128B][0001:0000128B], len = 0x8
line 72 at [00001293][0001:00001293], len = 0x6
line 73 at [00001299][0001:00001299], len = 0x6
line 75 at [0000129F][0001:0000129F], len = 0x5
line 77 at [000012A4][0001:000012A4], len = 0x6
line 78 at [000012AA][0001:000012AA], len = 0x6
line 81 at [000012B0][0001:000012B0], len = 0x6

** GetSqlInfo

line 88 at [000012B6][0001:000012B6], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 89 at [000012C7][0001:000012C7], len = 0x6
line 90 at [000012CD][0001:000012CD], len = 0x6
line 91 at [000012D3][0001:000012D3], len = 0x26
line 93 at [000012F9][0001:000012F9], len = 0x9
line 94 at [00001302][0001:00001302], len = 0x8
line 95 at [0000130A][0001:0000130A], len = 0x16
line 96 at [00001320][0001:00001320], len = 0x19
line 97 at [00001339][0001:00001339], len = 0x17
line 101 at [00001350][0001:00001350], len = 0x5
line 102 at [00001355][0001:00001355], len = 0xC
line 103 at [00001361][0001:00001361], len = 0x4
line 106 at [00001365][0001:00001365], len = 0x1
line 111 at [00001366][0001:00001366], len = 0x5
line 114 at [0000136B][0001:0000136B], len = 0x3

** Report

line 120 at [0000136E][0001:0000136E], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 124 at [00001376][0001:00001376], len = 0x6
line 125 at [0000137C][0001:0000137C], len = 0x10
line 126 at [0000138C][0001:0000138C], len = 0x10
line 127 at [0000139C][0001:0000139C], len = 0x10
line 128 at [000013AC][0001:000013AC], len = 0x10
line 130 at [000013BC][0001:000013BC], len = 0x6
line 131 at [000013C2][0001:000013C2], len = 0x22
line 132 at [000013E4][0001:000013E4], len = 0x10
line 134 at [000013F4][0001:000013F4], len = 0x6
line 135 at [000013FA][0001:000013FA], len = 0x8
line 137 at [00001402][0001:00001402], len = 0x3
line 138 at [00001405][0001:00001405], len = 0x12
line 141 at [00001417][0001:00001417], len = 0xC
line 142 at [00001423][0001:00001423], len = 0x12
line 143 at [00001435][0001:00001435], len = 0xE
line 145 at [00001443][0001:00001443], len = 0x2
line 148 at [00001445][0001:00001445], len = 0x3
line 150 at [00001448][0001:00001448], len = 0x13
line 151 at [0000145B][0001:0000145B], len = 0xD
line 152 at [00001468][0001:00001468], len = 0x2
line 155 at [0000146A][0001:0000146A], len = 0xC
line 156 at [00001476][0001:00001476], len = 0x12
line 157 at [00001488][0001:00001488], len = 0x14
line 158 at [0000149C][0001:0000149C], len = 0xE
line 165 at [000014AA][0001:000014AA], len = 0xA
line 166 at [000014B4][0001:000014B4], len = 0xA
line 167 at [000014BE][0001:000014BE], len = 0xC
line 170 at [000014CA][0001:000014CA], len = 0x7
line 171 at [000014D1][0001:000014D1], len = 0xD
line 172 at [000014DE][0001:000014DE], len = 0x7
line 173 at [000014E5][0001:000014E5], len = 0x3
line 174 at [000014E8][0001:000014E8], len = 0xF
line 175 at [000014F7][0001:000014F7], len = 0xE
line 176 at [00001505][0001:00001505], len = 0x11
line 177 at [00001516][0001:00001516], len = 0x11
line 178 at [00001527][0001:00001527], len = 0x7
line 179 at [0000152E][0001:0000152E], len = 0x23
line 180 at [00001551][0001:00001551], len = 0x1B
line 181 at [0000156C][0001:0000156C], len = 0x11
line 183 at [0000157D][0001:0000157D], len = 0x11
line 184 at [0000158E][0001:0000158E], len = 0x1E
line 185 at [000015AC][0001:000015AC], len = 0x11
line 186 at [000015BD][0001:000015BD], len = 0x11
line 187 at [000015CE][0001:000015CE], len = 0x2A
line 188 at [000015F8][0001:000015F8], len = 0x1F
line 189 at [00001617][0001:00001617], len = 0xE
line 191 at [00001625][0001:00001625], len = 0x2
line 192 at [00001627][0001:00001627], len = 0x1
line 197 at [00001628][0001:00001628], len = 0x2
line 198 at [0000162A][0001:0000162A], len = 0x1

** GetContextString

line 202 at [0000162B][0001:0000162B], len = 0x3 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 203 at [0000162E][0001:0000162E], len = 0x6
line 204 at [00001634][0001:00001634], len = 0x8
line 205 at [0000163C][0001:0000163C], len = 0x7
line 16707566 at [00001643][0001:00001643], len = 0x2
line 205 at [00001645][0001:00001645], len = 0x8
line 207 at [0000164D][0001:0000164D], len = 0x24
line 205 at [00001671][0001:00001671], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [0000167C][0001:0000167C], len = 0xE
line 209 at [0000168A][0001:0000168A], len = 0x7

** Create

line 214 at [00001691][0001:00001691], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 216 at [00001697][0001:00001697], len = 0x18
line 217 at [000016AF][0001:000016AF], len = 0x16
line 218 at [000016C5][0001:000016C5], len = 0x11
line 219 at [000016D6][0001:000016D6], len = 0x16
line 220 at [000016EC][0001:000016EC], len = 0x12
line 221 at [000016FE][0001:000016FE], len = 0x2

** ApplyParameterMap

line 228 at [00001700][0001:00001700], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
line 229 at [0000170C][0001:0000170C], len = 0xC
line 230 at [00001718][0001:00001718], len = 0x6
line 231 at [0000171E][0001:0000171E], len = 0x6
line 233 at [00001724][0001:00001724], len = 0x8
line 235 at [0000172C][0001:0000172C], len = 0x3
line 16707566 at [0000172F][0001:0000172F], len = 0x5
line 237 at [00001734][0001:00001734], len = 0x6
line 238 at [0000173A][0001:0000173A], len = 0x8
line 239 at [00001742][0001:00001742], len = 0xF
line 242 at [00001751][0001:00001751], len = 0xE
line 243 at [0000175F][0001:0000175F], len = 0xC
line 244 at [0000176B][0001:0000176B], len = 0xE
line 245 at [00001779][0001:00001779], len = 0xC
line 248 at [00001785][0001:00001785], len = 0x9
line 254 at [0000178E][0001:0000178E], len = 0x8
line 256 at [00001796][0001:00001796], len = 0x1C
line 260 at [000017B2][0001:000017B2], len = 0xE
line 262 at [000017C0][0001:000017C0], len = 0xE
line 265 at [000017CE][0001:000017CE], len = 0xE
line 271 at [000017DC][0001:000017DC], len = 0xE
line 272 at [000017EA][0001:000017EA], len = 0xC
line 275 at [000017F6][0001:000017F6], len = 0x11
line 277 at [00001807][0001:00001807], len = 0xE
line 280 at [00001815][0001:00001815], len = 0x8
line 282 at [0000181D][0001:0000181D], len = 0x18
line 284 at [00001835][0001:00001835], len = 0x12
line 285 at [00001847][0001:00001847], len = 0x16
line 286 at [0000185D][0001:0000185D], len = 0x21
line 288 at [0000187E][0001:0000187E], len = 0x2
line 289 at [00001880][0001:00001880], len = 0xB
line 291 at [0000188B][0001:0000188B], len = 0xE
line 293 at [00001899][0001:00001899], len = 0x2
line 294 at [0000189B][0001:0000189B], len = 0xB
line 296 at [000018A6][0001:000018A6], len = 0xE
line 301 at [000018B4][0001:000018B4], len = 0xE
line 303 at [000018C2][0001:000018C2], len = 0xC
line 304 at [000018CE][0001:000018CE], len = 0xC
line 305 at [000018DA][0001:000018DA], len = 0xC
line 306 at [000018E6][0001:000018E6], len = 0xC
line 307 at [000018F2][0001:000018F2], len = 0x2
line 311 at [000018F4][0001:000018F4], len = 0x13
line 312 at [00001907][0001:00001907], len = 0xC
line 320 at [00001913][0001:00001913], len = 0x1D
line 321 at [00001930][0001:00001930], len = 0xC
line 322 at [0000193C][0001:0000193C], len = 0x18
line 323 at [00001954][0001:00001954], len = 0xC
line 328 at [00001960][0001:00001960], len = 0x12
line 330 at [00001972][0001:00001972], len = 0xA
line 332 at [0000197C][0001:0000197C], len = 0xE
line 336 at [0000198A][0001:0000198A], len = 0x12
line 338 at [0000199C][0001:0000199C], len = 0xE
line 341 at [000019AA][0001:000019AA], len = 0x12
line 343 at [000019BC][0001:000019BC], len = 0xE
line 346 at [000019CA][0001:000019CA], len = 0xE
line 348 at [000019D8][0001:000019D8], len = 0xE
line 235 at [000019E6][0001:000019E6], len = 0x6
line 235 at [000019EC][0001:000019EC], len = 0x9
line 354 at [000019F5][0001:000019F5], len = 0x9
line 356 at [000019FE][0001:000019FE], len = 0x1B
line 357 at [00001A19][0001:00001A19], len = 0x1B
line 360 at [00001A34][0001:00001A34], len = 0x1

** GetHashCode

line 364 at [00001A35][0001:00001A35], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs

** GetDao

line 22 at [00001A46][0001:00001A46], len = 0x9 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs

** BeginTransaction

line 27 at [00001A4F][0001:00001A4F], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 30 at [00001A56][0001:00001A56], len = 0x6
line 31 at [00001A5C][0001:00001A5C], len = 0x8
line 33 at [00001A64][0001:00001A64], len = 0x1
line 35 at [00001A65][0001:00001A65], len = 0x6
line 36 at [00001A6B][0001:00001A6B], len = 0xC
line 37 at [00001A77][0001:00001A77], len = 0x7
line 38 at [00001A7E][0001:00001A7E], len = 0xA
line 40 at [00001A88][0001:00001A88], len = 0x2

** GetDao

line 46 at [00001A8A][0001:00001A8A], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 47 at [00001A95][0001:00001A95], len = 0x36
line 49 at [00001ACB][0001:00001ACB], len = 0x12
line 51 at [00001ADD][0001:00001ADD], len = 0x11
line 53 at [00001AEE][0001:00001AEE], len = 0xF
line 55 at [00001AFD][0001:00001AFD], len = 0x7
line 56 at [00001B04][0001:00001B04], len = 0x7
line 58 at [00001B0B][0001:00001B0B], len = 0x8
line 60 at [00001B13][0001:00001B13], len = 0xC
line 61 at [00001B1F][0001:00001B1F], len = 0x8
line 62 at [00001B27][0001:00001B27], len = 0x3F
line 63 at [00001B66][0001:00001B66], len = 0xC
line 65 at [00001B72][0001:00001B72], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00001B74][0001:00001B74], len = 0xA
line 16707566 at [00001B7E][0001:00001B7E], len = 0x1
line 68 at [00001B7F][0001:00001B7F], len = 0x7

** GetCommonDao

line 73 at [00001B86][0001:00001B86], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 74 at [00001B91][0001:00001B91], len = 0x12
line 76 at [00001BA3][0001:00001BA3], len = 0x12
line 78 at [00001BB5][0001:00001BB5], len = 0x11
line 80 at [00001BC6][0001:00001BC6], len = 0xF
line 82 at [00001BD5][0001:00001BD5], len = 0x7
line 83 at [00001BDC][0001:00001BDC], len = 0xC
line 84 at [00001BE8][0001:00001BE8], len = 0xC
line 85 at [00001BF4][0001:00001BF4], len = 0x8
line 86 at [00001BFC][0001:00001BFC], len = 0x3F
line 87 at [00001C3B][0001:00001C3B], len = 0xC
line 89 at [00001C47][0001:00001C47], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00001C49][0001:00001C49], len = 0xA
line 16707566 at [00001C53][0001:00001C53], len = 0x1
line 92 at [00001C54][0001:00001C54], len = 0x7

** GetDbConnection

line 98 at [00001C5B][0001:00001C5B], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 99 at [00001C61][0001:00001C61], len = 0xB

** GetDbType

line 104 at [00001C6C][0001:00001C6C], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 105 at [00001C72][0001:00001C72], len = 0x14
line 106 at [00001C86][0001:00001C86], len = 0xC
line 108 at [00001C92][0001:00001C92], len = 0x6
line 111 at [00001C98][0001:00001C98], len = 0x6

** .cctor

line 15 at [00001C9E][0001:00001C9E], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
line 16 at [00001CA8][0001:00001CA8], len = 0xA
line 17 at [00001CB2][0001:00001CB2], len = 0xA
line 18 at [00001CBC][0001:00001CBC], len = 0xB

** Intercept

line 20 at [00001CC7][0001:00001CC7], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
line 22 at [00001CD8][0001:00001CD8], len = 0x7
line 23 at [00001CDF][0001:00001CDF], len = 0xE
line 23 at [00001CED][0001:00001CED], len = 0x1
line 28 at [00001CEE][0001:00001CEE], len = 0x7
line 29 at [00001CF5][0001:00001CF5], len = 0x8
line 30 at [00001CFD][0001:00001CFD], len = 0xD
line 32 at [00001D0A][0001:00001D0A], len = 0x8
line 33 at [00001D12][0001:00001D12], len = 0x1
line 34 at [00001D13][0001:00001D13], len = 0xD
line 36 at [00001D20][0001:00001D20], len = 0x8
line 37 at [00001D28][0001:00001D28], len = 0x1
line 38 at [00001D29][0001:00001D29], len = 0xD
line 40 at [00001D36][0001:00001D36], len = 0x8
line 41 at [00001D3E][0001:00001D3E], len = 0x1
line 42 at [00001D3F][0001:00001D3F], len = 0xD
line 44 at [00001D4C][0001:00001D4C], len = 0x8
line 45 at [00001D54][0001:00001D54], len = 0x1
line 46 at [00001D55][0001:00001D55], len = 0xD
line 48 at [00001D62][0001:00001D62], len = 0x8
line 50 at [00001D6A][0001:00001D6A], len = 0x1

** ProcessSelectStatement

line 54 at [00001D6B][0001:00001D6B], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
line 55 at [00001D72][0001:00001D72], len = 0x10
line 58 at [00001D82][0001:00001D82], len = 0x1A
line 59 at [00001D9C][0001:00001D9C], len = 0x6
line 60 at [00001DA2][0001:00001DA2], len = 0x41
line 62 at [00001DE3][0001:00001DE3], len = 0x15
line 63 at [00001DF8][0001:00001DF8], len = 0x19
line 64 at [00001E11][0001:00001E11], len = 0x7
line 65 at [00001E18][0001:00001E18], len = 0x1
line 69 at [00001E19][0001:00001E19], len = 0x15
line 70 at [00001E2E][0001:00001E2E], len = 0xE
line 72 at [00001E3C][0001:00001E3C], len = 0x1

** ProcessInsertStatement

line 76 at [00001E3D][0001:00001E3D], len = 0x15 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
line 77 at [00001E52][0001:00001E52], len = 0xE
line 78 at [00001E60][0001:00001E60], len = 0x1

** ProcessUpdateStatement

line 82 at [00001E61][0001:00001E61], len = 0x15 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
line 83 at [00001E76][0001:00001E76], len = 0x13
line 84 at [00001E89][0001:00001E89], len = 0x1

** ProcessDeleteStatement

line 88 at [00001E8A][0001:00001E8A], len = 0x15 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
line 89 at [00001E9F][0001:00001E9F], len = 0x13
line 90 at [00001EB2][0001:00001EB2], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 16 at [00001EB3][0001:00001EB3], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 18 at [00001EB9][0001:00001EB9], len = 0x7
line 19 at [00001EC0][0001:00001EC0], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 23 at [00001EC1][0001:00001EC1], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 24 at [00001ECC][0001:00001ECC], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 28 at [00001ECD][0001:00001ECD], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 29 at [00001ED9][0001:00001ED9], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 33 at [00001EDA][0001:00001EDA], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 34 at [00001EE6][0001:00001EE6], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 38 at [00001EE7][0001:00001EE7], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 39 at [00001EF3][0001:00001EF3], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 43 at [00001EF4][0001:00001EF4], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 44 at [00001F01][0001:00001F01], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 48 at [00001F02][0001:00001F02], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 49 at [00001F0F][0001:00001F0F], len = 0x1

** BeginTransaction

line 53 at [00001F10][0001:00001F10], len = 0xE C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 54 at [00001F1E][0001:00001F1E], len = 0x1

** CommitTransaction

line 58 at [00001F1F][0001:00001F1F], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 59 at [00001F2A][0001:00001F2A], len = 0x1

** CommitTransaction

line 63 at [00001F2B][0001:00001F2B], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 64 at [00001F37][0001:00001F37], len = 0x1

** Complete

line 68 at [00001F38][0001:00001F38], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 69 at [00001F43][0001:00001F43], len = 0x1

** RollBackTransaction

line 73 at [00001F44][0001:00001F44], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 74 at [00001F4F][0001:00001F4F], len = 0x1

** RollBackTransaction

line 78 at [00001F50][0001:00001F50], len = 0xC C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 79 at [00001F5C][0001:00001F5C], len = 0x1

** Dispose

line 85 at [00001F5D][0001:00001F5D], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
line 86 at [00001F68][0001:00001F68], len = 0x2
line 87 at [00001F6A][0001:00001F6A], len = 0x1
line 89 at [00001F6B][0001:00001F6B], len = 0x5
line 90 at [00001F70][0001:00001F70], len = 0x10
line 91 at [00001F80][0001:00001F80], len = 0x9
line 93 at [00001F89][0001:00001F89], len = 0x1

** .cctor

line 23 at [00001F8A][0001:00001F8A], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 24 at [00001F94][0001:00001F94], len = 0xA
line 25 at [00001F9E][0001:00001F9E], len = 0xA
line 31 at [00001FA8][0001:00001FA8], len = 0xA
line 35 at [00001FB2][0001:00001FB2], len = 0xF
line 36 at [00001FC1][0001:00001FC1], len = 0xF
line 37 at [00001FD0][0001:00001FD0], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 26 at [00001FD1][0001:00001FD1], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 39 at [00001FDC][0001:00001FDC], len = 0x6
line 41 at [00001FE2][0001:00001FE2], len = 0x7
line 42 at [00001FE9][0001:00001FE9], len = 0x1

** GetInstance

line 51 at [00001FEA][0001:00001FEA], len = 0x2 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 52 at [00001FEC][0001:00001FEC], len = 0xF
line 54 at [00001FFB][0001:00001FFB], len = 0x10
line 56 at [0000200B][0001:0000200B], len = 0xF
line 58 at [0000201A][0001:0000201A], len = 0x7
line 59 at [00002021][0001:00002021], len = 0xC
line 61 at [0000202D][0001:0000202D], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [0000202F][0001:0000202F], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00002038][0001:00002038], len = 0x1
line 64 at [00002039][0001:00002039], len = 0x2

** GetDao

line 74 at [0000203B][0001:0000203B], len = 0xD C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 76 at [00002048][0001:00002048], len = 0x11
line 80 at [00002059][0001:00002059], len = 0x10
line 81 at [00002069][0001:00002069], len = 0x17

** GetDao

line 93 at [00002080][0001:00002080], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 94 at [00002086][0001:00002086], len = 0x7
line 95 at [0000208D][0001:0000208D], len = 0xD
line 97 at [0000209A][0001:0000209A], len = 0xB
line 99 at [000020A5][0001:000020A5], len = 0xC
line 100 at [000020B1][0001:000020B1], len = 0x17

** BeginTransaction

line 109 at [000020C8][0001:000020C8], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs

** GetDbConnection

line 118 at [000020D9][0001:000020D9], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs

** UpdateDbConnection

line 124 at [000020EA][0001:000020EA], len = 0xE C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 126 at [000020F8][0001:000020F8], len = 0x6
line 128 at [000020FE][0001:000020FE], len = 0x1

** UpdateConfig

line 132 at [000020FF][0001:000020FF], len = 0xE C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 134 at [0000210D][0001:0000210D], len = 0x6
line 135 at [00002113][0001:00002113], len = 0x1
line 136 at [00002114][0001:00002114], len = 0xE
line 138 at [00002122][0001:00002122], len = 0x6
line 140 at [00002128][0001:00002128], len = 0x1

** GetCommonDao

line 145 at [00002129][0001:00002129], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs

** DataChangeNotify

line 152 at [0000213A][0001:0000213A], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
line 153 at [0000214B][0001:0000214B], len = 0x11
line 154 at [0000215C][0001:0000215C], len = 0x2
line 155 at [0000215E][0001:0000215E], len = 0xD
line 157 at [0000216B][0001:0000216B], len = 0x7
line 158 at [00002172][0001:00002172], len = 0x2
line 159 at [00002174][0001:00002174], len = 0xD
line 161 at [00002181][0001:00002181], len = 0x7
line 162 at [00002188][0001:00002188], len = 0x2
line 165 at [0000218A][0001:0000218A], len = 0x5
line 168 at [0000218F][0001:0000218F], len = 0x6
line 169 at [00002195][0001:00002195], len = 0x11
line 170 at [000021A6][0001:000021A6], len = 0x11
line 171 at [000021B7][0001:000021B7], len = 0xC
line 172 at [000021C3][0001:000021C3], len = 0x8
line 173 at [000021CB][0001:000021CB], len = 0xC
line 175 at [000021D7][0001:000021D7], len = 0xE
line 176 at [000021E5][0001:000021E5], len = 0x2
line 177 at [000021E7][0001:000021E7], len = 0x2
line 179 at [000021E9][0001:000021E9], len = 0x7
line 180 at [000021F0][0001:000021F0], len = 0x11
line 181 at [00002201][0001:00002201], len = 0x11
line 182 at [00002212][0001:00002212], len = 0x7
line 183 at [00002219][0001:00002219], len = 0x13
line 184 at [0000222C][0001:0000222C], len = 0x10
line 185 at [0000223C][0001:0000223C], len = 0x2
line 186 at [0000223E][0001:0000223E], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 16 at [0000223F][0001:0000223F], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 18 at [0000224F][0001:0000224F], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 21 at [00002250][0001:00002250], len = 0xE C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 23 at [0000225E][0001:0000225E], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 31 at [0000225F][0001:0000225F], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 33 at [00002267][0001:00002267], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 40 at [00002268][0001:00002268], len = 0xE C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 42 at [00002276][0001:00002276], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 45 at [00002277][0001:00002277], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 47 at [00002287][0001:00002287], len = 0x1

** .ctor

line 55 at [00002288][0001:00002288], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 58 at [00002290][0001:00002290], len = 0x1

** ConvertCode

line 16707566 at [00002291][0001:00002291], len = 0x18 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
line 77 at [000022A9][0001:000022A9], len = 0x6
line 79 at [000022AF][0001:000022AF], len = 0x6
line 81 at [000022B5][0001:000022B5], len = 0x6
line 83 at [000022BB][0001:000022BB], len = 0x6
line 85 at [000022C1][0001:000022C1], len = 0x6

** IsFlowControled

line 22 at [000022C7][0001:000022C7], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
line 23 at [000022CE][0001:000022CE], len = 0x3
line 25 at [000022D1][0001:000022D1], len = 0x2
line 28 at [000022D3][0001:000022D3], len = 0x7
line 29 at [000022DA][0001:000022DA], len = 0x8
line 31 at [000022E2][0001:000022E2], len = 0x6
line 32 at [000022E8][0001:000022E8], len = 0x10
line 33 at [000022F8][0001:000022F8], len = 0x10
line 34 at [00002308][0001:00002308], len = 0x10
line 35 at [00002318][0001:00002318], len = 0x6
line 36 at [0000231E][0001:0000231E], len = 0x1B
line 37 at [00002339][0001:00002339], len = 0x6
line 38 at [0000233F][0001:0000233F], len = 0x10
line 39 at [0000234F][0001:0000234F], len = 0xE
line 41 at [0000235D][0001:0000235D], len = 0x6

** UpdateFlowControlStrategy

line 46 at [00002363][0001:00002363], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
line 47 at [0000236A][0001:0000236A], len = 0x16
line 48 at [00002380][0001:00002380], len = 0xC
line 49 at [0000238C][0001:0000238C], len = 0x3
line 51 at [0000238F][0001:0000238F], len = 0x7
line 53 at [00002396][0001:00002396], len = 0x1

** GetStrategy

line 57 at [00002397][0001:00002397], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
line 59 at [0000239E][0001:0000239E], len = 0xF
line 61 at [000023AD][0001:000023AD], len = 0x10
line 63 at [000023BD][0001:000023BD], len = 0xF
line 65 at [000023CC][0001:000023CC], len = 0x11
line 66 at [000023DD][0001:000023DD], len = 0xC
line 68 at [000023E9][0001:000023E9], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [000023EB][0001:000023EB], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [000023F4][0001:000023F4], len = 0x1
line 71 at [000023F5][0001:000023F5], len = 0x2

** GetStrategyFromConfigCenter

line 76 at [000023F7][0001:000023F7], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
line 77 at [00002407][0001:00002407], len = 0x8
line 79 at [0000240F][0001:0000240F], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00002411][0001:00002411], len = 0x1
line 83 at [00002412][0001:00002412], len = 0x6
line 84 at [00002418][0001:00002418], len = 0x17
line 85 at [0000242F][0001:0000242F], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00002431][0001:00002431], len = 0x5
line 16707566 at [00002436][0001:00002436], len = 0x1
line 90 at [00002437][0001:00002437], len = 0xB
line 91 at [00002442][0001:00002442], len = 0xB
line 92 at [0000244D][0001:0000244D], len = 0xB
line 93 at [00002458][0001:00002458], len = 0xB
line 95 at [00002463][0001:00002463], len = 0xC
line 97 at [0000246F][0001:0000246F], len = 0xE
line 99 at [0000247D][0001:0000247D], len = 0x7
line 100 at [00002484][0001:00002484], len = 0x7
line 101 at [0000248B][0001:0000248B], len = 0x1D
line 103 at [000024A8][0001:000024A8], len = 0x12
line 105 at [000024BA][0001:000024BA], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [000024BC][0001:000024BC], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [000024C7][0001:000024C7], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [000024C8][0001:000024C8], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [000024D3][0001:000024D3], len = 0x1
line 109 at [000024D4][0001:000024D4], len = 0x1
line 111 at [000024D5][0001:000024D5], len = 0x4
line 112 at [000024D9][0001:000024D9], len = 0x4
line 113 at [000024DD][0001:000024DD], len = 0x2
line 114 at [000024DF][0001:000024DF], len = 0x2
line 86 at [000024E1][0001:000024E1], len = 0x7
line 117 at [000024E8][0001:000024E8], len = 0x8
line 119 at [000024F0][0001:000024F0], len = 0x8
line 122 at [000024F8][0001:000024F8], len = 0x8
line 123 at [00002500][0001:00002500], len = 0xAF
line 133 at [000025AF][0001:000025AF], len = 0x4
line 135 at [000025B3][0001:000025B3], len = 0x1
line 138 at [000025B4][0001:000025B4], len = 0x2
line 140 at [000025B6][0001:000025B6], len = 0x2
line 141 at [000025B8][0001:000025B8], len = 0x3

** .cctor

line 17 at [000025BB][0001:000025BB], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
line 18 at [000025C5][0001:000025C5], len = 0xB

** TeldDACExpConnTimeoutCounterIncreament

line 23 at [000025D0][0001:000025D0], len = 0x16 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\PerfCounterManager.cs
line 24 at [000025E6][0001:000025E6], len = 0x2
line 25 at [000025E8][0001:000025E8], len = 0x1
line 25 at [000025E9][0001:000025E9], len = 0x2
line 26 at [000025EB][0001:000025EB], len = 0x1

** TeldDACExpCommTimeoutCounterIncreament

line 31 at [000025EC][0001:000025EC], len = 0x16 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\PerfCounterManager.cs
line 32 at [00002602][0001:00002602], len = 0x2
line 33 at [00002604][0001:00002604], len = 0x1
line 33 at [00002605][0001:00002605], len = 0x2
line 34 at [00002607][0001:00002607], len = 0x1

** TeldDACExpDeadLockCounterIncreament

line 39 at [00002608][0001:00002608], len = 0x16 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\PerfCounterManager.cs
line 40 at [0000261E][0001:0000261E], len = 0x2
line 41 at [00002620][0001:00002620], len = 0x1
line 41 at [00002621][0001:00002621], len = 0x2
line 42 at [00002623][0001:00002623], len = 0x1

** TeldDACExpServerNotFoundCounterIncreament

line 47 at [00002624][0001:00002624], len = 0x16 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\PerfCounterManager.cs
line 48 at [0000263A][0001:0000263A], len = 0x2
line 49 at [0000263C][0001:0000263C], len = 0x1
line 49 at [0000263D][0001:0000263D], len = 0x2
line 50 at [0000263F][0001:0000263F], len = 0x1

** get_SqlMapper

line 19 at [00002640][0001:00002640], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapAbstractBase.cs

** .ctor

line 22 at [00002647][0001:00002647], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapAbstractBase.cs
line 24 at [0000264D][0001:0000264D], len = 0x7
line 25 at [00002654][0001:00002654], len = 0x1

** get_isDbConfigEncrypted

line 35 at [00002655][0001:00002655], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs

** GetSqlMapper

line 46 at [00002660][0001:00002660], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 47 at [00002666][0001:00002666], len = 0x8
line 49 at [0000266E][0001:0000266E], len = 0x12
line 51 at [00002680][0001:00002680], len = 0x11
line 53 at [00002691][0001:00002691], len = 0x12
line 55 at [000026A3][0001:000026A3], len = 0x1A
line 56 at [000026BD][0001:000026BD], len = 0xF
line 59 at [000026CC][0001:000026CC], len = 0x8
line 61 at [000026D4][0001:000026D4], len = 0x17
line 62 at [000026EB][0001:000026EB], len = 0xA
line 64 at [000026F5][0001:000026F5], len = 0x9
line 65 at [000026FE][0001:000026FE], len = 0x10
line 66 at [0000270E][0001:0000270E], len = 0xE
line 68 at [0000271C][0001:0000271C], len = 0x9
line 69 at [00002725][0001:00002725], len = 0x2
line 72 at [00002727][0001:00002727], len = 0x9
line 74 at [00002730][0001:00002730], len = 0x2
line 75 at [00002732][0001:00002732], len = 0x1
line 77 at [00002733][0001:00002733], len = 0x2
line 79 at [00002735][0001:00002735], len = 0x2
line 81 at [00002737][0001:00002737], len = 0x7
line 82 at [0000273E][0001:0000273E], len = 0xD
line 83 at [0000274B][0001:0000274B], len = 0xC
line 87 at [00002757][0001:00002757], len = 0x11
line 88 at [00002768][0001:00002768], len = 0xC
line 90 at [00002774][0001:00002774], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00002776][0001:00002776], len = 0xA
line 16707566 at [00002780][0001:00002780], len = 0x1
line 94 at [00002781][0001:00002781], len = 0x2

** CreateSqlMapper

line 99 at [00002783][0001:00002783], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 100 at [00002789][0001:00002789], len = 0x6
line 101 at [0000278F][0001:0000278F], len = 0xF
line 102 at [0000279E][0001:0000279E], len = 0x7
line 104 at [000027A5][0001:000027A5], len = 0x2
line 105 at [000027A7][0001:000027A7], len = 0xA
line 107 at [000027B1][0001:000027B1], len = 0xF
line 109 at [000027C0][0001:000027C0], len = 0xE
line 110 at [000027CE][0001:000027CE], len = 0x2
line 113 at [000027D0][0001:000027D0], len = 0x1D
line 115 at [000027ED][0001:000027ED], len = 0x2
line 118 at [000027EF][0001:000027EF], len = 0xA
line 119 at [000027F9][0001:000027F9], len = 0x9
line 120 at [00002802][0001:00002802], len = 0x8
line 123 at [0000280A][0001:0000280A], len = 0xC
line 127 at [00002816][0001:00002816], len = 0x1C
line 128 at [00002832][0001:00002832], len = 0x8
line 129 at [0000283A][0001:0000283A], len = 0x2
line 130 at [0000283C][0001:0000283C], len = 0x1
line 130 at [0000283D][0001:0000283D], len = 0x2
line 133 at [0000283F][0001:0000283F], len = 0x8
line 135 at [00002847][0001:00002847], len = 0xC
line 139 at [00002853][0001:00002853], len = 0x6
line 140 at [00002859][0001:00002859], len = 0x2
line 141 at [0000285B][0001:0000285B], len = 0x1
line 141 at [0000285C][0001:0000285C], len = 0x2
line 144 at [0000285E][0001:0000285E], len = 0x2

** UpdateConnectionString

line 150 at [00002860][0001:00002860], len = 0x8 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 152 at [00002868][0001:00002868], len = 0xF
line 154 at [00002877][0001:00002877], len = 0x1
line 157 at [00002878][0001:00002878], len = 0x7
line 16707566 at [0000287F][0001:0000287F], len = 0x5
line 157 at [00002884][0001:00002884], len = 0x7
line 159 at [0000288B][0001:0000288B], len = 0x7
line 160 at [00002892][0001:00002892], len = 0x6
line 162 at [00002898][0001:00002898], len = 0x12
line 166 at [000028AA][0001:000028AA], len = 0x8
line 167 at [000028B2][0001:000028B2], len = 0x9
line 169 at [000028BB][0001:000028BB], len = 0x5
line 171 at [000028C0][0001:000028C0], len = 0xC
line 172 at [000028CC][0001:000028CC], len = 0xA
line 173 at [000028D6][0001:000028D6], len = 0x9
line 175 at [000028DF][0001:000028DF], len = 0x5
line 177 at [000028E4][0001:000028E4], len = 0xB
line 178 at [000028EF][0001:000028EF], len = 0x9
line 180 at [000028F8][0001:000028F8], len = 0xC
line 184 at [00002904][0001:00002904], len = 0x1D
line 185 at [00002921][0001:00002921], len = 0x9
line 186 at [0000292A][0001:0000292A], len = 0x2
line 187 at [0000292C][0001:0000292C], len = 0x1
line 187 at [0000292D][0001:0000292D], len = 0x2
line 190 at [0000292F][0001:0000292F], len = 0xD
line 191 at [0000293C][0001:0000293C], len = 0x18
line 193 at [00002954][0001:00002954], len = 0xC
line 197 at [00002960][0001:00002960], len = 0x7
line 198 at [00002967][0001:00002967], len = 0x2
line 199 at [00002969][0001:00002969], len = 0x1
line 199 at [0000296A][0001:0000296A], len = 0x2
line 201 at [0000296C][0001:0000296C], len = 0x7
line 202 at [00002973][0001:00002973], len = 0x16
line 203 at [00002989][0001:00002989], len = 0xF
line 204 at [00002998][0001:00002998], len = 0x2
line 205 at [0000299A][0001:0000299A], len = 0x2
line 207 at [0000299C][0001:0000299C], len = 0x7
line 208 at [000029A3][0001:000029A3], len = 0x16
line 209 at [000029B9][0001:000029B9], len = 0x7
line 210 at [000029C0][0001:000029C0], len = 0x13
line 211 at [000029D3][0001:000029D3], len = 0x10
line 212 at [000029E3][0001:000029E3], len = 0x2
line 157 at [000029E5][0001:000029E5], len = 0xE
line 16707566 at [000029F3][0001:000029F3], len = 0xE
line 215 at [00002A01][0001:00002A01], len = 0x1

** GetServicePath

line 219 at [00002A02][0001:00002A02], len = 0xB C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs

** SetDatabaseConfig

line 224 at [00002A0D][0001:00002A0D], len = 0x7 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 225 at [00002A14][0001:00002A14], len = 0xB
line 226 at [00002A1F][0001:00002A1F], len = 0x8
line 227 at [00002A27][0001:00002A27], len = 0x9
line 228 at [00002A30][0001:00002A30], len = 0x8
line 230 at [00002A38][0001:00002A38], len = 0x6
line 231 at [00002A3E][0001:00002A3E], len = 0xC
line 232 at [00002A4A][0001:00002A4A], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00002A53][0001:00002A53], len = 0x1
line 237 at [00002A54][0001:00002A54], len = 0xA
line 238 at [00002A5E][0001:00002A5E], len = 0x17
line 239 at [00002A75][0001:00002A75], len = 0x17
line 240 at [00002A8C][0001:00002A8C], len = 0x9
line 241 at [00002A95][0001:00002A95], len = 0x9
line 243 at [00002A9E][0001:00002A9E], len = 0x2
line 246 at [00002AA0][0001:00002AA0], len = 0x9
line 247 at [00002AA9][0001:00002AA9], len = 0x2
line 248 at [00002AAB][0001:00002AAB], len = 0x1
line 251 at [00002AAC][0001:00002AAC], len = 0x2
line 252 at [00002AAE][0001:00002AAE], len = 0x1

** GetConfigValueFromConfigCenter

line 257 at [00002AAF][0001:00002AAF], len = 0x10 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 258 at [00002ABF][0001:00002ABF], len = 0x10
line 260 at [00002ACF][0001:00002ACF], len = 0x2
line 263 at [00002AD1][0001:00002AD1], len = 0x17
line 264 at [00002AE8][0001:00002AE8], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00002AEA][0001:00002AEA], len = 0x5
line 16707566 at [00002AEF][0001:00002AEF], len = 0x1
line 269 at [00002AF0][0001:00002AF0], len = 0xB
line 270 at [00002AFB][0001:00002AFB], len = 0xB
line 271 at [00002B06][0001:00002B06], len = 0xB
line 272 at [00002B11][0001:00002B11], len = 0xB
line 274 at [00002B1C][0001:00002B1C], len = 0xB
line 276 at [00002B27][0001:00002B27], len = 0xD
line 278 at [00002B34][0001:00002B34], len = 0x7
line 279 at [00002B3B][0001:00002B3B], len = 0x7
line 280 at [00002B42][0001:00002B42], len = 0x1D
line 282 at [00002B5F][0001:00002B5F], len = 0x15
line 284 at [00002B74][0001:00002B74], len = 0x2
line 16707566 at [00002B76][0001:00002B76], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00002B81][0001:00002B81], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [00002B82][0001:00002B82], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00002B8B][0001:00002B8B], len = 0x1
line 288 at [00002B8C][0001:00002B8C], len = 0x1
line 290 at [00002B8D][0001:00002B8D], len = 0x4
line 291 at [00002B91][0001:00002B91], len = 0x4
line 292 at [00002B95][0001:00002B95], len = 0x2
line 293 at [00002B97][0001:00002B97], len = 0x2
line 265 at [00002B99][0001:00002B99], len = 0x7
line 296 at [00002BA0][0001:00002BA0], len = 0x2
line 297 at [00002BA2][0001:00002BA2], len = 0x3

** GetDBCongfigPath

line 302 at [00002BA5][0001:00002BA5], len = 0x5 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 303 at [00002BAA][0001:00002BAA], len = 0xD
line 304 at [00002BB7][0001:00002BB7], len = 0x7
line 305 at [00002BBE][0001:00002BBE], len = 0xB
line 306 at [00002BC9][0001:00002BC9], len = 0x10
line 307 at [00002BD9][0001:00002BD9], len = 0xC
line 308 at [00002BE5][0001:00002BE5], len = 0x15

** SaveDBConfig

line 314 at [00002BFA][0001:00002BFA], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 315 at [00002C04][0001:00002C04], len = 0x17
line 316 at [00002C1B][0001:00002C1B], len = 0xA
line 317 at [00002C25][0001:00002C25], len = 0x17
line 318 at [00002C3C][0001:00002C3C], len = 0xA
line 319 at [00002C46][0001:00002C46], len = 0x17
line 320 at [00002C5D][0001:00002C5D], len = 0x8
line 322 at [00002C65][0001:00002C65], len = 0xA
line 323 at [00002C6F][0001:00002C6F], len = 0x17
line 325 at [00002C86][0001:00002C86], len = 0xA
line 326 at [00002C90][0001:00002C90], len = 0x17
line 327 at [00002CA7][0001:00002CA7], len = 0x8
line 329 at [00002CAF][0001:00002CAF], len = 0xA
line 330 at [00002CB9][0001:00002CB9], len = 0x17
line 332 at [00002CD0][0001:00002CD0], len = 0xA
line 333 at [00002CDA][0001:00002CDA], len = 0x18
line 334 at [00002CF2][0001:00002CF2], len = 0x9
line 336 at [00002CFB][0001:00002CFB], len = 0xA
line 337 at [00002D05][0001:00002D05], len = 0x18
line 339 at [00002D1D][0001:00002D1D], len = 0xA
line 340 at [00002D27][0001:00002D27], len = 0x18
line 341 at [00002D3F][0001:00002D3F], len = 0xA
line 342 at [00002D49][0001:00002D49], len = 0x18
line 343 at [00002D61][0001:00002D61], len = 0xA
line 344 at [00002D6B][0001:00002D6B], len = 0x18
line 345 at [00002D83][0001:00002D83], len = 0xA
line 346 at [00002D8D][0001:00002D8D], len = 0x18
line 347 at [00002DA5][0001:00002DA5], len = 0xA
line 348 at [00002DAF][0001:00002DAF], len = 0x18
line 351 at [00002DC7][0001:00002DC7], len = 0x20
line 353 at [00002DE7][0001:00002DE7], len = 0x1
line 356 at [00002DE8][0001:00002DE8], len = 0x7
line 357 at [00002DEF][0001:00002DEF], len = 0xA7
line 380 at [00002E96][0001:00002E96], len = 0x8
line 383 at [00002E9E][0001:00002E9E], len = 0xC
line 385 at [00002EAA][0001:00002EAA], len = 0x12
line 386 at [00002EBC][0001:00002EBC], len = 0x12
line 387 at [00002ECE][0001:00002ECE], len = 0x6
line 389 at [00002ED4][0001:00002ED4], len = 0x2
line 390 at [00002ED6][0001:00002ED6], len = 0x1
line 390 at [00002ED7][0001:00002ED7], len = 0x2
line 391 at [00002ED9][0001:00002ED9], len = 0x1

** IsTrue

line 396 at [00002EDA][0001:00002EDA], len = 0x1C C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs

** .cctor

line 27 at [00002EF6][0001:00002EF6], len = 0xA C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 28 at [00002F00][0001:00002F00], len = 0xA
line 29 at [00002F0A][0001:00002F0A], len = 0xB

** Decrypt

line 410 at [00002F15][0001:00002F15], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 412 at [00002F1B][0001:00002F1B], len = 0xB
line 413 at [00002F26][0001:00002F26], len = 0x7
line 414 at [00002F2D][0001:00002F2D], len = 0x9
line 416 at [00002F36][0001:00002F36], len = 0x6
line 417 at [00002F3C][0001:00002F3C], len = 0x18
line 419 at [00002F54][0001:00002F54], len = 0x8
line 420 at [00002F5C][0001:00002F5C], len = 0x7
line 422 at [00002F63][0001:00002F63], len = 0x8
line 423 at [00002F6B][0001:00002F6B], len = 0xD
line 16707566 at [00002F78][0001:00002F78], len = 0x2
line 427 at [00002F7A][0001:00002F7A], len = 0x9
line 428 at [00002F83][0001:00002F83], len = 0xD
line 430 at [00002F90][0001:00002F90], len = 0xB
line 431 at [00002F9B][0001:00002F9B], len = 0xE
line 433 at [00002FA9][0001:00002FA9], len = 0xD
line 425 at [00002FB6][0001:00002FB6], len = 0x5
line 436 at [00002FBB][0001:00002FBB], len = 0x14
line 16707566 at [00002FCF][0001:00002FCF], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00002FDA][0001:00002FDA], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [00002FDB][0001:00002FDB], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [00002FE6][0001:00002FE6], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [00002FE7][0001:00002FE7], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [00002FF0][0001:00002FF0], len = 0x1
line 439 at [00002FF1][0001:00002FF1], len = 0x2

** Encrypt

line 443 at [00002FF3][0001:00002FF3], len = 0x6 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
line 445 at [00002FF9][0001:00002FF9], len = 0xB
line 446 at [00003004][0001:00003004], len = 0xC
line 447 at [00003010][0001:00003010], len = 0xC
line 449 at [0000301C][0001:0000301C], len = 0x6
line 450 at [00003022][0001:00003022], len = 0x13
line 452 at [00003035][0001:00003035], len = 0x8
line 453 at [0000303D][0001:0000303D], len = 0x7
line 455 at [00003044][0001:00003044], len = 0x8
line 456 at [0000304C][0001:0000304C], len = 0xD
line 16707566 at [00003059][0001:00003059], len = 0x2
line 460 at [0000305B][0001:0000305B], len = 0x9
line 461 at [00003064][0001:00003064], len = 0xD
line 463 at [00003071][0001:00003071], len = 0xB
line 464 at [0000307C][0001:0000307C], len = 0xE
line 466 at [0000308A][0001:0000308A], len = 0xD
line 458 at [00003097][0001:00003097], len = 0x5
line 469 at [0000309C][0001:0000309C], len = 0xF
line 16707566 at [000030AB][0001:000030AB], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [000030B6][0001:000030B6], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [000030B7][0001:000030B7], len = 0xB
line 16707566 at [000030C2][0001:000030C2], len = 0x1
line 16707566 at [000030C3][0001:000030C3], len = 0x9
line 16707566 at [000030CC][0001:000030CC], len = 0x1
line 472 at [000030CD][0001:000030CD], len = 0x2

** Equals

line 194 at [000030CF][0001:000030CF], len = 0x1D C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs

** GetHashCode

line 199 at [000030EC][0001:000030EC], len = 0x11 C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs



RVA Address Size Module
00000000 0001:00000000 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
0000000B 0001:0000000B 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
00000016 0001:00000016 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
00000021 0001:00000021 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
0000002C 0001:0000002C 00000022 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
0000004E 0001:0000004E 00000027 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
00000075 0001:00000075 00000047 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
000000BC 0001:000000BC 00000027 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
000000E3 0001:000000E3 000000D7 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
000001BA 0001:000001BA 000000F6 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
000002B0 0001:000002B0 0000009C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.Common
0000034C 0001:0000034C 00000007 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
00000353 0001:00000353 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
00000361 0001:00000361 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
0000036F 0001:0000036F 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
0000037D 0001:0000037D 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
0000038B 0001:0000038B 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
00000399 0001:00000399 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
000003A7 0001:000003A7 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
000003B5 0001:000003B5 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
000003C3 0001:000003C3 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.CommonDaoBase
000003D1 0001:000003D1 0000004E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
0000041F 0001:0000041F 000000B6 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000004D5 0001:000004D5 0000004C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
00000521 0001:00000521 000000AE xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000005CF 0001:000005CF 000002BD xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
0000088C 0001:0000088C 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
00000897 0001:00000897 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000008A2 0001:000008A2 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000008AD 0001:000008AD 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000008B8 0001:000008B8 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000008D4 0001:000008D4 00000021 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000008F5 0001:000008F5 00000066 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
0000095B 0001:0000095B 0000006F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
000009CA 0001:000009CA 00000335 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
00000CFF 0001:00000CFF 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor
00000D10 0001:00000D10 00000023 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000D33 0001:00000D33 0000003A xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000D6D 0001:00000D6D 00000036 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000DA3 0001:00000DA3 00000070 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000E13 0001:00000E13 0000007B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000E8E 0001:00000E8E 00000033 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000EC1 0001:00000EC1 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000ECF 0001:00000ECF 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DataChangeNotifier
00000EDA 0001:00000EDA 0000001D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlInterceptor
00000EF7 0001:00000EF7 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlInterceptor
00000F02 0001:00000F02 00000068 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor
00000F6A 0001:00000F6A 00000040 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor
00000FAA 0001:00000FAA 000001D0 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoSqlInterceptor
0000117A 0001:0000117A 0000003A xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
000011B4 0001:000011B4 000000B6 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
0000126A 0001:0000126A 0000004C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
000012B6 0001:000012B6 000000B8 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
0000136E 0001:0000136E 000002BD xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
0000162B 0001:0000162B 00000066 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
00001691 0001:00001691 0000006F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
00001700 0001:00001700 00000335 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
00001A35 0001:00001A35 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoExceptionInterceptor
00001A46 0001:00001A46 00000009 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001A4F 0001:00001A4F 0000003B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001A8A 0001:00001A8A 000000FC xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001B86 0001:00001B86 000000D5 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001C5B 0001:00001C5B 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001C6C 0001:00001C6C 00000032 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001C9E 0001:00001C9E 00000029 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoHandler
00001CC7 0001:00001CC7 000000A4 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
00001D6B 0001:00001D6B 000000D2 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
00001E3D 0001:00001E3D 00000024 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
00001E61 0001:00001E61 00000029 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
00001E8A 0001:00001E8A 00000029 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoInterceptor
00001EB3 0001:00001EB3 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001EC1 0001:00001EC1 0000000C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001ECD 0001:00001ECD 0000000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001EDA 0001:00001EDA 0000000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001EE7 0001:00001EE7 0000000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001EF4 0001:00001EF4 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F02 0001:00001F02 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F10 0001:00001F10 0000000F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F1F 0001:00001F1F 0000000C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F2B 0001:00001F2B 0000000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F38 0001:00001F38 0000000C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F44 0001:00001F44 0000000C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F50 0001:00001F50 0000000D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F5D 0001:00001F5D 0000002D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoTransaction
00001F8A 0001:00001F8A 00000047 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
00001FD1 0001:00001FD1 00000019 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
00001FEA 0001:00001FEA 00000051 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
0000203B 0001:0000203B 00000045 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
00002080 0001:00002080 00000048 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
000020C8 0001:000020C8 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
000020D9 0001:000020D9 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
000020EA 0001:000020EA 00000015 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
000020FF 0001:000020FF 0000002A xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
00002129 0001:00002129 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
0000213A 0001:0000213A 00000105 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService
0000223F 0001:0000223F 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException
00002250 0001:00002250 0000000F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException
0000225F 0001:0000225F 00000009 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseException
00002268 0001:00002268 0000000F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException
00002277 0001:00002277 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException
00002288 0001:00002288 00000009 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseConfigException
00002291 0001:00002291 00000036 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DatabaseExceptionCodeConvertor
000022C7 0001:000022C7 0000009C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
00002363 0001:00002363 00000034 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
00002397 0001:00002397 00000060 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
000023F7 0001:000023F7 000001C4 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
000025BB 0001:000025BB 00000015 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.FlowControlManager
000025D0 0001:000025D0 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager
000025EC 0001:000025EC 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager
00002608 0001:00002608 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager
00002624 0001:00002624 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.PerfCounterManager
00002640 0001:00002640 00000007 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapAbstractBase
00002647 0001:00002647 0000000E xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapAbstractBase
00002655 0001:00002655 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002660 0001:00002660 00000123 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002783 0001:00002783 000000DD xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002860 0001:00002860 000001A2 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002A02 0001:00002A02 0000000B xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002A0D 0001:00002A0D 000000A2 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002AAF 0001:00002AAF 000000F6 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002BA5 0001:00002BA5 00000055 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002BFA 0001:00002BFA 000002E0 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002EDA 0001:00002EDA 0000001C xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002EF6 0001:00002EF6 0000001F xxxx.Core.Database.Service.SqlMapperManager
00002F15 0001:00002F15 000000DE xxxx.Core.Database.Service.RSAEncryptor
00002FF3 0001:00002FF3 000000DC xxxx.Core.Database.Service.RSAEncryptor
000030CF 0001:000030CF 0000001D xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService.IntercepterEqulityComparer
000030EC 0001:000030EC 00000011 xxxx.Core.Database.Service.DaoService.IntercepterEqulityComparer



00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - FD 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 - FD 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ý0......ý0......................
Summary :
No of Elems = 1
Sizeof(Elem) = 40



CRC of source bytes.: 0xAFEC73FF
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoService.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daoservice.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x6CF5D434
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlInterceptor.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\flowcontrolinterceptor.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x1CFB7DFE
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoHandler.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daohandler.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x408CEA4D
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapAbstractBase.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\sqlmapabstractbase.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x41A58549
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DatabaseException.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\databaseexception.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x6E480FC7
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoCommonExceptionInterceptor.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daocommonexceptioninterceptor.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0xCE16D58A
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DataChangeNotifier.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\datachangenotifier.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x422E46F
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoInterceptor.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daointerceptor.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x2A9208B3
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\CommonDaoBase.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\commondaobase.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0xFF1D9C5E
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\Common.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\common.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0xA697E5CF
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\PerfCounterManager.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\perfcountermanager.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x743E7686
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoExceptionInterceptor.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daoexceptioninterceptor.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x1454F122
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoTransaction.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daotransaction.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x524B686E
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\SqlMapperManager.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\sqlmappermanager.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x9993B8B0
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\DaoSqlInterceptor.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\daosqlinterceptor.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65
CRC of source bytes.: 0x4AF93E88
Length of source in bytes.: 0x68
Source filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\Main\20ISP\Core\xxxx.Core.Database.Service\FlowControlManager.cs
Object filename.:
Virtual filename.: C:\Users\xxxx\source\Workspaces\main\20isp\core\xxxx.core.database.service\flowcontrolmanager.cs
Source compression algorithm.: 0x65


*** FPO


*** OEM Specific types




Pdb文件是program database的缩写,意思为程序数据库。它从编译器的角度描述了一个程序的组成,例如源代码,函数,变量,行号等信息。



下一篇:Hide C# winform App Window When Started by Task Scheduler