
#### 概念 堆叠是指将多台交换机设备通过线缆连接后组合在一起,虚拟化成一台设备,是一种横向虚拟化技术。 #### 可靠组网 1. VRRP+MSTP (传统) 1. 堆叠+链路捆绑 (推荐) #### 各厂家堆叠技术 华为: CSS (集群交换系统,用于框式交换机)、iStack(智能栈,用于盒式交换机);两者功能相同,只是名称上差异。 思科: VSS (虚拟交换系统) H3C: IRF (智能弹性架构) 锐捷: VSU (虚拟交换单元) 注: 堆叠技术是各厂商的私有技术,用于堆叠的设备需要是相同系列的,最好是同一个型号。 ### HCL模拟器配置堆叠 #### 拓扑图 ![image.png](http://www.icode9.com/i/li/?n=2&i=images/20210612/1623507291181841.png?,size_14,text_QDUxQ1RP5Y2a5a6i,color_FFFFFF,t_100,g_se,x_10,y_10,shadow_20,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk=) #### sw1 配置 ```shell sysname sw1 [sw1]irf member 1 priority 5 #将sw1优先级配置为5,使其成为master [sw1]int Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/49 [sw1-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49]shutdown #接口需要先shutdown # 创建irf接口1/1 , 第一个1表示memberID , 第二个1表示irf接口ID(最多为2,即一台交换机上IRF port接口最多有两个,并且irf port接口连接时必须交叉连接,如: 1/1--2/2 ; 2/1--3/2 ),只能用万兆口或40G接口; [sw1]irf-port 1/1 [sw1-irf-port1/1]port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/49 # 将物理接口添加到irf接口中 [sw1]interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49 [sw1-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49]undo shutdown #保存配置 [sw1]return save # 查看配置 display irf ``` #### sw2 配置 ```shell sysname sw2 [sw2]irf member 1 renumber 2 # 修改member ID号为2 Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue?[Y/N]:y [sw2]quit save The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y reboot # member ID号修改后需要保存配置并重启才能生效 [sw2]interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/49 [sw2-Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/49]shutdown #先将要用于堆叠的物理口shutdown # 创建irf接口,并将物理接口加入 [sw2]irf-port 2/2 [sw2-irf-port2/2]port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/49 #将物理接口开启 [sw2]interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/49 [sw2-Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/49]undo shutdown #保存配置,因为堆叠成功后,非主交换机会重启,不保存会丢失配置 [sw2]return save The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/startup.cfg] (To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key): flash:/startup.cfg exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y Validating file. Please wait... Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully. ``` #### 激活irf接口 sw1激活 ```shell # 激活,激活前建议拔掉堆叠连线,然后再激活irf; 以免没有成功保存,堆叠协商后备份交换机直接重启丢失配置 [sw1]irf-port-configuration active save # 堆叠建立完成后,建议再次保存配置 ``` sw2 激活 ```shell [sw2]irf-port-configuration active # 交换机2优先级较低,作为备份交换机,会自动重启,重启后变为SW1的一部分 save # 再次保存配置 ``` ## 企业网堆叠架构 ### 拓扑图 ![image.png](http://www.icode9.com/i/li/?n=2&i=images/20210612/1623507777819541.png?,size_14,text_QDUxQ1RP5Y2a5a6i,color_FFFFFF,t_100,g_se,x_10,y_10,shadow_20,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk=) 配置顺序:堆叠 --> 链路聚合 --> vlan trunk --> MAD 多主检测 --> 出口路由 --> NAT ### 1. 配置堆叠 #### sw1和sw2堆叠 1. sw1配置: ```shell irf member 1 priority 5 interface range FortyGigE 1/0/53 FortyGigE 1/0/54 # 批量配置端口,将堆叠使用的物理口shutdown shutdown irf-port 1 # 建立irf-port接口,将物理口加入 port group interface FortyGigE 1/0/53 port group interface FortyGigE 1/0/54 interface range FortyGigE 1/0/53 FortyGigE 1/0/54 # 将物理口启用 undo shutdown save #保存配置 # 注:暂时不激活,待两台交换机都配置完成后才进行激活 ``` 2. sw2 配置 ```shell irf member 1 renumber 2 # 修改成员编号 save #保存配置 reboot #重启生效 int range FortyGigE 2/0/53 FortyGigE 2/0/54 # 批量配置端口,将堆叠使用的物理口shutdown shutdown irf-port 2/2 # 建立irf-port接口,将物理口加入堆叠逻辑口 port group interface FortyGigE 2/0/53 port group interface FortyGigE 2/0/54 interface range FortyGigE 2/0/53 FortyGigE 2/0/54 undo shutdown save ``` 3. 激活两台交换机 ```shell sw1: irf-port-configuration active sw2: irf-port-configuration active # 非主交换机激活后会自动重启,重启完成后设备名会变为主交换机的名称 ``` #### sw3和sw4配置堆叠 1. sw3 配置 ```shell irf domain 2 # 配置堆叠域,默认是0 ,已经再SW1/SW2使用了 irf member 1 priority 5 # 设置sw3的优先级为5,默认是1;使sw3成为主交换机 int rang FortyGigE 1/0/53 FortyGigE 1/0/54 # 将准备用于堆叠的物理口shutdown shutdown irf-port 1/1 #配置irf-port接口,将物理口加入堆叠逻辑接口中 port group interface FortyGigE 1/0/53 port group interface FortyGigE 1/0/54 int rang FortyGigE 1/0/53 FortyGigE 1/0/54 #物理口启用 undo shutdown save #保存配置 ``` 2. sw4 配置 ```shell irf domain 2 # 配置堆叠域,默认是0 ,已经再SW1/SW2使用了 irf member 1 renumber 2 # 修改成员编号为2 save reboot #重启生效 interface range FortyGigE 2/0/53 FortyGigE 2/0/54 shutdow irf-port 2/2 port group interface FortyGigE 2/0/53 port group interface FortyGigE 2/0/54 interface range FortyGigE 2/0/53 FortyGigE 2/0/54 undo shutdown save #保存配置 ``` 3. 激活 ```shell sw3: irf-port-configuration active sw4: irf-port-configuration active # 非主交换机激活后会自动重启,重启完成后设备名会变为主交换机的名称 ``` ### 2. 链路聚合配置 #### sw1 - sw3 ```shell # 二层链路聚合 sw1: interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 # 链路接口, 对应华为的ETH-trunk link-aggregation mode dynamic # 动态模式, 对应华为的LACP interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/49 Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/50 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/49 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/50 port link-aggregation group 1 sw3: interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 link-aggregation mode dynamic interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/49 Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/50 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/49 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/50 port link-aggregation group 1 # 查询 dis link-aggregation verbose dis link-aggregation summary ``` #### sw1 - sw5 ```shell # 二层链路聚合 sw1: interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 # 链路接口2 link-aggregation mode dynamic # 动态模式, 对应华为的LACP interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/51 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/52 port link-aggregation group 2 sw5: interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 # 链路接口2 link-aggregation mode dynamic # 动态模式, 对应华为的LACP interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/51 Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/52 port link-aggregation group 2 ``` #### sw1 - sw6 ```shell sw1: interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 link-aggregation mode dynamic interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/52 Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/51 port link-aggregation group 3 sw6: interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 link-aggregation mode dynamic interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/52 Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/51 port link-aggregation group 3 ``` #### 三层链路聚合 sw1 -- AR1 也可以不聚合,使用两条线挂两个不同网段的方案,跑ospf或静态 ```shell sw1: interface Route-Aggregation 10 ip address 24 int range g1/0/2 g2/0/1 port link-mode route port link-aggregation group 10 R1: interface Route-Aggregation 10 ip address 24 interface range GigabitEthernet 0/2 GigabitEthernet 0/1 port link-aggregation group 10 ``` ### 3. vlan trunk 配置 sw1: ```shell vlan 10 to 40 interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 # 进入聚合接口,配置接口类型为trunk,并允许相应vlan通行 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 10 20 interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 30 interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 40 int Vlan-interface 10 # 配置SVI接口,作为网关 ip address 24 int Vlan-interface 20 ip address 24 int Vlan-interface 30 ip address 24 int Vlan-interface 40 ip address 24 ``` sw3: ```shell vlan 10 to 20 interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 10 20 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type access port access vlan 10 interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1 port link-type access port access vlan 20 ``` sw5: ```shell vlan 30 interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 30 interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 port link-type access port access vlan 30 ``` sw6: ```shell vlan 40 interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 40 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type access port access vlan 40 ``` ### 4. MAD 多主检测配置 检测的方式有多种,如:lacp、arp、bfd 推荐使用lacp方式, (通过发送特殊的lacp组播报文检测,lacp组播报文里包含irf domain id 和 activ 主设备成员id) 注: mad检测不能再路由器聚合链路上使能,路由器不支持 #### 检测过程 当系统检测到多active冲突后,两个冲突的IRF会进行竞选,Master成员编号小的获胜,继续正常运行,失败的IRF会转入Recovery状态,暂时不能转发业务报文。 IRF链路修复后,处于Recover状态的IRF会自动重启,从而于处于Active状态的IRF重新合并为一个IRF,原Recovery状态IRF中被强制关闭的业务接口会自动恢复。 #### 配置 sw1 ```shell interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 # 进入聚合接口,开启mad检测 (可以在部分聚合口选配mad功能) mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 # 堆叠域编号,选择0,检测sw1(+sw2) interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 #查询 display mad verbose ``` sw3 ```shell interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 # 堆叠域编号,选择0,检测sw1(+sw2) ``` sw5 ```shell interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 # 堆叠域编号,选择0,检测sw1(+sw2) ``` sw6 ```shell interface Bridge-Aggregation 3 mad enable # [Current domain is: 0]: 0 # 堆叠域编号,选择0,检测sw1 ``` ### 5. 出口路由 sw1: ```shell ip route-static 0 ``` AR1: ```shell interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address ip route-static 0 # 出口默认路由 ip route-static 16 # 局域网回包路由 ``` ### 6. NAT AR1: ```shell acl basic 2000 #创建访问控制列表ACL,匹配感兴趣流 rule 10 permit source interface GigabitEthernet 0/1 #接口启用nat(easy-ip),匹配acl2000 nat outbound 2000 ```
