- 11-18maven多模块启动required a bean of type com.xxx.xxx.service that could not be found.
- 11-18Field userService in com.wuji.controller.UserController required a bean of type 'com.wuji.service.UserService' that could not be found
- 11-18Sping Cloud项目启动报A component required a bean of type 'com.tianyan.bbc.dao.SecurityUserBaseMapper' that could not be found.
- 11-18运行springboot项目报错:Field userMapper in XX required a bean of type 'xx' that could not be found.
- 11-18How to solve the error "Field service in com.xx.xxx.xxxx required a bean of type 'com.aa.bb.cc' that could not be found."
- 11-182. springboot启动报错:Field userMapper in com.service.UserService required a bean of type 'com.dao.UserMapper' that could not be found.
- 11-18Spring Cloud Ribbon负载均衡配置类放在Spring boot主类同级增加Exclude过滤后报Field config in com.cloud.web.controller.RibbonConfiguration required a bean of type 'com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig' that could not b
- 11-18springboot jpa mongodb 整合mysql Field in required a bean of type that could not be found Failed to load ApplicationContext
- 11-18运行springboot项目报错:Field userMapper in XX required a bean of type 'xx' that could not be found.
- 11-18Field tTypeMapper in com.atguigu.project.service.imp.projectInfoServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.atguigu.project.mapper.TTypeMapper' that could not be found.