在项目依赖(Dependencies)都正确的情况下,如果还不行,试试右侧Maven Projects - Report (刷新图标)
- 01-10IDEA 提示Cannot resolve symbol
- 01-10IDEA “Cannot resolve symbol” 解决办法
- 01-10idea Cannot resolve method (最新2020解决办法)
- 01-10IDEA错误:Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "XXX".
- 01-10idea配置echache.xml报错Cannot resolve file 'ehcache.xsd'
- 01-10AndroidStudio关于Cannot resolve symbol 'NonNull'的解決辦法
- 01-10Cannot resolve com.born:xxx_dao:unknown
- 01-10intellij idea报Cannot start process, the working directory 'D:\' does not exist 解决办法
- 01-10Intellij idea 告警:'while' statement cannot complete without throwing an exception
- 01-10使用idea引入注解@SpringBootApplication报错Cannot resolve symbol 'SpringBootApplication'