To the moon
Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
To The Moon is a independent game released in November 2011, it is a role-playing adventure game powered by RPG Maker.
premise of To The Moon is based around a technology that allows us to
permanently reconstruct the memory on dying man. In this problem, we'll
give you a chance, to implement the logic behind the scene.
You‘ve been given $N$ integers $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$. On these integers, you need to implement the following operations:
1. C $l$ $r$ $d$: Adding a constant $d$ for every $\{A_i \mid l \le i \le r \}$, and increase the time stamp by 1, this is the only operation that will cause the time stamp increase.
2. Q $l$ $r$: Querying the current sum of $\{A_i \mid l \le i \le r\}$.
3. H l r t: Querying a history sum of {Ai | l <= i <= r} in time t.
4. B t: Back to time t. And once you decide return to a past, you can never be access to a forward edition anymore.
.. N, M ≤ 105, |A[i]| ≤ 109, 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ N, |d| ≤ 104 .. the system start from time 0, and the first modification is in time 1, t ≥ 0, and won't introduce you to a future state.
A1 A2 ... An
... (here following the m operations. )
Sample Input
Sample Output
- 只有被修改了的节点才会被新建,而这正是我们所期望的。(注意:从逻辑上讲,上个方法中 push-down 新建的那两个子节点在之前的某个本中就存在了,只是没有建出来。)
- 属于同一版本的新建节点在数组中是连续的,而且显然相邻版本的新建节点也是相邻的。
这样对于回到 $t$ 时刻的“时间倒流”操作,只要把数组的 $\mathrm{tail}$ 直接置成 $\mathrm{tail}_t$ 就好了。($t$ 时刻内新建的节点在 $[\mathrm{tail}_{t-1}, \mathrm{tail}_t)$ 区间内)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N=1e5+, M=2.5e6+;
typedef long long LL;
int ls[M], rs[M], tail, now, root[N];
LL add[M], sum[M]; void push_up(int id){
} int get_cur(int id, int now){
return tail++;
} LL query(int id, int L, int R, int l, int r){
if(l>R || L>r) return ;
if(l<=L && R<=r) return sum[id];
int mid=L+R>>;
return add[id]*(min(R, r)-max(L, l)+)+query(ls[id], L, mid, l, r)+query(rs[id], mid+, R, l, r);
} int Add(int id, int L, int R, int l, int r, int v){
if(l>R || L>r) return id;
int cur=get_cur(id, now); add[cur]=add[id], sum[cur]=sum[id]+(min(R, r)-max(L, l)+)*v; //copy tag only if(l<=L && R<=r){
ls[cur]=ls[id], rs[cur]=rs[id];
} else{
int mid=L+R>>;
ls[cur]=Add(ls[id], L, mid, l, r, v);
rs[cur]=Add(rs[id], mid+, R, l, r, v);
return cur;
} void init(int id, int L, int R){
scanf("%lld", sum+id);
int mid=L+R>>;
init(ls[id]=tail++, L, mid);
init(rs[id]=tail++, mid+, R);
} int main(){
// cout<<M<<endl;
for(int n, m; cin>>n>>m; ){
now=, tail=, init(root[now]=tail++, , n);
char op[];
int l, r, d, t; for(; m--; ){
scanf("%s", op);
scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &d);
++now, root[now]=Add(root[now-], , n, l, r, d); //error-prone
else if(*op=='Q'){
scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
printf("%lld\n", query(root[now], , n, l, r));
else if(*op=='H'){
scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &t);
printf("%lld\n", query(root[t], , n, l, r)); //error-prone
// you can never access a forward edition anymore.
else scanf("%d", &t), now=t;