

Run this command to have KataGo generate a custom gtp config for you based on answering some questions:

./katago.exe genconfig -model <NEURALNET>.bin.gz -output gtp_custom.cfg


C:\workspace\KaTrainWindows-1.9.2\KaTrain\katrain\KataGo>katago.exe genconfig -model ../models/g170e-b15c192-s1672170752-d466197061.bin.gz -output gtp_custom.cfg


What rules should KataGo use by default for play and analysis?
(chinese, japanese, korean, tromp-taylor, aga, chinese-ogs, new-zealand, bga, stone-scoring, aga-button):


When playing games, KataGo will always obey the time controls given by the GUI/tournament/match/online server.
But you can specify an additional limit to make KataGo move much faster. This does NOT affect analysis/review,
only affects playing games. Add a limit? (y/n) (default n):


NOTE: No limits configured for KataGo. KataGo will obey time controls provided by the GUI or server or match script
but if they don‘t specify any, when playing games KataGo may think forever without moving. (press enter to continue)

When playing games, KataGo can optionally ponder during the opponent‘s turn. This gives faster/stronger play
in real games but should NOT be enabled if you are running tests with fixed limits (pondering may exceed those
limits), or to avoid stealing the opponent‘s compute time when testing two bots on the same machine.
Enable pondering? (y/n, default n):



Finding available GPU-like devices...
Found OpenCL Device 0: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (Intel(R) Corporation) (score 6000300)

Specify devices/GPUs to use (for example "0,1,2" to use devices 0, 1, and 2). Leave blank for a default SINGLE-GPU config:



Based on some test data, each speed doubling gains perhaps ~250 Elo by searching deeper.
Based on some test data, each thread costs perhaps 7 Elo if using 800 visits, and 2 Elo if using 5000 visits (by making MCTS worse).
So APPROXIMATELY based on this benchmark, if you intend to do a 5 second search:
numSearchThreads = 3: (baseline)
numSearchThreads = 5: +36 Elo
numSearchThreads = 6: +59 Elo
numSearchThreads = 8: +64 Elo
numSearchThreads = 10: +81 Elo (recommended)
numSearchThreads = 12: +28 Elo

Using 10 numSearchThreads!
2021-07-10 18:12:31+0800: GPU 0 finishing, processed 14038 rows 4164 batches


Writing new config file to gtp_custom.cfg
You should be now able to run KataGo with this config via something like:
katago.exe gtp -model ‘../models/g170e-b15c192-s1672170752-d466197061.bin.gz‘ -config ‘gtp_custom.cfg‘

Feel free to look at and edit the above config file further by hand in a txt editor.
For more detailed notes about performance and what options in the config do, see:



上一篇:juniper srx pppoe断线重连
