Test the following PHP code

Practical Lab 3
Q1. Test the following PHP codes:
1.Copy and save as 2 files, a.html and b.php, respectively.
2.Put them under your student folder, and change the permission as 755.

PHP codes作业代写
3.Browse titan.csit.rmit.edu.au/~sXXXXXXX/a.html (where XXXXXXX is your student id).

<FORM ACTION="b.php" method="POST">
Enter: <input type="text" name="entered" id="entered"/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

<?php echo $_POST[‘entered‘]; ?>

Q2. Based on Q2 and Lab 2 Q3 (need to change the ACTION of the form as Q1), write your own PHP page to receive your submission data and return the right page shown below:

Hinds: 1. ACTION = the name of your php page.
2. Using <?php … ?> tags
3. Echo the element (PHP page) based on the name=”…” and id=”…” from the HTLM form.


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Test the following PHP code

