The Solutions in "Learning From Data: A Short Course"(Continuing Updates)

This essay is used to post my solutions to the exercises in the book Learning From Data: A Short Course, by Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Hsuan-Tien Lin, which is also a reference textbook to my machine learning course this semester(Semester B 2020/21).

Chapter 1: The Learning Problem

Exercise 1.1

Express each of the following tasks in the framework of learning from data by specifying the input space X, output space Y, target function f: X—>Y, and the specifics of the data set that we will learn from.

(a) Medical diagnosis: A patient walks in with a medical history and some symptoms, and you want to identify the problem.

(b) Handwritten digit recognition (for example postal zip code recognition for mail sorting).

(c) Determining if an email is spam or not.

(d) Predicting how an electric load varies with price, temperature, and day of the week.

(e) A problem of interest to you for which there is no analytic solution, but you have data from which to construct an empirical solution.



上一篇:3.1.3 short、int和long
