

  操作系统版本:CentOS release 6.3 (Final) 64位

  nagios版本:Nagios Core 4.0.6









tar xzvf Python-2.7.8.tgz


CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python


libpython2.7.a: could not read symbols: Bad value

类似这样的问题,都可以采用在编译的时候,加上CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC" 参数


make install

添加python软连接:ln -s /usr/local/python/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python


tar zxf mod_python-3.3.1.tgz


./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-python=/usr/bin/python


make install




vi src/connobject.c





make install



[root@cdn18 mod_python-3.3.1]# find / -name ""




LoadModule python_module modules/




tar xzvf mk-livestatus-1.2.5i5p2.tar.gz

cd mk-livestatus-1.2.5i5p2

./configure --help

./configure  --with-nagios4


[1407810436] Error: Could not load module ‘/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o‘ -> /usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o: undefined symbol: last_command_check

[1407810436] Error: Failed to load module ‘/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o‘.

[1407810436] Error: Module loading failed. Aborting.



make install



tar xzvf check_mk-1.2.5i5p2.tar.gz

cd check_mk-1.2.5i5p2



[root@cdn18 check_mk-1.2.5i5p2]# ./

               ____ _               _        __  __ _  __              

              / ___| |__   ___  ___| | __   |  \/  | |/ /              

             | |   | ‘_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ /   | |\/| | ‘ /               

             | |___| | | |  __/ (__|   <    | |  | | . \               

              \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_|  |_|_|\_\              



   Check_MK setup                                Version: 1.2.5i5p2    



Welcome to Check_MK. This setup will install Check_MK into user defined

directories. If you run this script as root, installation paths below

/usr will be suggested. If you run this script as non-root user paths

in your home directory will be suggested. You may override the default

values or just hit enter to accept them.


Your answers will be saved to /root/.check_mk_setup.conf and will be

reused when you run the setup of this or a later version again. Please

delete that file if you want to delete your previous answers.


 * Found running Nagios process, autodetected 20 settings.              

 * Read 32 settings from previous setup from /root/.check_mk_setup.conf.



  1) Installation directories of check_mk                               



Executable programs

Directory where to install executable programs such as check_mk itself.

This directory should be in your search path ($PATH). Otherwise you

always have to specify the installation path when calling check_mk:

( previous  --> /usr/bin):


Check_MK configuration

Directory where check_mk looks for its main configuration file

An example configuration file will be installed there if no is

present from a previous version:

( previous  --> /etc/check_mk):


Check_MK software

The base directory for the software installation of Check_MK. This

directory will get the subdirectories checks, modules, web, locale and

agents. Note: in previous versions it was possible to specify each of

those directories separately. This is no longer possible:

( previous  --> /usr/share/check_mk):



Some documentation about check_mk will be installed here. Please note,

however, that most of check_mk‘s documentation is available only online at

( previous  --> /usr/share/doc/check_mk):


check manuals

Directory for manuals for the various checks. The manuals can be viewed

with check_mk -M <CHECKNAME>:

( previous  --> /usr/share/doc/check_mk/checks):


working directory of Check_MK

Check_MK will create log files, automatically created checks and

other files into this directory. The setup will create several subdirectories

and makes them writable by the Nagios process:

( previous  --> /var/lib/check_mk):




  2) Configuration of Linux/UNIX Agents                                 



extensions for agents

This directory will not be created on the server. It will be hardcoded

into the Linux and UNIX agents. The agent will look for extensions in the

subdirectories plugins/ and local/ of that directory:

( previous  --> /usr/lib/check_mk_agent):


configuration dir for agents

This directory will not be created on the server. It will be hardcoded

into the Linux and UNIX agents. The agent will look for its configuration

files here (currently only the logwatch extension needs a configuration file):

( previous  --> /etc/check_mk):




  3) Integration with Nagios                                            



Name of Nagios user

The working directory for check_mk contains several subdirectories

that need to be writable by the Nagios user (which is running check_mk

in check mode). Please specify the user that should own those


( previous  --> nagios):


User of Apache process

Check_MK WATO (Web Administration Tool) needs a sudo configuration,

such that Apache can run certain commands as root. If you specify

the correct user of the apache process here, then we can create a valid

sudo configuration for you later::

( previous  --> apache):


Common group of Nagios+Apache

Check_mk creates files and directories while running as nagios.

Some of those need to be writable by the user that is running the webserver.

Therefore a group is needed in which both Nagios and the webserver are

members (every valid Nagios installation uses such a group to allow

the web server access to Nagios‘ command pipe)::

( previous  --> nagcmd):


Nagios binary

The complete path to the Nagios executable. This is needed by the

option -R/--restart in order to do a configuration check.:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios):


Nagios main configuration file

Path to the main configuration file of Nagios. That file is always

named ‘nagios.cfg‘. The default path when compiling Nagios yourself

is /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg. The path to this file is needed

for the check_mk option -R/--restart:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg):


Nagios object directory

Nagios‘ object definitions for hosts, services and contacts are

usually stored in various files with the extension .cfg. These files

are located in a directory that is configured in nagios.cfg with the

directive ‘cfg_dir‘. Please specify the path to that directory

(If the autodetection can find your configuration

file but does not find at least one cfg_dir directive, then it will

add one to your configuration file for your conveniance):

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/etc/check_mk.d):


Nagios startskript

The complete path to the Nagios startskript is used by the option

-R/--restart to restart Nagios.:

( previous  --> /etc/init.d/nagios):


Nagios command pipe

Complete path to the Nagios command pipe. check_mk needs write access

to this pipe in order to operate:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd):


Check results directory

Complete path to the directory where Nagios stores its check results.

Using that directory instead of the command pipe is faster.:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/var/spool/checkresults):


Nagios status file

The web pages of check_mk need to read the file ‘status.dat‘, which is

regularily created by Nagios. The path to that status file is usually

configured in nagios.cfg with the parameter ‘status_file‘. If

that parameter is missing, a compiled-in default value is used. On

FHS-conforming installations, that file usually is in /var/lib/nagios

or /var/log/nagios. If you‘ve compiled Nagios yourself, that file

might be found below /usr/local/nagios:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/var/status.dat):


Path to check_icmp

check_mk ships a Nagios configuration file with several host and

service templates. Some host templates need check_icmp as host check.

That check plugin is contained in the standard Nagios plugins.

Please specify the complete path (dir + filename) of check_icmp:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_icmp):




  4) Integration with Apache                                            



URL Prefix for Web addons

Usually the Multisite GUI is available at /check_mk/ and PNP4Nagios

is located at /pnp4nagios/. In some cases you might want to define some

prefix in order to be able to run more instances of Nagios on one host.

If you say /test/ here, for example, then Multisite will be located

at /test/check_mk/. Please do not forget the trailing slash.:

( previous  --> /):


Apache config dir

Check_mk ships several web pages implemented in Python with Apache

mod_python. That module needs an apache configuration section which

will be installed by this setup. Please specify the path to a directory

where Apache reads in configuration files.:

( previous  --> /etc/httpd/conf.d):


HTTP authentication file

Check_mk‘s web pages should be secured from unauthorized access via

HTTP authenticaion - just as Nagios. The configuration file for Apache

that will be installed contains a valid configuration for HTTP basic

auth. The most conveniant way for you is to use the same user file as

for Nagios. Please enter your htpasswd file to use here:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users):


HTTP AuthName

Check_mk‘s Apache configuration file will need an AuthName. That

string will be displayed to the user when asking for the password.

You should use the same AuthName as for Nagios. Otherwise the user will

have to log in twice:

( previous  --> Nagios Access):




  5) Integration with PNP4Nagios 0.6                                    



PNP4Nagios templates

Check_MK ships templates for PNP4Nagios for most of its checks.

Those templates make the history graphs look nice. PNP4Nagios

expects such templates in the directory pnp/templates in your

document root for static web pages:

( previous  --> /usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/templates):


RRD files

Configure the directory PNP4Nagios stores the RRD database files in:

( previous  --> /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata):


rrdcached socket

If you use the rrdcached to process performance data from Nagios,

you can configure the socket of the rrdcached here to make the prediction

feature use it:

( previous  --> /tmp/rrdcached.sock):




  6) Check_MK Livestatus Module                                         



compile livestatus module

The well known MK Livestatus broker module is part of Check_MK.


It provides direct access to Nagios internal data structures. It aims to

supersede status.dat and also NDO. The Livestatus Module does not only

allow extremely fast access to the status of your services and hosts, it

does also provide live data (which status.dat does not). Also - unlike NDO -

Livestatus does not cost you even measurable CPU performance, does not need

any disk space and also needs no configuration.


Livestatus is neccessary when you want to use Multisite. It is also

the preferred backend for NagVis.


Please answer ‘yes‘, if you want to compile and integrate the

Livestatus module into your Nagios. You need ‘make‘ and the GNU

C++ compiler installed in order to do this:

( previous  --> yes):


Nagios / Icinga version

The version is required for the compilation of the livestatus module.

Depending on the major version (3 or 4) different nagios headers are included:

( previous  --> 4.0.6):


check_mk‘s binary modules

Directory for architecture dependent binary libraries and plugins

of check_mk:

( previous  --> /usr/lib/check_mk):


Unix socket for Livestatus

The Livestatus Module provides Nagios status data via a unix

socket. This is similar to the Nagios command pipe, but allows

bidirectional communication. Please enter the path to that pipe.

It is recommended to put it into the same directory as Nagios‘

command pipe:

( previous  --> /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live):


Backends for other systems

Directory where to put backends and configuration examples for

other systems. Currently this is only Nagvis, but other might follow


( previous  --> /usr/share/check_mk/livestatus):




  7) Check_MK Event Console                                             



Install Event Console

The Check_MK Event Console is a full featured event processing

module that integrates with Multisite. It has an own daemon and

several methods for retrieving events. It even has an integrated

syslog daemon.  Please answer ‘yes‘, if you want to enable the

Event Console.:

( previous  --> no):





You have chosen the following directories:


 Executable programs             /usr/bin                               

 Check_MK configuration          /etc/check_mk                          

 Check_MK software               /usr/share/check_mk                    

 documentation                   /usr/share/doc/check_mk                

 check manuals                   /usr/share/doc/check_mk/checks         

 working directory of Check_MK   /var/lib/check_mk                      

 extensions for agents           /usr/lib/check_mk_agent                

 configuration dir for agents    /etc/check_mk                          

 Name of Nagios user             nagios                                 

 User of Apache process          apache                                 

 Common group of Nagios+Apache   nagcmd                                 

 Nagios binary                   /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios           

 Nagios main configuration file  /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg       

 Nagios object directory         /usr/local/nagios/etc/check_mk.d       

 Nagios startskript              /etc/init.d/nagios                     

 Nagios command pipe             /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd    

 Check results directory         /usr/local/nagios/var/spool/checkresults

 Nagios status file              /usr/local/nagios/var/status.dat       

 Path to check_icmp              /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_icmp   

 URL Prefix for Web addons       /                                      

 Apache config dir               /etc/httpd/conf.d                      

 HTTP authentication file        /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users   

 HTTP AuthName                   Nagios Access                          

 PNP4Nagios templates            /usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/templates  

 RRD files                       /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata     

 rrdcached socket                /tmp/rrdcached.sock                    

 compile livestatus module       yes                                    

 Nagios / Icinga version         4.0.6                                  

 check_mk‘s binary modules       /usr/lib/check_mk                      

 Unix socket for Livestatus      /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live          

 Backends for other systems      /usr/share/check_mk/livestatus         

 Install Event Console           no                                     



Proceed with installation (y/n)? y

(Compiling MK Livestatus......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................)

Installation completed successfully.

Please restart Nagios and Apache in order to update/active check_mk‘s web pages.


You can access the new Multisite GUI at http://localhost/check_mk/






Livestatus problem:Cannot connect to ‘unix:/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live‘:[Error 13]Permission denied



Cannot connect to ‘unix:/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live‘: [Errno 13] Permission denied

Livestatus problem: Cannot connect to ‘unix:/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live‘: [Errno 13] Permission denied


默认的live文件权限是:srw-rw---- 1 nagios nagios 0 Aug 12 16:30 live

#vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg


broker_module=/usr/lib/check_mk/livestatus.o /usr/local//nagios/var/rw/live

#usermod -G apache,nagios,nagcmd nagios

#usermod -G apache,nagios,nagcmd apache

#service nagios restart

#tail /usr/local//nagios/var/nagios.log 

本身,执行chmod 777 live文件就可以解决,或者是chown -R nagios:apache live,因为这个socket文件是apache用户组写的,或者直接将apache用户加入到nagiosnagcmd用户组,但是,最好的方法是将apache用户加到nagios用户组。

如果是采用的赋权修改live的方式,因为每次重启nagios,都会重新生成这个live文件,所以最好在nagios的启动脚本里面加入chown -R nagios:apache live命令






#rpm -ivh check_mk-agent-1.2.5i5p2-1.noarch.rpm


#vim /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk

修改only_from = “监控端IP”(服务端IP


#service xinedt restart





修改only_from = “监控端IP”(服务端IP




#vim /etc/check_mk/


all_hosts = [, ]



#check_mk -I


df                8 new checks

logwatch          14 new checks           2 new checks

systemtime        2 new checks

uptime            2 new checks

winperf_phydisk   2 new checks

winperf_processor.util 2 new checks

#check_mk -O


Generating Nagios configuration...OK

Validating Nagios configuration...OK

Precompiling host checks...OK

Reloading Nagios...OK




#vim /etc/check_mk/

将admin_users = [ "nagiosadmin" ]   修改为登陆到nagios的用户名,即htpasswd定义的用户名,我这里是admin

admin_users = [ "nagios" ]





Waring:This plugin must be either run as root or setuid root"



#chown root:nagios check_icmp

#chmod u+s check_icmp



如果是少量机器,个人更推荐是从web界面配置主机,web配置主机之后,也需要执行check_mk -I,check_mk -O,但是,不需要收到修改客户端的配置文件的only_from

对于从web界面直接添加主机的方法,点击左下角的一个Hosts & Folders按钮,点击New host即可,如下:








下一篇:Android 简介:Android SDK 和开发框架简介