Android 高级 Jackson Marshalling(serialize)/Unmarshalling(deserialize)


  • 高级 Jackson Marshalling

Serialize Only Fields that meet a Custom Criteria with Jackson

Serialize Enums as JSON Objects

JsonMappingException (No serializer found for class)

Jackson – Custom Serializer

  • 高级 Jackson Unmarshalling

Unmarshall to Collection/Array

Jackson – Custom Deserializer

  • 参考资料


高级 Jackson Marshalling

Learn advanced serialization configuration and tuning to deal with conditions, various data types and custom Jackson exceptions.

This tutorial is going to illustrate how we can use Jackson to only serialize a field if it meets a specific, custom criteria.

For example, say we only want to serialize an integer value if it’s positive – and we want to skip it entirely if it’s not.

Serialize Only Fields that meet a Custom Criteria with Jackson

Serialize Enums as JSON Objects

JsonMappingException (No serializer found for class)

Jackson – Custom Serializer

高级 Jackson Unmarshalling

Unmarshall to Collection/Array

Jackson – Custom Deserializer


Android 高级 Jackson Marshalling(serialize)/Unmarshalling(deserialize),布布扣,

Android 高级 Jackson Marshalling(serialize)/Unmarshalling(deserialize)

