
The OHIF Viewer is a zero-footprint medical image viewer provided by the Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF). It is a configurable and extensible progressive web application with out-of-the-box support for image archives which support DICOMweb.




The Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF) Viewer is an open source, web-based, medical imaging viewer. It can be configured to connect to Image Archives that support DicomWeb, and offers support for mapping to proprietary API formats. OHIF maintained extensions add support for viewing, annotating, and reporting on DICOM images in 2D (slices) and 3D (volumes).


The OHIF Viewer: A general purpose DICOM Viewer (Live Demo)

The Open Health Imaging Foundation intends to provide a simple general purpose DICOM Viewer which can be easily extended for specific uses. If you find yourself unable to extend the viewer for your purposes, please reach out via our GitHub issues. We are actively seeking feedback on ways to improve our integration and extension points.

Where to next?

Check out these helpful links:

Getting Started


Fork & Clone

If you intend to contribute back changes, or if you would like to pull updates we make to the OHIF Viewer, then follow these steps:

  • Fork the OHIF/Viewers repository
  • Create a local clone of your fork
    • git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/Viewers
  • Add OHIF/Viewers as a remote repository labled upstream
    • Navigate to the cloned project's directory
    • git remote add upstream https://github.com/OHIF/Viewers.git

With this setup, you can now sync your fork to keep it up-to-date with the upstream (original) repository. This is called a "Triangular Workflow" and is common for Open Source projects. The GitHub blog has a good graphic that illustrates this setup.


Alternatively, if you intend to use the OHIF Viewer as a starting point, and you aren't as concerned with syncing updates, then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the OHIF/Viewers repository
  2. Click Clone or download, and then Download ZIP
  3. Use the contents of the .zip file as a starting point for your viewer

NOTE: It is still possible to sync changes using this approach. However, submitting pull requests for fixes and features are best done with the separate, forked repository setup described in "Fork & Clone"



  • Node.js & NPM
  • Yarn
  • Yarn workspaces should be enabled:
    • yarn config set workspaces-experimental true

Kick the tires

Navigate to the root of the project's directory in your terminal and run the following commands:

# Restore dependencies
yarn install

# Start local development server
yarn run dev

You should see the following output:

@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:3000/
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from D:\code\ohif\Viewers\platform\viewer
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /index.html

# And a list of all generated files


下一篇:OHIF Viewer 开发笔记(一):添加启动页面