有些时候,我们可能会遇到IOS XE设备的high memory的情况。我们可以使用的命令去查看相关信息。
Router# show version
Router# show memory
Router# show processes memory
Router# show platform software status control-processor brief
Router# show platform resources
Router# show processes memory platform sorted
show ver不用说明了,查看设备的软件版本,运行时间、physical memory、flash memory等情况。
1、show memory
Cisco IOS守护进程中的系统内存使用情况。
Cisco IOSd runs as its own process and it allocates memory from the system. It uses its own memory manager for features running within Cisco IOSd. In general, Cisco IOSd is allowed to use a maximum of approximately ? of the total system memory. However, it uses less system memory depending on the configuration. IOS will consume (消耗) system memory as needed to satisfy memory requests for features within Cisco IOSd. To do this, it uses a feature referred to as Cisco IOSd Dynamic Heap (dHeap). With dHeap, Cisoc IOS will request memory from the operating system based on demand as indicated by the dHeap output indicated in the show memory command.
要查找Cisco IOSd正在使用的系统内存总量,请使用Cisco IOS XE系统内存命令。
Router# show memory
show processes命令显示有关活动进程的信息。 使用show processes memory命令显示Cisco IOSd中使用的内存量。
对于Cisco 4400系列ISR平台,数据平面DRAM位于2GB DIMM上,如上所述,它与系统DRAM内存物理分离。 大多数数据平面DRAM用于系统目的。 大约750 MB用于缓冲,另外750 MB用于存储运行数据平面分组转发过程的微代码。 剩余的512 MB用于EXMEM,它是允许实际数据包处理和功能扩展的动态内存。