1. 简单测试局域网中的电脑是否连通.这些电脑的ip范围从192.168.0.101到192.168.0.200
import subprocess cmd="cmd.exe" begin=101 end=200 while begin<end: p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write("ping 192.168.1."+str(begin)+"\n") p.stdin.close() p.wait() print "execution result: %s"%p.stdout.read()
2. Python 字符串简单处理:
word="abcdefg" a=word[2] print "a is: "+a b=word[1:3] print "b is: "+b # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print "c is: "+c # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print "d is: "+d # All elements of word. e=word[:2]+word[2:] print "e is: "+e # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print "f is: "+f # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print "g is: "+g # index -3 and -4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print "h is: "+h # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print "i is: "+i # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print "Length of word is: "+ str(l)
3. Python --- List 的用法
word=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] a=word[2] print "a is: "+a b=word[1:3] print "b is: " print b # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print "c is: " print c # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print "d is: " print d # All elements of word. e=word[:2]+word[2:] print "e is: " print e # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print "f is: " print f # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print "g is: " print g # index 3 and 4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print "h is: " print h # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print "i is: " print i # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print "Length of word is: "+ str(l) print "Adds new element" word.append('h') print word
4. Python的条件循环语句:
# Multi-way decision x=int(raw_input("Please enter an integer:")) if x<0: x=0 print "Negative changed to zero" elif x==0: print "Zero" else: print "More" # Loops List a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for x in a: print x, len(x)
5. Python 的函数定义:
# Define and invoke function. def sum(a,b): return a+b func = sum r = func(5,6) print r # Defines function with default argument def add(a,b=2): return a+b r=add(1) print r r=add(1,5) print r #Defines multi argument return def sub(): a=1 b=2 return a,b m,n=sub() print("m=",m,"n=",n) m=sub()[0] n=sub()[1] print("m=",m,"n=",n) # The range() function a =range(5,10) print a
6. Python 文件基本处理:
#txt文件 spath="D:/download/aaa.txt" f=open(spath,"w") # Opens file for writing.Creates this file doesn't exist. f.write("First line 1.\n") f.writelines("First line 2.") f.close() f=open(spath,"r") # Opens file for reading for line in f: print line f.close() #word 文件 w = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application') # 后台运行,不显示,不警告 w.Visible = 0 w.DisplayAlerts = 0 # 打开新的文件 filenamein="" filenameout="" doc = w.Documents.Open(FileName=filenamein) # 打印 doc.PrintOut() # 关闭 # doc.Close() w.Documents.Close(wc.wdDoNotSaveChanges) w.Quit()
7. Python 异常处理:
s=raw_input("Input your age:") if s =="": raise Exception("Input must no be empty.") try: i=int(s) except ValueError: print "Could not convert data to an integer." except: print "Unknown exception!" else: # It is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception print "You are %d" % i," years old" finally: # Clean up action print "Goodbye!"
8. Python 类和继承:
class Base: def __init__(self): self.data = [] def add(self, x): self.data.append(x) def addtwice(self, x): self.add(x) self.add(x) # Child extends Base class Child(Base): def plus(self,a,b): return a+b oChild =Child() oChild.add("str1") print oChild.data print oChild.plus(2,3)
9. Python 包机制
# a.py def add_func(a,b): return a+b # b.py from a import add_func # Also can be : import a print "Import add_func from module a" print "Result of 1 plus 2 is: " print add_func(1,2) # If using "import a" , then here should be "a.add_func"
module可以定义在包里面.Python定义包的方式稍微有点古怪,假设我们有一个parent文件夹,该文件夹有一个child子文件夹.child中有一个module a.py . 如何让Python知道这个文件层次结构?很简单,每个目录都放一个名为_init_.py 的文件.该文件内容可以为空.这个层次结构如下所示:
-- __init_.py
-- __init_.py
import sys
print sys.path
print sys.path
通常我们可以将module的包路径放到环境变量PYTHONPATH中,该环境变量会自动添加到sys.path属性.另一种方便的方法是编程中直接指定我们的module路径到sys.path 中:
import sys sys.path.append('D:\\download') from parent.child.a import add_func print sys.path print "Import add_func from module a" print "Result of 1 plus 2 is: " print add_func(1,2)